defenders of the faith

30 resultados para defenders of the faith

  • Sacralizing the Secular. The Ethno-fundamentalist movements

    Religious fundamentalist movements regard the secular state as an enemy because it claims to codify its power as if God did not exist. Those movements consider their religion the repository of absolute truth, the ultimate source legitimizing human laws. Therefore, although they are postsecular, at the same time they endeavor to transform religious principles into political agendas. Indeed,...

    ... objectives in the attempt to assert the primacy of their own faith over that of others. They move within contemporary societies in the name ... God’s will, they consider themselves true believers and defenders of the faith. Referring to suicide bombers and the violent radicalization ...
  • O evangelho do metal segundo o companheiro rob halford
    ... A turnê também comemora os 30 anos do disco "Defenders of the faith", um clássico da banda ... - É um show pesado, rápido, ...
  • A revolução das comunicações, o fenômeno da internet e as redes sociais
    ... op. cit. p. 179. 113. Cf. CHINESE Human Rights Defenders. China: Journey to the heart of Internet censorship. Investigative Report ... held liable on account of (A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or ...
  • Indigenous rights in South America: observance with inter-american standards/Derechos ind
    ... Moreover, the situation of defenders is more endangered. Both the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human ... Also, the doctrine is related to the principles of good faith, effectiveness and pacta sunt servanda, according to articles 26 and 27 of ...
  • Partiti politici a orientamento religioso nelle democrazie pluralistiche europee: profili problematici e strumenti di regolazione

    L’articolo si interroga sulla possibilità, per le democrazie costituzionali europee, di adottare discipline giuridiche restrittive nei confronti dei "partiti a orientamento religioso", o di partiti laici che ricorrono ad argomenti religiosi in funzione di mobilitazione ideologica, posto il carattere fondamentale della libertà di espressione e di associazione politica in un contesto segnato dal...

    ... Faith in politics: religion and liberal democracy ... New York: Cambridge ... 4/2014, e STANLEY, Benjamin. Defenders of the Cross. Populist Politics and Religion in Post-Communist Poland ...
  • Latin american trans-individual suits
    ... insulting to his faith and sought an opportunity to respond on air. The judicial majority ... § 1536 (2000). Luján v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 572-573 (1992). Nonetheless, the tribunal has ...
  • Inglés
    ... they will acquire world dominion and will succeed in imposing their faith and their authority over the whole earth. They strain towards this ... 4 rhythmic crescendo to psych them up to fight and die. The defenders crouched behind their makeshift barricades, ... listening to the eerie ...
  • Case of the Xukuru Indigenous People v. Brazil: A procedural trajectory before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights./Caso Povo Ind
    ... was included in the Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, and in 2009, the Xukuru people made their last reclaiming of territory ... lands have been legitimately transferred to third parties in good faith; 4) In the case of transfer to third parties in good faith, after the ...
  • The unbundled union politics without collective bargaining

    Public policy in the United States is disproportionately responsive to the wealthy, and the traditional response to this problem, campaign finance regulation, has failed. As students of politics have long recognized, however, political influence flows not only from wealth but also from organization, a form of political power open to all income groups. Accordingly, as this Essay argues, a...

    ... “public lobbyists along the model of public defenders in criminal proceedings.” Bruce E. Cain, More or Less: Searching for ... to payroll deduction as evidence of a failure to bargain in good faith. 116 In some states, dues payments can be required as a condition of ...
  • Natural Law: Classic and Modern?

    Natural Law was, in its many aspects, the philosophy of Law of the Western World, at least, during centuries. A general change of paradigm is making it a sleeping beauty in a beautiful castle surrounded by high and wild vegetation. If we want to wake up Natural Law from its persistent dream, we must face some myths about it, and deconstruct them. And try to build not a modern Natural law against...

    ... The religious one tends to identify Natural Law with some faith or moral rules, like the Decalogue of Moses. That version has a curious ... On the other hand, modern defenders of human rights either do not know those old rights or distrust them, ...
  • The law of words: standing, environment, and other contested terms
    ... Morton, 405 U.S. 727, 735 (1972)); Lujan v. Defenders of ... Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 562-63 (1992). 5 See infra Part IV.A ... This precipitated a crisis of faith in ... 208 33 U.S.C. 11362(6) (2000). 209 See, e.g., Laidlaw IV, 528 ...
  • Acórdão Nº 0012407-61.2021.8.27.2722 do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Tocantins, 21-09-2022
  • Liberdade cognitiva: um novo direito humano nascido da inteligência artificial

    When the manipulation of the human brain activity is a real possibility as it happens nowadays, a minimum of ethical values should be respected and incorporated into international and domestic Law. These rules shall aim to regulate the application of neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence to the human brain. No State which claims to be respectful of human rights can exercise the power to...

    ... principles of bioethics: dignity, autonomy, integrity, good faith, vulnerability, free and informed consent, responsibility and justice. In ... Defenders of the right to cognitive freedom add that this process should not be ...
  • Transforming the legislative: a pending task of Brazilian and Colombian constitutionalism

    As Constituições do Brasil de 1988 e da Colômbia de 1991 deram início a um processo complexo de constitucionalismo transformativo associado à proteção de direitos e à inclusão de grupos minoritários. Apesar do papel proeminente do Judiciário nesses processos, deve-se afirmar que essas Constituições reconheceram a importância do Poder Legislativo dentro das transformações que buscam alcançar. A...

    ... 6 DALY, Tom Gerald. The Alchemists : Questioning our Faith in Courts as Democracy-Builders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ... on constitutional grounds 41 ... Furthermore, even defenders of judicial review, as Waluchow, call the attention on the need to ...
  • In search of a theory for supporting resistance to predatory neoliberalism in the 21St Century
    ... ][g21][g24][g192][notdef] produces mass poverty and misery, the defenders of this defunct system also started gathering force to capture the high ... 115-137, julho de 2014 ... 126 Suranjit Kumar Saha ... I have faith of the guerrilla, and love of the revolution And between the Evangelical ...
  • The Anthropocene: a new frame of studies and its limits

    This article is a commentary on an article by Patrícia Vieira published in the current issue of Esboços: histórias em contextos globais, in which the author discusses the thesis that the idea of the annihilation of humanity could be read through the optic of a utopian perspective and not only from a dystopian view in the age of the Anthropocene. She uses the trilogy of the Canadian writer...

    ... also considers the hypothesis pointed by some authors of the lack of faith for a meaningful change in society. Some other ideas raised by Vieira stem ... The defenders of geo-engineering could be included in this group, for instance, as well ...
  • The birth of the right to alterity in the city

    With the Protestant Reform and the great navigations, the consideration about the other and with the different one, goes through changes, especially against the ones considered infidels and the natives of the New World. On the other hand, in the sixteenth century, the Iberian Peninsula lived the Golden Age, with the rebirth of Scholasticism and the flourishing of important juridical universities,

    ... its brightness: the awareness of the need to rethink the Christian faith in the face of the problems of the new times, such as Reform and Modern ... Such theses were used insistently by the defenders of the indigenous submission and the taking of the American lands. For ...
  • Hans Kelsen and the reductio ad Hitlerum: reflections on the incompatibility between legal positivism and political totalitarianism
    ... fanaticism of a blind faith. These partisans dismiss any method or scientific formalism and, through a ... as an instrument for the extraction of truth, does not deter defenders of human dignity to vastly quote the Summa Theologica ... And what to say ...
  • Dilemmas of justice on the legal transplantation of united statesanti-corruption institutes into brazilian law

    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar sob uma perspectiva diferente as Dez Medidas Contra a Corrupção, elaboradas por membros do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) que compõem a Força Tarefa da Operação Lava Jato em Curitiba. Dentre as diversas medidas propostas, serão objeto de análise três institutos jurídicos anticorrupção norte-americanos que o MPF pretende transpor para o direito brasileiro....

    ... to evidence’s illegality, which takes into account the good faith of the police officer, or of whoever presents illegal evidence along with ... and the end of impunity and, on the other hand, the fears of the defenders of threats to constitutional guarantees, such as the due process of law ...
  • The Role of the Judicial Branch in Brazilian Rule of Law Erosion

    The rule of law is the central milestone of modern democratic states. There is a gap, however, between what is on the constitutional texts and the lived-in world. The scholars use to concentrate their focus on the Executive Branch’s role (and, sometimes, of Legislative Power) in situations of disregard of the Constitution. However, we chose to target the Judicial Branch and its decisions as...

    ... Law (or Law of War) Lawfare is a practice “that erodes the good faith application of the laws and customs of warfare is illegitimate and ... 67 A common yet paradoxical concentration of defenders of Operation Car Wash and supporters of Jair Bolsonaro inside the same set ...
  • Elisão fiscal e valor da firma: evidências do Brasil

    This paper investigates the relation between corporate tax avoidance and firm value in Brazil. Although one might expect that tax avoidance activities result in shareholder value generation, alternative theories suggest this is not always the case; implicit agency costs have been recently detected by the literature, may exceed the tax saving benefits, causing shareholder value destruction instead.

    ... more aggressive and less sustainable tax positions than Defenders. Thus, their business strategy measure appears not only to capture ... After all, if there is any evidence that the management acts in bad faith against the government at some extent, it may be prone to act in bad faith ...
  • Judicial federalism in the United States: structure, jurisdiction and operation

    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o federalismo no Poder Judiciário dos Estados Unidos. Para isso, realiza uma comparação entre as competências e a autonomia das cortes estaduais e federais, concluindo que o modelo adotado no Judiciário é muito parecido com aquele seguido no âmbito executivo e legislativo. Analisa, ainda, o fenômeno da federalização no âmbito mais específico do Direito

    ... and operation of state courts: Article IV requires that “full faith and credit…be given in each State to the …judicial Proceedings of ... Defenders of Wildlife , 504 U.S. 555 (1992). On the restriction on taxpayer suits, ...
  • Seis Graus de Separação: das ações derivativas às ações coletivas de acionistas

    Trans-individual litigation has revolutionized modern law. Specifically, corporate law has partaken in this phenomenon. For instance, derivative suits allow individuals to sue for a large collectivity in relation to corporate matters. This paper aims to analyze this derivative suits, comparing then to shareholder class actions, explaining that the two procedures resemble each other only...

    ... the directors of a corporation acted on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests ... Ct. 1436 (2011) ... 132 Id ... at 1442 (quoting Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 560 n.1 (1992)) ... 133 131 S. Ct. 2355 ...
  • Conventionality control and Amendment 95/2016: a Brazilian case of unconstitutional constitutional amendment

    O presente artigo apresenta reflexão acerca da Emenda Constitucional n. 95/2016, que estabeleceu o Novo Regime Fiscal e, com ele, o teto de gastos públicos no Brasil pelo período de vinte anos, o que traz consequências graves aos serviços públicos brasileiros. A hipótese defendida no estudo é de que a EC n. 95/2016 é uma emenda constitucional inconstitucional, uma vez que viola a essência de...

    ... 352 ... 2 DALY, Tom Gerald. The Alchemists: Questioning our Faith in Courts as Democracy-Builders ... Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ... Although there are defenders of the Amendment 95, it is important to recognize that a supposed balance ...
  • The resurgence of old forms in the exploitation of natural resources: the colonial ontology of the prior consultation principle

    The need to deal with anthropogenic effects over the environment surfaced in the 1960´s mainly due to accidents all over the world with severe impacts on the environment. Therefore, International Environmental Law gained traction and international institutions legitimacy based on the universality of the formation of International Law and the objectivity and neutrality of the science, generating...

    ... and which shall be consulted as soon as practicable and in good faith. 3 ... Upon these initial considerations, the central argument of ... them inappropriate for water consumption… The appeal of the defenders of the dam again was not the argument, but the rhetoric and the ...

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