
27 resultados para egregious

  • Caráter punitivo, além de compensatório?
    ... No original: “ Thus, BMW’s conduct was not sufficiently egregious" to ... 1082.02-4 DANO-PES ... Como principal resultado dessa decisão a Suprema Corte tem reiterado, desde então, que a due process clause imp\xC3" ...
  • Assessing Strategic Litigation Impact on Human Rights.
    ... of enforced disappearance in Argentina, the recognition of apartheid in systematic violations against the Palestinians and framing egregious violations against indigenous and rural communities in Guatemala as genocide ... After presenting her framework for assessing the complexities of ...
  • O impeachment em visão comparada Brasil - Estados Unidos

    El texto aborda el instituto del impeachment a partir del trabajo seminal de los padres fundadores norteamericanos. Confluyó para su incorporación en el derecho constitucional brasileño y critica la ausencia de standards doctrinarios capaces de establecer su conformidad con el sistema de gobierno presidencialista. Apunta para el hecho de que, en Brasil, el impeachment haya servido de arma...

    ... Diferenças políticas não recaem sob o escopo do impeachment ... 39 Cass Sunstein elege o adjetivo egregious para qualificar o nível de seriedade das ações sujeitas ao impeachment , adensando o aramado da peneira para não deixar passar qualquer coisa ...
  • Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior
    ... Facebook’s explanation for not treating this activity as CIB was that “CIB is reserved for the most egregious violations, and this didn’t meet the threshold because the accounts weren’t fake” (douek, 2020). Thus, the definition of ‘coordinated ...
  • Eficiência regulatória no âmbito econômico-empresarial: um paralelo entre os modelos norte-americano e brasileiro

    O problema da presente pesquisa é perquirir sobre a natureza e a eficácia dos modelos norte-americano e brasileiro de regulação jurídica da economia, com foco no mercado de capitais, resgatando os elementos históricos de formulação desses sistemas à luz da matriz jurídica da Law and Economics. Para tanto foram analisados dados estatísticos e produções científicas sobre a U.S. Securities and...

    ... 39 ... DOUTRINA & ATUALIDADES ... violated the rules in an egregious way, it may decide that the case should be criminal.” 35 No caso do Brasil, o poder normativo da CVM para regular os agentes de mercado e aplicar ...
  • Requisitos objetivos e subjetivos dos Punitive Damages: crítérios à aplicação no direito brasileiro

    Realiza pesquisa que parte do pressuposto de que os punitive damages têm cabimento no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Procura os requisitos objetivos e subjetivos dos punitive damages na experiência jurídica norte-americana como base para auxiliar a prática jurídica brasileira. Traça o perfil de aplicação dos punitive damages nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Busca identificar elementos débeis na...

    ... a punitive damages award are ‘recklessness’, ‘reckless disregard’, ‘maliciousness’, ‘oppression’, reprehensibility’, ‘egregious or outrageous behavior’” ... 14 “[…] the same result had to be reached for the same problem […] obliged to ‘follow’ the earlier ...
  • Transitional justice: The reintegration of child soldiers through post-conflict methods of justice

    This paper, which examines the issue of child soldiers, is based, among other things, on the research and study strategy of the United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and on the priorities of the Machel Study. Here, national and international law will be applied to countries where children are recruited by armed groups....

    ... to put an end to impunity, prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children and exclude, where feasible, these crimes from amnesty provisions and relevant legislation… ... ECONOMIC ...
  • Punitive damages em sistemas civilistas: problemas e perspectivas
    ... Although often requested, exemplary damages are seldom awarded. There have been major awards in egregious (remarkable or outstanding) cases, such as fraud schemes, sexual harassment or other intentional and vicious actions even when the provable actual ...
  • Vinculação dos árbitros aos precedentes judiciais

    Guilherme Amaral: Vinculação dos árbitros aos precedentes judiciais

    ... “Only an arbitrator's explicit rejection of controlling precedent or willful flouting of governing law or some similar egregious impropriety suffices to justify judicial vacatur of an arbitration award (Williams v. Mexican Restaurant, Inc. United States District Court, E.D ...
  • Constitutional Law around the globe: judicial review in the United States and the 'writ of certiorari

    Este artigo, analisando o “writ of certiorari” no Direito Constitucional dos Estados Unidos, é o segundo da série “Direito Constitucional ao Redor do Globo”. Esta parte da série tem por foco “O Controle Judicial de Constitucionalidade e Filtros de Acesso a Cortes Constitucionais e Supremas”. O primeiro trabalho, publicado no ano de 2019, tratou da Questão Prioritária de Constitucionalidade na...

    ... 40 Thus, such use of certiorari is really rare and only granted when the Court considers the need to correct egregious errors. 41 According to Rule 10, a “[a] petition for a writ of certiorari is rarely granted when the asserted error consists of erroneous factual ...
  • A precariedade do trabalho temporário de imigrantes: como a lei inibe reclamações destes trabalhadores

    Este artigo apresenta uma comparação sistemática de cada grupo de trabalhadores imigrantes nos Estados Unidos, baseando-se em uma revisão da literatura existente e em um novo estudo, para examinar os desafios enfrentados por cada conjunto de imigrantes. Concluímos que diferenças específicas nas categorias de leis de imigração dos EUA podem moldar a maneira como os imigrantes interagem com regimes

    ... Undoubtedly, a feeling of powerlessness can inhibit employee claimsmaking against an employer, even in cases of the most egregious of workplace law violations. In the analysis below, we build on Anderson’s work, which suggests that a worker’s immigration status can enhance ...
  • Explaining state constitutional changes

    O artigo tem o objetivo de analisar os fundamentos e os métodos de alteração das Constituições estaduais nos Estados Unidos. Reconhece um certo padrão nos processos politicos de mudança das Constituições estaduais, mas também destaca que, em cada caso, alguns grupos sociais específicos atuam de modo mais intenso. Além disso, analisa como forças políticas externas podem influenciar as alterações...

    ... , although here the judiciary was seen as a possible threat to those values rather than as an ally enforcing them.30 A particularly egregious recent example of a political elite seeking to control state constitutional change for its own advantage occurred in Louisiana in 1992, when ...
  • The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and its ancient ghosts: comparison, history and the ever-present need to fight authoritarianism

    O Brasil enfrenta uma de suas crises políticas mais severas desde 2016, com vários impactos em seu processo gradual de democratização. Neste contexto, o principal argumento neste trabalho é que muitos dos fantasmas que assustam a sociedade brasileira no século XXI são heranças diretas de um passado não-resolvido (pré-constitucional), cujos riscos podem ser fortemente percebidos e cuja solução é...

    ... Amid the almost daily revelations of egregious corruption by the country’s political elite, Bolsonaro’s unblemished record on graft has only added to his appeal among a disenchanted ...
  • The progressive era of constitutional amendment

    Neste ensaio, explora-se a motivação que ensejou a 17ª Emenda à Constituição dos Estados Unidos, que foi em grande medida impulsionada por um esforço para combater a corrupção nas eleições senatoriais. Inicia-se explorando a dificuldade de alteração formal da Constituição nos Estados Unidos. São então explicadas as regras de alteração formal e analisados brevemente os estudos empíricos que...

    ... the seven gave confessions in open court.100 This extraordinary case of corruption is not representative; it appears to have been the most egregious example that came to light at the time ... But David Schleicher questions the corruption narrative that is thought to have prompted the move from ...
  • The law of words: standing, environment, and other contested terms

    Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services (TOC), Inc., 528 U.S. 167 (2000), exposes fundamental incoherencies within environmental standing doctrine, even while it ostensibly makes standing easier to prove for plaintiffs in environmental citizen suits. According to Laidlaw, an environmental plaintiff needs only to show personal injury to satisfy Article ill’s standing...

    ... As a result, they enforce selectively, focusing on only the most egregious violations 220 ... This selective enforcement means that regulated entities would have little to fear if their violations did not reach a level where ...
  • Legal design and reporting harassment: preliminary considerations on the comparative efficacy of u.s. and Brazilian sexual harassment law

    Laws against sexual harassment have been called “a feminist success story” (Zippel 2003). The creation of legal prohibitions against the histo ic and still widespread abuse of sexual harassment indeed represents a stirring story of innovation, both in the United States,where the problem was first dealt with as a legal matter, and now as a nearly universally recognized social problem. The...

    ... civil courts, the ease of use of the courts make them available for disputes of a less egregious nature ... Problems with using Brazilian employment law as an enforcement mechanism against sexual harassment are nonetheless numerous, beginning ...
  • Rebuilding Judicial Capacity with Enchanted Tools

    Part I: Foundational and Transformational Approaches to the Rule of Law. Part II: The Role of Hybrid Courts in Reconstruction. The Rule of Law after International Intervention. B. Hybrid Courts. C. Building the Rule of Law Through Hybrid Courts. Part III: Transitional Justice and Reconstruction. Retribution. Reconciliation and Rehabilitation. Social Pedagogy. Part IV: How Transitional Justice...

    ... adversarial proceedings, de facto presumptions of guilt, biased selections of judges and jurors, selectivity, coercive plea bargaining and egregious delays of justice. The most obvious example is the post-war International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. Again, it was an all-Allied ...
  • Obstacles in legally protecting farm animals in the United States as animal rights abuses and environmental degradation

    O artigo aborda questões relacionadas às forças dos lobbies agrícolas e farmacêuticas para manter o status quo na sociedade norteamericana. Desta forma, temas relacionados aos direitos dos animais e ambientais serão discutidas através do enfoque do consumo da carne. Este paper busca, assim, através da de uma visão multidisciplinar e jurídica, apresentar as principais normas de proteção dos...

    ... the mistreatment of farm animals, until society really sees animals as more than just a means to their ends and a resource for them to use, egregious animal abuse at factory farmsȱ andȱ otherȱ seĴingsȱ willȱ continueǰȱ asȱ humanȱ desiresȱ willȱ continuouslyȱbeȱputȱęrstǯȱ ...

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