
611 resultados para traditions

  • Sociocultural gaps and the ways of their elimination during foreign language study

    In order to take part in the intercultural communication of students, an idea of national traditions, cultural values, customs, and realities of the studied language country must be developed. Lacunae are the gaps in knowledge of the country and the people culture who speak the language being studied. When you work with lacunae, it is necessary to check the correct understanding of their meaning...

    ... Elena D. Chelakova4Abstract: In order to take part in the intercultural communication of students, an idea of national traditions, cultural values, customs, and realities of the studied language country must be developed. Lacunae are the gaps in knowledge of the country and the ...
  • Ecology of russian political discourse: problem statement

    The article offers a comparative description of typological mechanisms for political communicative practice and methods of verbal explication of its axiological and symbolic constituents, determining mental universals of individual/collective consciousness. The research position is based on the system multilevel analysis of the component structure of discourse in order to identify and...

    ... in it and communicative traditions of the universum as a whole ... Keywords: political discourse, ecolinguistics, legitimate and illegitimate political practices, social and ...
  • Binding precedents in brazil: how common law tradition can help bring stability and coherence
    ... The article concludes by pointing out how some common law traditions can help Brazil to better implement a system of binding judicial precedents ... KEYWORDS: Binding precedents. Common law and Brazil. Stability ...
  • Sagit ramiyev's dramaturgy in literary and cultural context during the beginning of the xxth century
    ... Ramiev’s plays. Along with this, attention is paid to the traditions that provide a connection with the literary and historical periods of the national art of words, as well as to the identification of individual ...
  • The social flow of historical narratives and its many names

    This paper is a first, partial, and short exposition of a larger research project on the phenomenon of the social flow of historical narratives, which is named for the first time here. It presents a preliminary analysis of four different Western scholar traditions that arose at the end of the twentieth century to understand this phenomenon, although the representatives of these traditions were...

    ... It presents a preliminary analysis of four diႇerent Western scholar traditions that arose at the end of the twentieth century to understand this phenomenon, although the representatives of these traditions were not completely ...
  • The language features of social media

    In Azerbaijan, as in many other countries, the number of internet users increases day by day. This means that Azerbaijani language spreads in the virtual space as the main communication language of these users. Issues of language usage cause several specific reasons in the virtual world. This creates new language trends linked to the social media phenomenon. Language in the virtual world is not...

    ... , which we can observe in the virtual space, can both create new perspectives and incur some danger for preserving national linguistic traditions. Also, because of ... 1 Institute of Linguistics of ANAS named after Nasimi, Baku,Azerbaijan. E:mail ... using social media ...
  • Development of education manager's professionalism

    Modernization processes in the sphere of modern Russian education actualize the need to train education managers capable of professional management of innovative development of educational systems. The existing continuous pedagogical education in Russia does not provide for systematic training of education managers to manage the development of educational systems (headteachers, their deputies,...

    ... manager’s professionalism are: creative development of the theory and experience of domestic pedagogical culture, understanding of traditions and prospects of development of the education system; predicting, designing and implementing innovative changes in the training of education managers ...
  • Repentance in penance punishments

    In Islamic sources, including verses of the Quran and traditions, as well as viewpoints of various religions such as Christianity and Judaism, repentance has been considered to have a high position, in a way that it has been known as salvation and prosperity of mankind. In accordance with religious sources, Islamic Penal Code of 2013 stated the repentance as one of the rules of public criminal...

    ... Siamak Jafarzadeh 2 ... Mohammad Hassan Javadi 3 ... Abstract: In Islamic sources, including verses of the Quran and traditions, as well as viewpoints of various religions such as Christianity and Judaism, repentance has been considered to have a high position, in a way that ...
  • The folkloric elements in the g. bashirov's works

    The article is devoted to the study of folkloric elements in the works of Tatar writer of the second half of the twentieth century, Gumer Bashirov. Verbal folklore reflects the spiritual world of the people, its ideals and dreams, values of life, centuries-old creative experience of the people, language features, poetic idea of the world. Also, folklore is unique in its form and content, themes...

    ... In the works, which depicts the spiritual world, the way of life of the people, their rural life, the use of folk traditions and elements is an integral part of the work of art. In the Tatar village prose, which includes the work of the studied writer, in order to reflect ...
  • Connecting Worlds, Connecting Narratives: Global History, Periodisation And The Year 751 Ce

    The objective of this article is to propose a historiographical exercise through a Global History approach, more precisely, Connected History, trying to understand aspects of pre-modern chronology from a different perspective regarding geographical limits and Eurocentric traditions. Starting from the Battle of Talas, famous for putting Arabs and Chinese against each other, I will establish a...

    ... History, trying to understand aspects of pre-modern chronology from a diႇerent perspective regarding geographical limits and Eurocentric traditions. Starting from the Battle of Talas, famous for putting Arabs and Chinese against each other, I will establish a connective narrative between East and ...
  • The paradox of development: environmental law and common goods in capitalism

    We can note the advanced stage of the process of globalization and homogenization of the world, which has in the global development project a strategic instrument. However, development is a contradictory concept whose limits are exposed by critical perspectives, a fundamental reflection, since it is the developmental discourse conceived within the capitalist logic and have as consequences the...

    ... conceived within the capitalist logic and have as consequences the planet environmental tragedy and the disappearance of peripheral traditions and cultures. Industrial design and logic of ownership, components of development discourses, is imposed on countries, redeining public policies and ...
  • The elements of tradition and modernism in nineteenth century azerbaijani literature: east - west thought and religious-mythological motives

    The literary orientation based on common principles is determined on the same cultural, ethical and aesthetic traditions, the same outlook, philosophy of life, related principles of creativity and the unified social, cultural and historical environment. Public and political views also usually act as a powerful driving force. The nineteenth century literature is one of the stages distinguished...

    ... Aytan Hajiyeva 1 Abstract : The literary orientation based on common principles is determined on the same cultural, ethical and aesthetic traditions, the same outlook, philosophy of life, related principles of creativity and the unified social, cultural and historical environment. Public and ...
  • Development of the economic social and economic doctrine in the works of musa Akiegetzadeh and use of its provisions in development of state regulation measures for multipolar economy

    Development of the Russian economy is accompanied by qualitative changes in the ethnonational sphere, what is manifested in the growth of the scales of integration processes, formation of interethnic and supranational regional civilizational communities and megaethnoses. The objective basis for these changes lies in the material and spiritual culture of peoples, but, as the practice of...

    ... and the founder of the system of economic views, in which the achievements of world and Russian economic science, as well as Islamic traditions were synthesized, and popularizer of these ideas in the Ottoman Empire in the era of Mesrutiat (Parliamentarism) and the following years. The thesis ...
  • Between agreement and disagreement: a search for the best conception of democratic jurisprudence

    The sense in which the idea of democracy should be understood becomes an important philosophical theme, due to the ever-closer relationship between democratic values and the institutionalization of the Rule of Law. In this sense, this paper, in the first section, will approach two conceptions of democracy: democracy as majoritarian decision-procedure, proposed by Jeremy Waldron, and democracy as...

    ... and legality proposed by Waldron seem more “compatible” with the democratic states which have a high degree of diversity of cultural traditions, as noted in Brazil, the model proposed by Habermas to explain the political process on the basis of the discursive theory of law provides a more ...
  • Legalization of non-traditional marriages as a factor undermining the moral basis of the family and leading to the rejection of christian values

    The goal of this research article is to demonstrate that non-traditional marriages not only undermine the moral basis of the institution of the family, and lead to the rejection of traditional values. In order to examine this problem, comparative analysis was chosen as the main research method. Through the exploration of international experience and comparing legal norms, repeating the same...

    ... Without a family in its traditional sense, it is impossible to preserve traditions and to pass them on from one generation to another. Therefore, it is imperative for us and our legislators to seriously consider the legalization of ...
  • Geography, multiculturalism, city: modern aspects

    Education is an inseparable part of current global processes which is shaping and at the same reflecting the basic changes in economic, social and ecological spheres. One of the most significant current global trends is the high level of mobility of people - from tourism to growing working migration. Relocation of people, mixture of ethnic groups and nationalities have taken place in all epochs...

    ... system of education as the foundation of national culture, outlook, based on variety of cultures, languages, traditions. Modern challenges of social development formulate a sophisticated task of up-bringing in the spirit of deep respect to all nations, the ability to ...
  • Questions of fact and questions of law: distinction and consequences

    This paper intends to argue that even though there is no clear test on how to differentiate fact from law questions, such evaluation is imposed on the ones who have to make decisions in judicial framework. In judicial practice, it is not a judge’s role to promote speculative or theoretical discussion, but practical arguments that reach a decision. According to the Law motto, no judge can free...

    ... Such problematic reality based on the obligatoriness of taking early decisions is common to both juridical traditions of the occidental world. While in the Common Law such questions have entailments in the division of appreciable subjects between Jury and Judge, and ...
  • Circulação de modelos jurídicos: o caso do Code Civil francês
    ... Sistemi Giuridici Comparati. Torino: UTET, 1996 ... GLENDON, Mary Ann; CAROZZA, Paolo G. & PICKER, Colin B. Comparative Legal Traditions – Texts, Materials and Cases on Western Law. St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2007 ... GLENDON, Mary Ann; CAROZZA, Paolo G. & PICKER, Colin B ...
  • Rebels, bandits and intriguers – why germans are having a debate on “enemy criminal law” in the 21st century: and thus are falling behind the dramaturgy of enlightened theatre of the late 18th century – to think Schiller’s bandits

    In this article, the author does not criticize the Jakobs construction from today’s point of view, but from the perspective of the enlightened idealists around 1800. The author illustrates the long-term effects traditions, which are waved goodbye by Jakobs, even though he seems to want to keep up some kind of normal constitutional state prosecution. With this, the author demonstrates that...

    ... the constitutional state, which were considered important at that time? To give an answer to this, I will illustrate the long-term effects traditions, which led to the classic action criminal law after 1945 and which are waved good-bye by Jakobs, even though he seems to want to keep up some kind ...
  • A modernidade sob o prisma da tragédia: um ensaio sobre a singularidade da tradição sociológica alemã

    Discorrer sobre as tradições do pensamento na sociologia obriga a uma análise das escolhas e elaborações epistemológicas a partir das influências culturais que cada tradição sofreu. A sociologia, enquanto olhar sobre o mundo surgido no processo da modernidade, é também um de seus produtos. Do mesmo modo que Jessé Souza (2000) afirma que não há Modernidade , mas modernidades , afirmamos que não...

  • Precursores filogenéticos e ontogenéticos da linguagem: reflexões preliminares

    Apresenta-se uma reflexão preliminar sobre precursores filogenéticos e ontogenéticos da linguagem, como subsídio para um projeto de pesquisa sobre transição ontogenética da comunicação não- verbal para a integração entre comunicação não-verbal e linguagem verbal que caracteriza a comunicação humana. É sintetizada uma revisão sobre contextos funcionais da comunicação na natureza e processos...

  • História da comunidade quilombola de Olaria (Irará/Bahia) e a luta pela terra na contemporaneidade

    Este artigo enfatiza as trajetórias sociais dos sujeitos que habitam na comunidade quilombola de Olaria, em Irará-Bahia. Destaca-se como ocorreu a origem quilombos na organização do espaço regional, que se formou através do projeto de colonização do sertão baiano. A origem desta comunidade está associada a esse processo de...

  • O direito público na história: do estado liberal à sociedade da informação
    ... is a commonplace of political theory that Hobbes and Rousseau represent, respectively, two utterly different, even diametrically opposed traditions of thinking about the state. ( ... ) If Hobbes’s great triumph is to have unearthed and delineated a conception of the state that is implicit in and ...
  • Initiation traditionnelle africaine et vivre ensemble: pistes pour un renouveau éthique aujourd'hui

    Dans le contexte actuel de déresponsabilisation de plus en plus marquée du fait de la mondialisation où les violences de toutes sortes désorganisent la vie sociale, l’Afrique a-t-elle encore quelques valeurs probantes sur lesquelles l’on peut reconstruire les responsabilités sociales pour la promotion du bien commun? C’est à cette question fondamentale que cet article tente de donner réponse....

    ... S’il est vrai, comme le montre Alain Thomasset (2015, p. 19) que les « individus se construisent grâce à des traditions de sens portées par des communautés vivantes », une exacte interprétation de l’initiation traditionnelle toujours pratiquée en Afrique peut ...
  • Ten Good Practices in Environmental Constitutionalism: Structure, Text and Justiciability
    ... those amenable to socIal, economIc and cultural rIGhts, and those wIth cIvIl law tradItIons ... The first good practice in environmental constitutionalism is finding a suitable fit, i.e. a constitutional and governance structure that is ...

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