tradução call of duty 4

200 resultados para tradução call of duty 4

  • Alvoreceres da utopia analítica: Jeremy Bentham
    ... 4. Bentham e a filosofia do direito: ... (1935) Tradução estabelecida em italiano como Filosofia e ... of the word, to constitute what I would call a custom obligatory, or a custom legalized, two ... “Sanction Theories of Duty”. In: SIMPSON, Alfred William Brian (coord.) ...
  • Os direitos humanos enquanto exigências e reivindicações mútuas

    O artigo aborda o significado dos direitos a partir da metáfora do título ao portador presente na dogmática jurídica, segundo a qual os direitos são compreendidos formalmente como um título concedido dentro de um sistema legal. A partir de uma metodologia descritiva do fenômeno da enunciação de proposições como "X possui um direito em relação a Y", a presente pesquisa indaga se se pode exigir...

    ... um direito Q” ou “X tem um direito a R” 4 ... A resposta a essa indagação mostrará ... fia. Tradução de José Garcez Ghirardi e Lenita Maria Rimoli ... right-holders (detentores), mas também duty-bearers (isto é, os destina tários da ... what kind of legal (or moral) relations we call rights. I shall call the first view of rights as ...
  • O controle de constitucionalidade
    ... O Poder Constituinte ... 4. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005. p. 3-4 ... 3 ... , that “It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law ... of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in ... 58 ... 56 Ibidem, p. 239 ... 57 Tradução livre. Texto integral da decisão disponível em: ...
  • O espaço no Direito
    ... 4. Espaço, cosmos e lugar ... Desde a tradição ... the Place of the former; and this Change we call Motion in That Body, wherein it is the immediate ... 89 89. Em livre tradução para o português: “ Mostrarei aqui como os ... of the meter, was retired from active duty in 1960, when scientists redefined the meter ...
  • O direito privado como justiça corretiva
    ... Harvard Law Review, v. 121:4, [s.d.]. p. 37-38) ... 36 Importante a ... 38 ARISTÓTELES. Ética a Nicômaco. Tradução, estudo bibliográfico e notas Edson ... Bini ... contract that has been breached, a parental duty that has been overlooked) and situations in which ... by performance of that obligation, they call for satisfaction in some other way. They call for ...
  • They're talking about penal abolition: The urgency of re-imagining different paths as alternatives to the criminal justice system

    Este artigo pretende afirmar a centralidade dos temas da segurança pública e do populismo penal para a compreensão da conjuntura política atual. A partir desta premissa, mostraremos como estes temas são trabalhados por setores antagônicos da sociedade. Então, a partir da crítica da pena de prisão e do controle, será possível oferecer chaves para compreensão do momento em que vivemos e respostas...

    ... licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ... Rev. Direito e ... (tradução: Ivone benedetti) São Paulo: Editora Unesp, ... 8 ... To call an event a "crime" means to limit extraordinarily ... from the idea that the offense involves a duty of reparation) 33 ... Thus, the vengeance of the ...
  • They're talking about penal abolition: The urgency of re-imagining different paths as alternatives to the criminal justice system/Eles estao falando sobre abolicionismo penal: a urgencia de re-imaginar caminhos alternativos ao sistema de justica criminal.
    ... these speeches and practices of penal populism (4) from Brazil to the Philippines, passing through ... (8) To call an event a "crime" means to limit extraordinarily ... from the idea that the offense involves a duty of reparation) (33). Thus, the vengeance of the ...
  • Occupational environmental risks and their legal protection

    The sophistication of the risks arising from the current stage of industrial development combined with the dismantling of the labor system in the global society increases the relevance of the issue of occupational environmental risks, insofar as the prevention of labor accidents depends on compliance with environmental norms directed to evaluation, control and management of these risks. In the...

    ... Constitution of 1988, the employer’s duty to promote the reduction of occupational ... other NRs [item 9.1.3], in particular with NR-4, which addresses of the Specialized Service in ... and socially measurable, which erode and call into question this institutionalized program for ... Tradução de Luiz Antônio Oliveira de Araújo. São ...
  • Penal protection of the environment as constitutional human right

    The environment, today consecrated doctrinally as human right of third generation and covered with constitutional provisions that elevate the status of fundamental rights in the context of different countries, it is legal right able to be effectively supervised by the penal law, however, lacks changes in its secular individualist dogmatic to defend a right that is at once individual and diffuse....

    ... on Human Rights was signed in Europe on 4 November 1950, by Ministers of fifteen countries, ... the Public Power and to the collectivity the duty to defend and preserve it for the present and ... , of a cross-border nature, and which call for the construction of a particularized ... Direito penal : parte geral. Tradução de André Estefam. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2005 ...
  • Community participation in the analysis of the environmental impact assessment as a democratic mechanism to insure social-environmental rights

    This paper aims at analyzing popular participation mechanisms in environmental impact assessment as a result of the application of the democratic principle to the environmental field. It is found that, in Brazil, despite being already covered by the environmental standards in force, popular participation is limited to specific times of the environmental permitting procedure, weakening its role of

    ... of Law is that citizens have the right (and duty) to actively participate in decision making that ... § 3 - After that timeframe, the call is made by the Permitting Agency through ... § 4 – The public hearing has to happen in a place ... Tradução de Magda Lopes. São Paulo: Editora da ...
  • Constitutionalization of the environment in Brazil, Spain and South Africa: advances and challenges

    This search proposes to carry out a descriptive and empirical approach, as well as to promote a comparative analysis of the right to the environment in the Brazilian, Spanish and South African Constitutions, in order to present the advances and challenges to its realization. It is possible to affirm it as a fundamental right and of objective and subjective dimensions, in the context of the three...

    ... or objective character - of a state duty of protection imposed on the legislator 1 ... - ... Paragraph 4. The Brazilian Amazon Forest, the Atlantic ... Ingo Sarlet and Tiago Fensterseifer (2012) call dual functionality, whose protection assumes both ... Tradução de Gilmar Ferreira Mendes. Porto Alegre: Sérgio ...
  • Contratos de Compra e Venda de Commodities Agrícolas e Contratos Internacionais de Transporte Marítimo, uma Coexistência Necessária
    ... um “afretador” mediante uma remuneração (4) ... A natureza jurídica dos contratos de ... Tradução livre. No original: “… in my view the term to ... duty of a ship when sailing upon an ocean voyage from ... sail, it would be unnecessary for her to call. In every case evidence is admissible to show ...
  • Concentrated judicial review in Brazil and Colombia: which (or whose) rights are protected?

    Nas últimas décadas, o Poder Judiciário tem se expandido, especialmente nos tribunais constitucionais ou supremas cortes. Recentemente, estudiosos do direito constitucional comparado têm focado sua atenção na análise das causas e consequências dessa expansão em diferentes sistemas constitucionais. Ainda não há estudos que comparem o papel desempenhado pelos tribunais constitucionais ou supremas...

    ... and the models applied in Brazil and Colombia; 4. The criteria of autonomy and authority of ... Democracy in America ... Tradução de R. D. Heffner. New York: New American Library, ... : “It is, emphatically, the province and duty of the judicial department, to say what the law ... systems created what many scholars call hybrid or mixed judicial review systems. 42 ...
  • A importância da Organização das Nações Unidas para a autodeterminação dos povos indígenas

    O princípio da autodeterminação dos povos nasceu como um conceito histórico e político antes de se transformar em um conceito de relevância jurídica, desempenhando papel muito importante no contexto da descolonização e emergindo no cenário internacional a partir da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Relativamente, a autodeterminação como direito de todos os povos trata-se da dimensão interna do princípio,...

    ... Diferentes conceitos de minorias; 1.4 ... Consequências político-jurídicas do ... ão utilizada por Jeremy Waldron: “I shall call this the identity--based conception of ... cultural development and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the ... 25 Tradução: Em virtude do princípio da igualdade de ...
  • The precautionary principle and the risk concept / O princípio da precaução e o conceito de risco

    Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position as a principle still extra-judicial until the delineation of a procedural routine that effectively includes it in the quarrels in which the precautionary nature is evidenced. The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in the main section of Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution.

    ... Melissa Manger Soares 4 Eduarda Veloso Versiani 5 ... ABSTRACT ... The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in ... , developmentalists have in their favor, the call for growth that attracts society and the state ... São Paulo: Editora 34, 2013. 384 p. Tradução de Sebastião Nascimento ... BODANSKY, ...
  • O dever de contratar no contexto dos ecossistemas digitais
    ... “The Antitrust Duty to Deal in the Age of Big Tech” (05 ago. 2021), ... diminuir o grau de investimentos e inovação 4 ... No entanto, se a recusa de contratar é a ... We call this open organization because each system is ... (tradução livre): Definição de mercado. No mundo digital, ...
  • Environmental law and sustainable development: an analysis of the judicialization of social relations

    This article treat about the judicialization of social relations, specifically on the judicialization of environmental conflicts and the treatment of the concepts of sustainable development and the relation with the rights of nature. The analysis carried out takes as reference decisions issued by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil in the period after the Federal Constitution of 1988. Three...

    ... their political activity, for example); 4) Guarantees of transparency: - They refer to the ... conditioned by circumstances we might call ‘intrajuridic’, namely the peculiarity of the ... cause.Therefore, she recognizes the duty of the Brazilian State to protect the environment ... Tradução Rogério Alves. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget, 2006 ...
  • The Role of the Judicial Branch in Brazilian Rule of Law Erosion

    The rule of law is the central milestone of modern democratic states. There is a gap, however, between what is on the constitutional texts and the lived-in world. The scholars use to concentrate their focus on the Executive Branch’s role (and, sometimes, of Legislative Power) in situations of disregard of the Constitution. However, we chose to target the Judicial Branch and its decisions as...

    ... of law erosion and the Brazilian Judiciary; 4. The illiberal backlash and the return toward an ... The Inner Enemies of Democracy ... Tradução de Joana Angélica d’Avila Melo. Malden: Polity ... 75 Examples: duty to prove that a fact did not happen, presumed ... despots” – it would not be a mistake to call them “judicial epistocrats”. 126 There are ...
  • Institutional Foundations of Trust: Sociolegal Perspectives/Bases institucionais da confiança: perspectivas sociojurídicas.
    ... of the literature, the imposition of the duty to trust, whether by law, contracts or any other ... ) can project the net gains of her actions and (4) can anticipate the gains and losses of engaging ... Economists call this state of affairs "rational choice", and some ... Tradução: Luiz Repa. Apresentação: Marcos Nobre. São ...
  • A indústria do agronegócio e as práticas da suinocultura, à luz da força normativa da proteção dos animais não humanos

    The main objective of this article is to analyze the practices of Brazilian pig farming and the mistreatment and cruelty exercised by the activity. Using the hypothetical-deductive method, the work addresses socio-environmental aspects that involve the agribusiness industry, especially the myth that only animal meat provides the necessary nutrients to the human body and the strength of...

    ... Introdução ao pensamento complexo ... 4. ed. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2011, p. 35 ... Bíblia de Estudo de Genebra ... Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida. Edição rev. e ... It is our hearts, not just our heads, that call for an end to it all.» REGAN, Tom. Defending ... to look aÑer his mother (but has no such duty to look aÑer other people’s mothers), is ...
  • A política
    ... 4-5): ... The question, therefore, of how to ... what each thing is when fully developed, we call its nature, whether we are speaking of a man, a ... At this stage begins the duty of the manager of a household, who has to order ... Política ... Tradução de Manuela García Valdés. Madrid: Gredos, 1988, ...
  • Squatting or invasion of private land or property? The argumentative strategy of Judicial Power on decisions involving occupying land without legal claim

    The objective of this paper was to fathom how many contradictory decisions about the outcome of the same case are reached in a system of explicit rules. The dialectic method was used to approach decisions previously selected by Purposive non-probability sampling concerning squatting of abandoned properties. As a starting point for the dialectic bias, this study used the dissimilarity between the...

    ... 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721 ... between fundamental rights, it is a duty the Municipality to relocate families to vacate ... that the official legal epistemology, let's call it positivism here, seeks to disguise it through ... Não mencione a norma! Tradução Trad. João Maurício Adeodato. Anuário do ...
  • Intertextuality among legal subsystems: the Brazilian tax experience on 'revenue', 'tax' and 'inputs

    This paper deals with law "as a text" and, therefore, impossible to be detached from its context. It includes the definition of legal concepts, and how to establish criteria for the use of such concepts when conflicts occur among them. It presents the study of "intertextuality" as a facilitator of legal interpretation, establishing the textual and contextual boundaries of normative discourse in...

    ... says things as they are not”, argued Plato 4 ... With the advent of the philosophy of ... Such problems are what we call communication noise, and can confuse and hinder ... What tax? Duty? Fee? Contribution for improvement? ... In ... de Araújo, Da incidência como tradução, p. 160 ... 41 The fact that a judgment may ...
  • International traffic in animals and protection of dignity

    The defense of biodiversity and the attributes concerning Dignity take on new contours with the advent of postmodernity. Using as an approach the hypothetical-deductive method and, as procedural the monographic study, we seek to analyze the criminal protection resulting from the crime of international trafficking in animals. Through the expansive conception of the concept of Dignity and its scope

    ... from conceptualization and neo-understanding 4 on the diversity of planetary life generate what ... and, in its broader conception, imposes a duty on the State to protect it. In this regard, ... In this aspect, what we call the Fourth Dimension 14 in a situation arising ... Tradução Eliana M. Souza. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, ...
  • Os fundos 'quant' e a responsabilidade civil do gestor de recursos
    ... específicos aos fundos quantitativos – 4. Responsabilidade civil dos prestadores de ... think having the fundamental overlay – we call them the gatekeepers – is really important to ... Já a tradução do termo “ advisor” para o português é ... e a eles lhes deve “ an affirmative duty of utmost good faith and full and fair disclosure ...

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