Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies
- Publisher:
- Initia Via Editora
- Publication date:
- 2015-01-01
- 978-85-64912-59-5
Proceedings of the XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy of the Internationale Vereinigunf für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. 3159 p.
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- Hans Kelsen today
- Aristotle and the Philosophy of Law
- E-Justice and Governance
- Creating legal facts and norms through Interdisciplinary Research
- Property and Human Rights in Globalisation
- Communicational Theory of Law
- Give Marxism what it deserves! Law and the Social Analysis
- Redefining relationships between Public Law and Private Law in the Era of Globalization
- Political obligation and political legitimacy
- Bioethics, argumentation and human rights
- AICOL – AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems
- Concepts and Conceptions of Law
- Alexy’s Theory of Law
- Critical Theory and Law in and after Habermas
- Law and Music
- Cities as networks of meanings
- Reinventing Legal Philosophy in Iberoamerica?
- Towards a Normative Jurisprudence?
- Kant’s Concept of Law
- Citizenship and access to justice in the democratic order
- Innovational methodology in the teaching of Law
- Autonomy and paternalism
- The political activity of judiciary
- Legal Philosophical Pluralism
- The philosophy of the limits to freedom of speech
- Law as Literature
- Institutional Philosophy and Institutional Theory
- Law and Technology
- Pragmatism and Legal Theory
- Law and literature
- Legal Argumentation
- Derrida and Law
- Changing idea of legal personhood
- The Idea of Justice from the viewpoints of Legal Philosophy
- VII Jornada Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito
- The Natural Law Tradition
- The many identities of Private Law
- Questions of fact and legal reasoning
- Cultural Turn and Philosophy of Law and State
- Politics is conflict
- Justice and the question of violence
- Democracy, Social Justice and Labor
- Freedom from poverty and a decent standard of living from a social justice and Human Rights perspective
- Truth and objectivity
- Discrimination
- Legal Reasoning
- Law and Democracy
- Human Rights
- Rethoric
- International Law
- Judicial Decision Making
- Bioethics and Biopolitics
- Hermeneutics
- Law and State
- Personhood and Private Law
- Society, Culture and Law
- Public Policies, Politics and Law
- History of Law
- Philosophy of Law
- Theory of Law
- Law and the Communication Processes
- Law Epistemology
- Kelsen and Law Theory
- Theories of Justice
- Law, Art and Narrativeness
- Law and Ethics
- Cities and their issues
- Dworkin’s perspectives on the knowlege of law
- Hobbes and his thinking
- Justice and Public Policies
- Law and Education
- War and International Law
- Criminal Law issues
- Multiculturalism and Human Rights
- Alexy’s theory
- Democracy, Participation and Representation
- Classical Natural Law
- After World War II Philosophy of Law
- Law and Democracy