No. 13-2, September 2021
- AI Training Datasets & Article 14 GDPR: A Risk Assessment for the Proportionality Exemption of the Obligation to Provide Information
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Legal, Ethic and Other Issues, Especially in Covid-19 Time
- Analyzing the Cyberspace Laws to Protect Data Privacy in Pakistan
- Habeas Data, Habemus Algorithms: Algorithmic Intervention in Public Interest Decision-Making in Colombia
- Investigation and Seizure of Electronic Media in the Production of Investigative Actions
- Media in Armed Conflicts: Is It Still a Good Idea?
- The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Civil Law Relations: Analysis of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Sentencia T-030 de 2020 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia: la Correlación entre el Acceso a Internet, el Derecho a la Educación y la Equidad
- La Valoración de la Prueba Electrónica y de la Prueba Documental en el Ámbito Civil: Diferencias e Implicaciones
- A Internet das Coisas: Tipologias, Protocolos e Aplicações