No. 15-2, September 2023
- Legal Regulation of Electronic Money Turnover. Global Trends
- Sobre fronteiras, cavalos e gatekeepers a evolução do debate de interoperabilidade e acesso às redes no direito cibernético
- The Right to be Forgotten as a Special Digital Right
- Autonomous Robots and Their Legal Regime in the Context of Recodification of Civil Legislation of Ukraine
- The Concept of Artificial Intelligence in Justice
- Image-Based Digital Face Identification Technologies. Criminal Law Aspect
- China's Social Credit System. A Challenge to Human Rights
- The Essence and Role of Electronic Money
- The Concept of Cyber Insurance as a Loss Guarantee on Data Protection Hacking in Indonesia
- Digital Transition, Sustainability and Readjustment on EU Tourism Industry. Economic & Legal Analysis
- Identity of the Suspect in Cyber Sabotage
- Criminological Features of the Cybersecurity Threats