The effectiveness of the extra judicial procedure of name and gender alteration in the city of fortaleza - Ce after one year of the provision n. 73 Period in the national council of justice
... of beneficiaries by the right of civil registry alteration by selfdeclaration. It verifies that, despite the relevant numbers regarding the trans population in Fortaleza, it is still a very modest number.
Working time
... alteration of the usual working time volume may only be “temporary”, for co-determination under section 99 BetrVG the increase of the hitherto existing ...
- Alteration In The Regulations For Investment Of Foreign Capital In The Brazilian Health Sector
- Law No. 12,844/2013 Alteration To The Moment The Electronic Summons Term Starts Counting
Animal rights and technology: between dignity and disenhancement
... animals individually, but also as species. This alteration is ontologically and ethically destructive, as all relationships between human and non-human become mediated by an objectifying view; ii) philosophical contrariety to animal disenhancement can be developed from several perspectives - being the most common ones in literature one based on the dignity of the animal, and another, which rejects disenhancement based on the destructiveness of
The hardships faced in the path of democratisation: democratisation against conservatism and Turkish experience
... Adoption of Western values, opening its doors to the West’s culture of law and changing the existing political system is an extensive alteration bringing along many others. Hence, for the jurists it is highly striking that the laws are being utilised to establish this change. Above all, laws ...
Análise crítica da repercussão geral do recurso extraordinário - Critical analysis of the repercussion of the appeal addressed to the Supreme Court
... the legislative process. This paper analyzes the alteration of article 102 of the Brazilian Constitution. This alteration created an obligatory prerequisite to the "Extraordinary Appeal". Besides analyzing the practical and theoretical effects of this alteration, complementary legislation is examined and a comparison with the "statement of relevance" (inserted in the Brazilian Constitution by the 7th Amendment) is made.Keywords: General...
The establishment of the right to change the registration name and sex by the self-perception of gender in brazilian civil rights
Este artigo aborda o direito das pessoas que não se identificam com o sexo registrado de alterá-lo, bem como seus primeiros nomes nos registros públicos, adaptando-os ao seu gênero percebido. Também são levadas em consideração as dificuldades práticas que a não publicação de todo o conteúdo da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que permitiu essa mudança de maneira abrangente a todos os cidadãos,
... Therefore, the legal status of the name in the Brazilian law will be initially analyzed, as well as some practical situations in which its alteration is legally authorized or not, especially in the cases of trans people. As the discrepancy between social identity and civil registration became a ... -
Image-Based Digital Face Identification Technologies. Criminal Law Aspect
[Purpose] The purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of digital face identification technology in Ukraine and suggest the necessary corrections to the optimal legal regime for the use of such technology in criminal proceedings. [Methodology/Approach/Design] The leading research method is the inductive method of the legal analysis that involves the problem...
... responsibility for illegal collection, storage, using, destruction, sharing of confidential information about an individual or illegal alteration of such information, except cases provided by other articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. At the same time, the Criminal Code of Ukraine has an ... -
Aposentadoria Espontânea e Seus Efeitos no Contrato de Trabalho
... to remain in his/her regular duties without any alteration in the contract. Therefore, it is understood that article 453, caput, from the Brazilian work laws does not apply to the retirement in the continuity of the contract. Thus, a more extensive interpretation of the subject and its effects is needed, mainly because the legal norm cannot be considered in isolation, especially when there are other legal devices that guide the theme. Key-
Disaggregating dismemberment: nullity, natality, and the hollowing of constitutional renewal in designed written constitutionalism
O objetivo deste trabalho é repensar a ideia de renovação constitucional através de uma análise do inovador conceito de desmembramento constitucional de Richard Albert. Alega-se que, sob a rubrica do desmembramento constitucional, há dois fenômenos constitucionais excepcionais: a necessária declaração de nulidade de emendas constitucionais inconstitucionais e a extraconstitucional expressão do...
... The thesis is that attempts to tame revolutionary constitutional alteration with designed rules as to formal constitutional change as Albert’s illustrates are missing the meaning of constitution-making for a ... -
Como consequência da Covid-19, há cobertura securitária para lucros cessantes?
Há cobertura securitária para lucros cessantes devido à Covid-19?
... “[ ... ] in ordinary parlance and widely accepted definition, physical damage to property means ‘a distinct, demonstrable, and physical alteration’ of its structure.”6 Interpretando esta afirmação, a decisão vai além para formular que: “While structural alteration provides the most ... -
Urban land regularization as a means of fixing the rights to property and worthy dwelling: a way to solve the social problem of informative cores in large urban centers / A regularização fundiária urbana como meio de garantir os direitos à propriedade e à habitação digna: uma forma de resolver o problema social dos núcleos informais em grandes centros urbanos
... enrollment with stricto sensu or the registration, which are the acts on it launched, aiming to express the constitution, transmission, alteration or extinction of the real rights referring to the property registered in the enrollment ... The enrollment is the cadastre of the property from ...
The prevalence of the montreal convention after the 2017 stf decision; what about jurisdiction?
This article analyses the possible impacts of the 2017 Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) decision, which put an end to the long-standing dispute regarding the prevalence of the Montreal Convention over the Código de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (CDC), on jurisdiction. Indeed, the Montreal Convention contains an article regulating jurisdiction in case of both delays (Article 33(1)) and...
... Indeed, Article 39 of the CDC prohibits any situation that leaves the consumer in excessive disadvantage. Therefore, if any alteration to the flight occurs before the check-in time, the airline must contact the passengers by all possible means available, such as e-mail, company ... -
A fenomenologia da ação
... ; the flesh becomes warm and the eye (or the sensitive part of it) coloured; but Aristotle insists on the difference between the physical alteration of the organ-sense, a necessary pre-condition of sensation, and sensation itself, a purely psychical event. The difference between eye and sight is ...
Enfim, quais são os argumentos russos para a entrada na Ucrânia?
Squeff: Quais são os argumentos russos para entrar na Ucrânia?
... Sense and Nonsense of Territorial Referendums in Ukraine, and Why the 16 March Referendum in Crimea Does Not Justify Crimea’s Alteration of Territorial Status under International Law. EJIL: Talk! 16/4/2014. Disponível em: ... -
Hormones, glandes et criminalité: 'l'unité somato-psychique' du délinquant dans la Grande Roumanie
... C’est ainsi que la glande tyroïde a un rôle essentiel et l’altération de sa fonction mène au crétinisme (il y a aussi d’autres glandes dont la fonction altérée y mène). D’autres anomalies peuvent être la ...
Petrology and geochemistry of intrusive rocks from the South of Naqadeh, West Azerbaijan, Iran
The intrusive rocks of Naqadeh are features of Laramide magmatism in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone. According to petrographic studies, the composition of intrusions consist of acidic, intermediate, and basic rocks. including syenogranites, monzogranite, granodiorites, quartz diorites, quartz monzonites, quartz monzonite, quartz syenite, and olivine gabbro—in order of abundance. Minerals forming...
... Pyroxenes are more resistant than amphiboles and are less affected by alteration, and their composing elements represent those in the magma. Based on the point analysis results, the average pyroxene composition in the study region ... -
O princípio da eficiência, para além da retórica
Versa este texto científico sobre a realidade do princípio da eficiência no Direito Administrativo brasileiro, desde a sua inserção na Carta da República em vigor (artigo 37, caput). Neste sentido, o artigo que aqui se resume é denunciativo do fato de que a eficiência administrativa, como promessa constitucional, não se concretizou na Administração Pública do país, em nenhum dos seus níveis, e...
... In this context, in which the constitutional alteration was propitiated and “legitimized” based on repeated rhetorical speeches 12 of ... a liberal nature, what followed were reactions of two ... -
Tutelas provisórias e a efetivação do processo de tomada de decisão apoiada na legislação brasileira
... 19 França. Code Civil ... Art. 425. Toute personne dans l'impossibilité de pourvoir seule à ses intérêts en raison d'une altération, médicalement constatée, soit de ses facultés mentales, soit de ses facultés corporelles de nature à empêcher l'expression de sa volonté peut ...
User Warning
... Such changing situation may be, for instance, the upcoming appearance of explicit graphic content on a news feed or the upcoming alteration of contractual terms of the platforms ... User warnings are typically utilized to convey an alert and afford a user the possibility to form an ...
Posse de arma de fogo: possibilidade de abolitio criminis a partir da sucessão de norma de complementação de lei penal em branco no tempo
... reached was that the theory that best explains the problem is the differentiating type; to be more specific, the theory of factual data alteration. This theory justifies the restriction of the abolitio criminis in cases of succession of complementation norm of a vague (in white) law in time ...
Interfaces entre responsabilidade civil e direito de família: ressarcibilidade de danos nas relações conjugais, convivenciais e de filiação
... 'une particulière gravité qu'il subit du fait de la dissolution du mariage soit lorsqu'il était défendeur à un divorce prononcé pour altération définitive du lien conjugal et qu'il n'avait luimême formé aucune demande en divorce, soit ... que o cônjuge lesado pode pedir a reparação ...
A segurança dos dados: o conteúdo do dever e os efeito s dos incidentes de segurança
... Tradução livre de “‘personal data breach’ means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed”. Disponível em: Acesso ...
Criminological Features of the Cybersecurity Threats
... framework, the scholars distinguish five forms of computer misconduct: unauthorized access, unauthorized use, dishonest manipulation or alteration of data, sabotage, and theft of information. However, this classification is also not exhaustive and the terms cybercriminal and computer criminal ...