brazilian civil code english

165 resultados para brazilian civil code english

  • Direito Comparado Negativo: o empreendimento sanitização

    Este artigo desafia quatro pressupostos básicos e entrelaçados que informam o Direito Comparado ortodoxo: que um comparatista pode representar exatamente o Direito estrangeiro; que ele pode escrever sobre Direito estrangeiro objetivamente; que ele pode declarar a verdade sobre o Direito estrangeiro; e que ele desfruta do arbítrio subjetivo para superar os obstáculos no caminho para a realização...

    ... to noteworthy collections of essays in English. . 28 Beyond the internal tensions and ...: State University Press of New York, 1992; CODE, L. (ed.). Feminist Interpretations of ...p. 453. . 61 MERRYMAN, J. H. The Civil Law Tradition. 2nd edn. Palo Alto: Stanford ...For instance, a Brazilian consciousness, that is, a consciousness having ...
  • História do direito constitucional brasileiro: a Constituição do Império do Brasil de 1824 e o sistema econômico escravocrata

    This article has as its subject the history of 1824’s constitution of the Empire of Brazil aiming to analyze its relations with the prevailing Brazilian slavery system at the time. The problem with the research concentrates precisely in an apparent contradiction between the text of a liberal economic constitution and the functioning of an incompatible private economic system, initially, according

    ... History of Brazilian Constitutional Law: 1824’s Constitution of the ... political revolution, which unlike to the English revolution, did not misrepresented the decadent ...), to participate in the State apparatus as civil servants, much less recognize a political regime ... separately, and will form our Black Code. (FREITAS, 2002, p. XXXVII) . A Black Code! That ...
  • Racism and necropolitics in republican Brazil

    Este estudo versa sobre o racismo e sua expressão através das normativas penais e de segurança pública do Brasil republicano. Procuramos realizar uma análise histórica da necropolítica constituída no país americano que por mais tempo manteve o regime escravocrata, o que mais recebeu africanos escravizados e que, na atualidade, possui a terceira maior população prisional do mundo. Nosso principal...

    ... always been a central variable in the Brazilian legal and criminal processes, also orientating ... word is actually translated into English as “yellow.” 4 INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE ... written to replace the slave-based Criminal Code that was valid at that time. Introduced in 1890, ... in the country, with the expansion of civil liberties and individual rights and guarantees 50 ...
  • Em defesa da aplicação horizontal da cláusula do devido processo legal

    The main objective of this paper is to answer the following research problem: is it possible to apply the constitutional clause of due process of law in a horizontal dimension, in the context of relationships between private subjects? The hypothesis is the understanding of due process as an adaptive guarantee of the rule of law, which must be responsibly extended to new contexts outside the...

    ..."ProcNet - International Research Network on Civil Justice and Contemporary Process" ... derives from two main sources: the English Magna Carta and the American constitutionalism, ...ão Brasileira de Compositores – UBC (Brazilian Union of Composers), without prior guarantee of ....g.: articles 113 and 421 of Brazilian Civil Code 89 ) and procedural law (e.g.: art. 113 of ...
  • The repercussion of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Brazilian courts/A repercuss
    ...This is the case of the Brazilian Civil Code, which, before the response of the Brazilian ... term for this judiciary body in English would be "Federal Regional Courts". However, we ...
  • Latin american trans-individual suits

    This work contends that Latin America has launched a true revolution on collective rights: moving beyond the paradigm of group entitlements, which concern a determinate-though potentially enormous-collectivity, to that of diffuse entitlements, which generally pertain to society as a whole. Latin American jurisdictions have created innovative procedural mechanisms in this area: the collective writ

    ... of diffuse entitlements, and the public civil action for the official enforcement of both kinds ... It principally focuses on the Brazilian legal system, which has displayed the most ...20; Code of Civil Procedure (Québec) (1965), Arts. ... the otherwise universally applicable “English Rule,” which compels the losing party to pay ...
  • Paris agreement: reflections and challenges for the international climate change regime

    The objective of the paper is to present the challenges posed by the post- 2015 international climate change regime to all countries in relation to mitigation measures to achieve the goal set in the Paris Agreement and to reflect on the contributions determined unilaterally by the countries, respecting their capacities and development needs and on the combined effect of reductions and removals of

    ... the work starts with a relection on the Brazilian contribution to the new period and advances a ... Contribution (INDC, in acronym in English) 5 from Brazil 6 is weak in terms of concrete ... and enforce the implementation of the Forest Code at the federal, state and local levels, without ... processes and mechanisms involving global civil society in the negotiations. It is not a question ...
  • Binding precedents in brazil: how common law tradition can help bring stability and coherence

    This article was written for the Berger International Speakers lecture given at Cornell University Law School on March 2018. It addresses - for an audience of American and international law students, as well as American law scholars - Brazil’s current state regarding binding judicial precedents, the new Civil Procedure Code, as well as other interesting characteristics of its legal system.Alongsid

    ... binding judicial precedents, the new Civil Procedure Code, as well as other interesting ... made public as well, so on one hand the Brazilian lawyer does not have to rely on 3 rd party ... this prescription of §926, because, in English language there is not an adjective form for the ...
  • The right to data protection versus 'security' contradictions of the rights-discourse in the Brazilian general personal data protection ACT (LGPD)

    The protection of personal data in the cyberspace has been an issue of concern for quite some time. However, with the revolutions in information technology, big data and the internet of things, data privacy protection has become paramount in an era of free information flows. Considering this context, this research intends to shine a light on the experience of Brazil regarding data privacy...

    ...:// Access on: 26 Aug. 2019. Online, n.p. ... (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that protect the ... (Internet Act) and Consumer Protection Code” 43 . It means that the LGPD has made a ...
  • Facing up to multinationalcomplex litigation in the united states

    Uma Corte Federal deve buscar a presença de estrangeiros em uma global class action, com vistas a obter uma reparação monetária, com a mente aberta. Deve mantê-los consigo enquanto concluem, mediante a análise profunda do direito comparado, o que o Judiciário da nação de origem daquele indivíduo decidiria ao final. Por exemplo, os membros da América Latina deveriam permanecer na medida em que...

    ... himself has translated the quoted non-English texts and vouches for the accuracy of the ... ordinarily do so under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3).Hence, they mustdemonstrate ... on Private International Law (Bustamante Code), Feb. 20, 1928, 86 L.N.T.S. 111, O.A.S. T.S. No. ...“[The decision may] not run counter to Brazilian rulings with a res judicata effect.” 42 . ...
  • Ultrapassando as periclitâncias da publicidade e da eficiência: procedimentalização, gestão de riscos e transparência na governança digital
    ...Disponível em: privado, a partir do advento do Código Civil de 2002. Noutros termos, impõe-se uma ... Brazilian Political Science Review (Online) , Rio de ... feita por Lawrence Lessig em sua monografia Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. Neste Lessig ...
  • Corrupção, ética governamental e corporativa: uma visão geral do progresso no direito comparado e no Brasil

    Este trabalho trata do panorama da governança corporativa privada contra a corrupção, bem como das iniciativas governamentais para reprimir esse fenômeno. O problema de pesquisa pode ser formulado da seguinte forma: quais são as diretrizes estabelecidas para caracterizar a corrupção institucional e seu tratamento no Brasil e no mundo, tanto no setor público quanto no privado? A hipótese é que...

    ..., the UN, promulgated an International Code of Conduct for Public Officials in 1996 (Klich, ... advocates, democratic, judicial, media, and civil society is requested (Harms, 2000; Kennedy, ... order to guarantee the adequacy of the Brazilian administration’s moral values. Also, New ... regulations governing business conduct (English, 2012). In this respect, scholars and experts ...
  • Interpretative skepticism and constitutional interpretation: a criticism of Brazilian constitutional court decision

    Este artigo é uma análise crítica de um caso recente decidido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, que pode ser considerado paradigmático da atual abordagem da jurisprudência brasileira com referência à interpretação constitucional. O caso refere-se ao julgamento de constitucionalidade acerca da execução de sanções pendentes de recurso de segunda instância e, portanto, antes do trânsito julgado. Esta...

    ...Eficácia do Novo Código Civil na Legislação Tributária. In: GRUPPENMACHER, ...In addition, the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure expressly provides the ... 40 Brazilian Constitution in English available in: ...
  • Brazil's administrative justice system in a comparative context

    O texto contém uma análise descritiva de aspectos do processo administrativo, do sistema judicial e dos processos judiciais no sistema brasileiro de justiça administrativa. Os pontos fortes e fracos identificados pelo artigo servem como base para futuras pesquisas comparativas entre o sistema de justiça administrativa no Brasil, os sistemas que influenciaram o Brasil incluindo a Europa...

    ...Member of the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law. Member of ...” was largely influenced by the single civil jurisdictional system of the U.S. model, which ...Examples include the English “administrative tribunals”, the “appeals ... [VwGO] [Administrative Jurisdiction Code], Jan. 21, 1960, Bundesgesetzblatt [BGBI. I] at ...
  • Tax planning in Brazil: legal reasoning and constitutional process in Brazilian supreme court

    As in many countries around the world, the debate about tax planning concerns its limits, and there is a clash between two perspectives on the subject. On the one hand, there is a traditional perspective, whose advocates argue for the need to preserve the legal security of the taxpayer and the use of a more formalist interception method of tax rules. On the other side is the contemporary...

    ... paragraph of Article 116 of the National Tax Code, which for some academics is considered the ..., for the most part, are provided for in the Civil Code, either as typical contracts, or as to the ... as would not endorse, the traditional English interpretative doctrine that tax statutes must be ...
  • A nova fronteira do acesso à justiça: a jurisdição transnacional e os instrumentos de cooperação internacional no cpc/2015

    O presente artigo tem por escopo analisar a jurisdição internacional como uma nova fronteira do acesso à justiça na contemporaneidade, sendo responsável por garantir aos jurisdicionados envolvidos em litígios transnacionais os instrumentos necessários para que tenham os seus direitos tutelados em juízo. Para tanto, o artigo examina os instrumentos de cooperação jurídica internacional no Código de

    ... INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL COOPERATION IN BRAZILIAN CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE OF 2015 . Flávia Pereira ... Comparative Law in May 2002 by leading English judges and commentators. (…) ‘Plurality of ...
  • The Role of the Judicial Branch in Brazilian Rule of Law Erosion

    The rule of law is the central milestone of modern democratic states. There is a gap, however, between what is on the constitutional texts and the lived-in world. The scholars use to concentrate their focus on the Executive Branch’s role (and, sometimes, of Legislative Power) in situations of disregard of the Constitution. However, we chose to target the Judicial Branch and its decisions as...

    ... – Brasil (CAPES/PRINT) – Finance Code 001. . ** Associate Professor of Constitutional ... of the authoritarian identity of Brazilian civil society and the ideological polarization that ... common “dichotomy” is between the English tradition of Rule of Law and German Rechtsstaat. ...
  • Ativismo judicial e suas múltiplas definições

    O tema do ativismo judicial tem crescido cada dia mais no Brasil, não sendo poucos os trabalhos acadêmicos já existentes, mas também não tanto em volume. O estudo pretende demonstrar a existência do já iniciado debate em solo brasileiro, tendo como objeto a perquirição de qual o melhor conceito para saber da utilidade, ou não, da serventia da expressão. Não esquecem os autores da análise na...

    ... Coordenador da Especialização em Processo Civil e do Núcleo de Processo Civil da Escola de ... the debate that has already started on Brazilian soil, with the object of investigating which is ...' is a term that sits uncomfortably with English constitutional theory, political culture, and ... et ce, par application de l’article 64 du Code Penal. Par ces motifs, le tribunal renvoie Louise ...
  • The judicial reaction against the public utilities changes: using consumer law in telecommunications' demands in Brazil

    As privatizações das empresas estatais de serviços públicos, ocorridas em muitos países da América Latina nos anos 90, foram recebidas com diferentes reações. No Brasil, ficou clara a reação judicial dos consumidores contra o novo modelo regulatório em muitas empresas privatizadas. Alguns fatores permitem explicar porque o judiciário brasileiro foi inundado por ações judiciais contra as empresas...

    ..., otherwise) gave the strength to the Brazilian judicial power to raise as a central player in ... 8.078, of 1990, named as Consumer Code). If they are really public service users, they ... Agência Nacional de Aviação . Civil (ANAC) / National Agency of Civil Aviation . ...English, as far we know. It is a kind of financial ...
  • The precautionary principle and the risk concept / O princípio da precaução e o conceito de risco

    Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position as a principle still extra-judicial until the delineation of a procedural routine that effectively includes it in the quarrels in which the precautionary nature is evidenced. The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in the main section of Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution.

    ...The concepts of civil liability without damage . 1 Professor Titular, ... precautionary nature is a necessity of Brazilian Civil Processual Law. It is concluded that ... a social entity since the 18th century BCE Code of Hammurabi, the Law upholds the liability of ...In English, for danger is used hazard and for risk, risk. ...
  • Unavoidable procedural questions about tort and crime
    ... that the criteria for self-defence in civil law should be the same as in criminal law. In my ...It will be obvious that the Brazilian rule is found in a long-established code, while ...English law, by contrast, in one of the many places where ...
  • The precautionary principle in the brazilian environmental law

    The problem to be addressed in this article is related to the precautionary principle and its incorporation into the Brazilian law. As it is beknown, this principle has been widely cited by Brazilian case law and it is an important part of the legal and environmental scholarly production. However, it follows that its application has been made fairly randomly, and even so there is no clear and...

    ..., as can be seen in both the texts in English and French of the Rio Declaration and other ... the general principles of law.” The new code of civil procedures 2 , although failing to ...
  • Interest on Equity versus Dividends: The Role of Shareholder Identity in Corporate Tax Avoidance.
    1 Introduction. Brazilian capital markets are characterized by (i) ... whose legal systems descend from French civil law, concentration is a fundamental ... Translated into According to statements English English legislation Hosting an Mandatory ... policy trading policy trading policy and code of and code of and code of conduct conduct ...
  • A relação entre o Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas e a Ação Coletiva para defesa dos direitos individuais homogêneos, com ênfase na coisa julgada

    Este artigo aborda o incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas (IRDR) trazido pelo Novo Código de Processo Civil (NCPC), buscando analisar sua relação com a ação coletiva para a defesa dos direitos individuais homogêneos, quanto ao aspecto da coisa julgada. Defende a tese de que o instituto, apesar de algumas imperfeições, apresenta-se como uma alternativa ao fracasso da referida ação...

    ... trazido pelo Novo Código de Processo Civil" (NCPC), buscando analisar sua relação com a aç\xC3"...: This article discusses the Brazilian procedural model (IRDR), a new type of tative procedure created by the New Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (NCPC), trying to analyze its ...-musterverfahrensgesetz-kapmug-english...
  • The repercussion of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Brazilian courts / A repercussão da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência nos tribunais brasileiros

    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was the first treaty to be incorporated as a Constitutional law, according to the determination of the Brazilian Constitution for human rights treaties. In addition, the Optional Protocol was also promulgated, recognizing the competence of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to supervise the...

    ... term for this judiciary body in English" ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ ͞&ĞĚĞƌĂů ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů \xC5"... . This is the case of the Brazilian Civil Code, which, before the response of the Brazilian ...

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