kosovo independence
Transconstitucionalismo ou cosmopolitismo: perspectivas para uma semântica dialógica no constitucionalismo contemporâneo
... decisão do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, e a intervenção em Kosovo, mesmo diante dos vetos de Rússia e China. Cf. MORRIS & WHEELER, 2007, p ... sentido foram as propostas do “ Reaffirmation of American Independence Act ” (H.R.Res. 97, 109th Congr. 2005) e depois o projeto denominado “ ...
Rebuilding Judicial Capacity with Enchanted Tools
Part I: Foundational and Transformational Approaches to the Rule of Law. Part II: The Role of Hybrid Courts in Reconstruction. The Rule of Law after International Intervention. B. Hybrid Courts. C. Building the Rule of Law Through Hybrid Courts. Part III: Transitional Justice and Reconstruction. Retribution. Reconciliation and Rehabilitation. Social Pedagogy. Part IV: How Transitional Justice...
... Transparency and independence are essential 19 ... Judicial decisions must be clear and informed, with a ... Kosovo 48 and Sierra Leone 49 serve as examples of the breakdown of societies ... -
The responsibility to protect and the use of force in international law
The following article deals with the developments in recent years on the debate concerning humanitarian intervention and the framework of public international law regarding the use of force. It specifically focuses on how the doctrine of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has developed over the years and why it cannot be seen as a contribution to the affirmation of a so-called “right” of...
... NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, in response to the situation in Kosovo, was an example where intervention was effectively carried out, even ... directed “against the territorial integrity or political independence” of the target State. The second argument asserts that there is a ...