
611 resultados para traditions

  • The politics as authoritarianism: the shared project of Donoso Cortés and Jaime Balmes in the shade of Carl Schmitt
    ... by Donoso as big is the gap between the promises and the achievements, something that is aggravated by the fact that the attack on the traditions involves the deepening of his remarkably anticlerical character ... The instability of the institutions, contained in the essence of revolutionary ...
  • Ideologías y proceso

    O autor analisa a influência e as consequências práticas que a ideologia privatista e a publicista tiveram: nos escopos do processo civil, nos papéis do juiz e das partes, na estrutura do procedimento, na regulação do sistema probatório, nos métodos alternativos de resolução de conflitos, nas convenções processuais, no cumprimento de sentença e nos processos coletivos. Em seguida, descreve como o

    ... 28 BERIZONCE R.O. y FERRAND F., Lois modèles et Traditions nationales en Procedural Justice. XIV IAPL World Congress , Heidelberg, 2011, p. 115-116. OTEIZA E.D., América Latina ... Cultura y proceso civil ...
  • The role of law in creating commitment

    In article 1991 of French civil law, the laws such as contract and other sources of commitment are one of the commitment sources. Some of the French lawyers consider law as the source of all commitments and believe that: other sources get their credit from law, but the law is committed to two types of sources: direct and indirect and also legal commitment is in two cases: negative commitments and

    ... The truth is that legislator is following some natural traditions in creating legal commitment consciously or non-consciously, like following the other legal relations. Legal commitment is based on two reasons ...
  • Uma Nova Regulação para o Setor Elétrico
    ... into Regulatory Decision-Making: National Traditions and European Innovations ... Ǥ …ƒ⁄’Ǧ ... …ƒ⁄’ǣ ‚‘‚Ł ˇ⁄fl”ǤǦ ⁄Łǡ ͳͻͻ͹ǡ ™Ǥ ͳʹ͹Ǥ ... Ͷʹ ...
  • Constitutional amendments and constitutional core values: the Brazilian case in a comparative perspective

    The debate over the exercise of primary and secondary constituent power is a long-lasting one and is grounded on positions diverging according to the interpretation of constitutionalism and democracy, and to the conception of constitution’s flexibility. In order to safeguard the sacrality of the fundamental Charter at the same time ensuring its flexibility, framers, moreover after WWII,...

    ... Linking Unamend-ability and Amendment Procedures. In: ALBERT Richard; CONTIADES Xenophon; FOTIADOU Alkmene (Coord.). The Foundations and Traditions of Constitutional Amendment ... Oxford: Hart, 2017. p. 37. As Richard Albert underlines, there can be also countries providing nuanced procedures ...
  • História do direito constitucional brasileiro: a Constituição do Império do Brasil de 1824 e o sistema econômico escravocrata

    This article has as its subject the history of 1824’s constitution of the Empire of Brazil aiming to analyze its relations with the prevailing Brazilian slavery system at the time. The problem with the research concentrates precisely in an apparent contradiction between the text of a liberal economic constitution and the functioning of an incompatible private economic system, initially, according

    ... Exhausted in their functions, must give way to new experiments without any attachment to the traditions of outdated forms ... 2 The 1824’s Constitution of the Empire of Brazil and the New the Private Slavery System ... With the declaration of ...
  • Un Code Pénal Pour l'Unité Italienne: le code Zanardelli (1889) - La Genèse, le Débat, le Projet Juridique

    O presente artigo analisa o processo de formação do primeiro código penal italiano posterior à unificação política do país, o chamado Código Zanardelli de 1889. Uma análise que contextualiza a codificação não somente na cronologia dos fatos políticos, mas também, por exemplo, na ciência do direito penal italiana do século XIX. Uma ciência do direito penal - conhecida sob o nome de "escola...

    ... ça – avec d’autres – pour la conservation d’un régime différencié, dans le but de ne pas altérer les équilibres entre les traditions nationales distinctes 14 ... Carrara faisait remarquer que ... [ ... ] la unificazione potrebbe compromettere la sicurezza in alcune province quando ...
  • A problemática cultural no mundo contemporâneo

    Diante da relevância contemporânea obtida pela cultura e seus derivados, mediante a combinação de história dos conceitos com etnografia das ideais, traça-se um amplo panorama das alterações semânticas da noção de cultura. Contudo, o propósito não é fazer um inventário exaustivo desse amplo quadro semântico. Ao tomar por suporte lógico duas categorias distintas, "constelação de sentido" e "camadas

    ... exaustiv a do tema da política na história da Antropologia é o de Joan Vincent (1990), intitulado Anthropology and Politics: visions, traditions, and trends ... 20 Por ex emplo, o dilema que os antropólogos franceses enfrentam na Arg élia. Ver: Fabien Sacrist e, 2001 ... Política & ...
  • Indigenous rights in South America: observance with inter-american standards/Derechos ind
    ... addition to multiple social and cultural rights, such as education, with the protection of indigenous children and the teaching of their traditions also to other social segments; health; cultural heritage; the right to free, prior and informed consent, advancing the right to consultation ...
  • Direito regulatório, risco e incerteza econômica

    A aplicação do direito regulatório pelas autoridades competentes apresenta dois problemas principais: o primeiro se consubstancia na citação genérica de prognoses econômicas e métodos quantitativos extrajurídicos sem preocupações empíricas com eventual adequação e aplicabilidade ao caso concreto. O segundo problema decorre da dúvida persistente quanto à posição do argumento extrajurídico vis-à-vis

    ... Em estratégia semelhante, vide: GEHLEN, Boris; SCHULZ, Gunther. National regulatory traditions? Introductory remarks. p. 2. In: SCHULZ, Günther; SCHMOECKEL, Mathias; HAUSMAN, William J. Regulation between legal norms and economic reality ...
  • Cultural peculiarities in translation of colloquial vocabulary

    The present article studies peculiarities of colloquial vocabulary of English, Russian and French languages on the material of fictional texts and their translation, particularly works by S. Maugham and their translation into Russian and French. Special attention is paid to the problem of preserving stylistic component when translating from one language into another. Since the languages...

    ... To be exact, it is culture that determines such notions as what is right, and what is wrong. In different cultural traditions these notions may in one thing be universal, and otherwise may have their specific national character in other. Culture is determined by Yu. M ...
  • The ecological function of the collective property of the ancient lands: a new model for the relationship between human rights and the guarantee of the environment?

    A função ecológica das propriedades comuns das terras ancestrais: um novo modelo para a relação entre os direitos humanos e a proteção ambiental Human rights courts, such as the ECHR, usually afford protection to the environment only in an indirect way, when applying rules aimed at protecting different values, such as human life or private home, in cases involving an injury to natural or...

    ... The state can not exercise its own power over natural resources in order to deny a tribal people their own survival, according to their traditions and customs 37 ... It is a general limit to the power of the State, which has been ... 34 In the Saramaka decision, the terms with ...
  • Indo-european communications: the model of 'nomadic homeland

    The authors of the article studied the origin of Indo-European tribes in the light of ancient communications and the spread of the tribes according to wheeled transport relics in the steppe zone of Eastern Eurasia. The authors considered some modern theories related to Indo- European (IE) and Indo-Iranian (IIr) origin, defined IE innovations that marked the territories as possible homelands for...

    ... established various types of relationships with small indigenous population (through mariages, for example) and got acquainted with local traditions and customs (Figure 2, 3). Further migration of these groups was only possible in the southern direction. The vector of this movement was oriented ...
  • The great alliance: history, reason, and will in modern law/A grande alianca: historia, razao e vontade no direito moderno.
    ... (such as war as justification for extreme measures), historical tradition (such as legal precedents or, more broadly, legal-political-moral traditions), and historical meaning (such as the original meaning of the constitution). In legal doctrine and thought, history appears as a form of argument ...
  • Social-realism in the azerbaijani and turkish novels of the early 20th century

    In the 1920s and 1940s, the socialist realism (trend) flow in both Turkish and Azerbaijani literature shows itself in certain degree. Class struggle, conflict between opposing forces, such as master-peasant, intellectual-ignorantsuperstition, has become the main topic of the Turkish and Azerbaijani novels. In both literatures, the subject of village was at the forefront. It is no coincidence that

    ... Other sources also find that the ideological, political and literary life of the 1920s and 1930s is based on the traditions of Russian literature (Asadullayev, 1970: 65). Commenting on these issues, Himalay Enveroghlu also emphasized that the Azerbaijani novel in the ...
  • Southern Cone Student Movements and Capitalist Development in The Late 1800s and Early 1900s: A 'New Social Movement Theory' Approach

    This paper explores the “new social movement” features of the Argentinean, Chilean, and Uruguayan student movements of the late 1800s and early 1900s. In doing so, it wrestles with two questions. First, why do such features, widely associated with post-industrial societies, appear at this relatively early stage of capitalist development? Second, what does their presence at that time suggest about

    ... The similarities between the two simply relect the fact that new social movements draw on long-standing humanist and liberal traditions, as well as the memory of past struggles (COHEN, 1985; JOHNSTON; LARAÑA; GUSFIELD, 1994) ... Critics remain unconvinced. Some argue that ...
  • A bald man' or kaloghlan

    Tale onomastic has a longer life than other specimens of folklore. Sometimes we come across a name in a tale, in one language in another folklore specimen, or in the folklore specimens belonging to different peoples. Naturally this is the case, which we observe in the tales of relative peoples. In the formulation of the names of characters, the character of narrator of the tale, the ethnic...

    ... As to the expression of anthroponymies, a group of proverbs have been created linked with customs and traditions. Mythologies, religious looks, holidays, legends and so on. For e.g. Kechal is created in accordance with Novruz bayram. The expressive power in the ...
  • Algoritmos, regulação e governança: uma revisão de literatura

    Propósito - Oferecer um mapeamento selecionado da recente produção acadêmica sobre o tema de governança e regulação algorítmica, de modo a compreender como ela se conecta com as tradições teóricas de governança e regulação. Metodologia/abordagem/design - Revisão exploratória de literatura focada na detecção de temas e marcos teóricos das publicações que definem seu campo de investigação por meio...

    ... of the recent academic production on the topic of algorithmic governance and regulation to understand its connection to the theoretical traditions of regulation and governance ... Methodology/approach/design – Exploratory literature review focusing on the detection of themes and ...
  • Ecotourism development optimum strategies using SWOT and QSPM models: a case study of Ardebil Province, Iran
    ... of foreign Ecotourist attract 4.28 0.070 2 0.14 13 S2: hot springs of Ardabil 4.43 0.072 2 0.14 14 S3: Existence of certain culture and traditions of the people 3.77 0.061 4 0.24 3 S4:Existence of special kinds of local handicrafts ( carpets, varnished, rugs, etc) 3.77 0.062 3 0.18 7 S5: ...
  • Faces da crítica de Alessandro Baratta

    O artigo propõe-se a analisar o pensamento crítico de Alessandro Baratta, criminólogo italiano de influência no campo criminológico crítico brasileiro, rastrear categorias utilizadas e dialogar com tradições que compartilhem dessa base teórica. Investiga-se o impacto dos estudos marxistas na concepção barattiana de crítica. Esse mapeamento resgata disputas filosóficas e sociológicas sobre os...

    ... He was a Italian criminologist that has influenced Brazilian critical criminological field. We trace categories and dialogue with traditions that share his theoretical basis. We also examine the impact of Marxist studies on Baratta’s conception of criticism. Mapping the semantics of ...
  • Judicial review no constitucionalismo democrático
    ... review because it was not federal and/or because its seventeenth-century revolutions had not suiciently disrupted the english political traditions working against judicial review, traditions that had been disrupted by the movement of ... 122 Tradução livre: “Os cientistas sociais que ...
  • The language of 'molla nasreddin' journal as a formative stage in the development of the azerbaijani national literary language

    This research aims to determine specific models of wordplay at the level of syntagma in the language of the satirical journal “Molla Nasreddin”; the research applies a structural-semantic analysis of occasional syntagma constructed on paradox; the research reveals that the main model of wordplay is the contamination of famous, common syntagma with a paradoxical continuation; The game encompasses...

    ... What was important was that the journal’s language consciously distanced itself from traditions that were traditional but alien to the national spirit ... The systemic-structural paradigm which paid attention to the need to distinguish ...
  • Jurisdições Contemporâneas

    Fenômenos contemporâneos ocorridos a partir da segunda metade do século XX, especialmente o constitucionalismo e a facilitação do acesso à justiça, provocaram um movimento espontâneo de convergência recíproca entre o sistema romano-germânico e o anglosaxão. Essa convergência pode dar origem a um novo tipo de jurisdição mista, que surge espontaneamente pela incorporação recíproca de mecanismos de...

    ... Comparative Perspectives of Civil Procedure. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999 GLENN, Patrick. Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity. 4th Edition. UK: Oxford University Press, 2010 ... GRECO, Leonardo. Paradigmas da Justiça Contemporânea e ...
  • Defesa da paz
    ... Nos termos do art. 1o da Declaração e Programa de Ação sobre uma Cultura da Paz “a culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behaviour and ways of life based on: (a) Respect for life, ending of violence and promotion and practice of non-violence through ...
  • Conflitos socioambientais na terra indígena yanomami: os impactos do garimpo ilegal e o protagonismo indígena como possibilidade de transformação social

    O tema principal desenvolve-se acerca das consequências do garimpo ilegal na Terra Indígena Yanomami (TIY), onde a atuação estatal e governamental são negligentes, e uma população inteira sofre as consequências da ordem econômica moderna. O objetivo principal é analisar de que forma o fortalecimento do protagonismo das comunidades indígenas, é capaz de impactar na construção de um sistema...

    ... in the continuous and historical process of devastation of indigenous territory, identifying the devaluation of their knowledge, traditions, cultures, local lives and nature ... Keywords: indigenous land; natureza; illegal gold panning; protagonism; plurality ... 141 Graduanda em ...

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