tradução call of duty 4

200 resultados para tradução call of duty 4

  • The 'common home': for an epistemology of care and justice for Latin America

    The thesis that guides this research is the defense of an epistemology of care about our ‘common home’ in the Encyclical Laudato Si. The authors seek to define the meaning of this metaphor and argue that its contents can guide the construction of sustainable solutions to the serious problems in Latin America, specifically, social inequalities, deficiencies of democracy, the exclusion of cultures,

    ... peoples, the environment and cultures, call for new references to guide and structure the ... in an indiscriminate way (ZARKA, 2014, page 48) 4 , the instrumentalisation of the State with its ... ), is emphasized as: “[ ... ] the idea of duty and responsibility of the human agent regarding ... transformando direito e governança. Tradução de Phillip Gil França. São Paulo: Revista dos ...
  • Restorative justice a paradigmatic change in the misdemeanor offenses system

    The research approaches the concern with the human rights of children and teenagers, especially regards to teenagers in judicial conflict, so that law recognize and protect them. The attention that should be given to them is worldwide, even more so at the present time in which globalization is increasingly intensely. The countries must strengthen cooperation in this aspect, through international...

    ... Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional ... 156 Revista Direito e ... awareness that the State would have a duty to protect minors, even if it suppressed their ... , we adopt a mistaken posture which we can call adult-centrism, in order to reproduce the logic ... Tradução Tônia Van Acker. São Paulo: Palas Athena, 2019 ...
  • The increase of punishment for ill-treatment of dogs and cats and the persistence of the anthropocentrist paradigm in brazilian legislation
    ... the crime of ill-treatment of animals 4 The arbitrariness of legal differentiation among ... degree of protection and an underlying duty of dignified treatment to animals ... Thus, ... intentional behavior (provided by what we call consciousness) ... This became clear and ... Tradução de André Luiz de Alvarenga. São Paulo: Editora ...
  • Regulação das profissões de saúde em Ontário: autorregulação com accountability pública baseada em estatutos legais

    Este artigo explora o modelo de regulação dos profissionais de saúde em Ontário, Canadá, um modelo de autorregulação construído em torno de um regime estatutário específico. O foco central do trabalho é a discussão sobre a Lei de Regulamentação das Profissões de Saúde de Ontário e os principais componentes de 26 leis que foram promulgadas sob sua égide para regulamentar profissões de saúde...

    ... ) over the division of labor in health care 4 ... Through state regulation, medicine became a ... (HPRA Council), with the primary statutory duty to advise the MOHLTC on health professions ... a suicient response to the continuing call for more governmental oversight remains to be ... também incluem a facilitação da tradução dos documentos, suporte técnico de idioma e ...
  • The supremacy of the consumer and the redefinition of the notion of citizenship in supercapitalism

    This work intends to analyze the factors that led to supercapitalism, which is an evolution of the capitalism, where companies and corporations occupy the political sphere that should be occupied by every citizen. Competition, result of changes in the 1970s, such as technology, globalization, and the deregulation, expands beyond economy. In this context, consumption and investment started to be...

    ... Something that we call supercapitalism has been born. Within this ... Reich prescribes 4 : ... Success was the common outcome and the ... Tradução de João Alexandre Peschanski. São Paulo: ... the right to citizenship is based on the duty of consumption, the great companies spy the ...
  • The paradigm of Post-War: the construction of a myth

    With the end of World War II takes force the moralization process of law, in the apparent rapprochement jusnaturalists ideals. This process is explained by the belief that legal positivism, the doctrine of law dominant until then, had not only legitimized the abuses of the dictatorial regimes, which have passed under the scrutiny of legality, as left "defenseless people and lawyers against laws...

    ... , was never charged, nor tried as a war crime 4 and against humanity 5 ... To use contemporary ... Tradução livre: Após 1920, era impossível formar um ... the past, in such way that was possible to call in case the same legal positivist doctrine of ... Hobbes, as pointed out, who defends a moral duty of obedience, recognizes the possibility of ...
  • The presence of Hobbes and Machiavelli in authoritarian thinking in Brazil and Germany in the Decade 30

    The central objective of this paper is to analyze the thought of two authors, Hobbes and Machiavelli and what their influence on authoritarian doctrine applied by the governments of Brazil and Germany in the 30s of last century. In this period, Brazil was ruled by Getúlio Vargas, and Germany lived the rise of Nazism. Both governments were sustained by authoritarian governments that had its...

    ... becomes the Sovereign State Hobbes comes to call Leviathan ... According to HOBBES (1999, p ... , all joints and limbs are driven to do his duty) are the nerves, that do the same in the body ... 4. The Influence of Hobbes and Machiavelli ... Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2012, ...
  • Primeiras notas sobre uma orientação epistemológica ao Direito a partir da relação entre sensibilidade e entendimento

    The article has the Kantian aesthetics as subject and proposes a study of reflecting judgment and its relation to critical hermeneutic ethics, having as main objective to investigate the critical hermeneutic ethics and its possibility to offer epistemological basis for the Law in contemporaneity. It was identified that it is possible to extend the reflecting judgment to the aesthetical field,...

    ... , both maintained by principles a priori 4 , speculating Kant that: “ ... In the family ... which every man postulates in others as a duty) that it gives pleasure with a claim for the ... experience is really the opening of what we call true (this movement that is at the center of ... Tradução de Marco Casanova. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, ...
  • Uma aproximação entre a capacidade institucional dos Tribunais de Contas e o regime de precedentes e súmulas do Código de Processo Civil

    Investiga-se a capacidade institucional das cortes de contas, como formadoras e aplicadoras de precedentes e súmulas, para responder: é possível uma aproximação profícua com o regime de padrões decisórios do Código de Processo Civil-CPC, assim como um diálogo produtivo com a Lei de Introdução às Normas de Direito Brasileiro-LINDB? O objetivo do trabalho é analisar, a partir das capacidades...

    ... 4 SEQÜÊNCIA (FLORIANÓPOLIS), VOL. 42, N ... The existence of what we call in this paper as controlling summulas and ... Accountability is necessary; a duty of those responsible for the government’s ... Levando os direitos à sério ... Tradução: Nelson Boeira. 3 ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, ...
  • The influence of andean constitutionalism on the formation of a new agroecological paradigm for law

    In the Anthropocene, increasingly complex problems affect modern societies. The triple burden of malnutrition and food insecurity are some examples of problems that illustrate the failure of modern agriculture and its associated production model. In this sense, this article seeks to outline the influence and some contributions of the Andean Constitutionalism to the formation and consolidation of...

    ... , through the commitment to sustainability 4 , with a better balance between nature and the ... by the Venezuelan constitution as a right-duty of each generation, which must do so for the ... South , which is deined as ... the call for new processes of production and valuation of ... Tradução Cláudia F. Falluh Balduino Ferreira. São ...
  • Relativization of environmental regulation by emergency state

    Given the current context of economic and political crisis experienced in Brazil, we propose a discussion about the state’s role in the implementation of environmental protection measures, especially considering the scenario of environmental degradation in protected areas, such as conservation units, permanent preservation areas, among others, due to anthropic activities. Through a...

    ... the country towards sustainable development 4 thus inds itself in a kind of ‘middle way’ ... 22) call “broad anthropocentrism”, which maintains the ... the government are given the duty to transform social reality, shaped by predatory ... Estado de exceção ... Tradução de Iraci D. Poleti. São Paulo: Bomtempo, 2004 ...
  • Sistematização de Normas Regulatórias: uma abordagem baseada no neo-institucionalismo

    Propósito - Propor uma abordagem baseada no neo-institucionalismo para auxiliar a atividade de sistematização de normas regulatórias. Metodologia/abordagem/design - Pesquisa bibliográfica interdisciplinar nas áreas de Filosofia da Linguagem, Ciência da Informação e Direito. Resultados - O neo-institucionalismo, principalmente da forma proposta por Dick Ruiter, oferece um arcabouço conceitual que...

    ... Para Barry Smith (2003, p. 4), os créditos dos primeiros esforços do ... “To this class of what I shall call ‘institutions of the law’ (or ‘legal ... into types of rule, primary and secondary, duty-imposing and power-conferring. But in fact, as I ... Sistema na Ciência do Direito ... Tradução de A. Menezes Cordeiro. Lisboa: Fundação ...
  • AlterAções Sociedades Limitadas
  • The birth of the right to alterity in the city

    With the Protestant Reform and the great navigations, the consideration about the other and with the different one, goes through changes, especially against the ones considered infidels and the natives of the New World. On the other hand, in the sixteenth century, the Iberian Peninsula lived the Golden Age, with the rebirth of Scholasticism and the flourishing of important juridical universities,

    ... not have reason and soul? Is it not your duty to love them as yourself? (ANTÔNIO DE MONTESINOS ... defend one’s life; 2 - the Holy Scriptures call evil men and sinners of kings (Solomon, Ahab and ... of God), and sin does not remove rationality; 4 - King David was also a sinner; 5 -Genesis (49, ... Tradução de Antônio Campelo Amaral e Carlos Gomes ...
  • Decreto nº 3.048, de 6 de maio de 1999
    ... religiosa; (Redação dada pelo Decreto nº 4.079, de 2002) d) o brasileiro civil que trabalha ... também a empresas que prestam serviços de call center. (Incluído pelo Decreto nº 6.945, de ... 4713-0/03 ... Lojas duty free de aeroportos internacionais ... 4713-0/02 ... Serviços de tradução ...
  • Democratização da Justiça e Governança: algumas notas sobre o Brasil

    Social rights have a collective dimension that arises especially when they become object of public policies, so their efficacy depends on the enlargement of deliberative spaces within the civil society. Although the legitimacy of the adjucation process depends on the juridical order providing spaces to guarantee that divergent interests will be represented, this is still difficult in the...

    ... strong economic reasons, the neoliberal’s call to “less state” reverberated in the so ... 4 ... Public policies hold a state character, ... , in order to follow their legitimizing duty of imposition and domination, ensuring symbolic ... Metodologia das Ciências Sociais ... Tradução de Augusti Wenet. 2. ed. São Paulo: Cortez; ...
  • The bhopal disaster: risks and vulnerabilities in transfer of technologies and the right to know

    Technological disasters, since its origin in the Industrial Revolution, are part of the reality of society, with frequent losses from the loss of lives to the compromise of ecosystem services. These events carry the lesson that the development of technologies must be accompanied by the diagnosis of their risks through the balance between knowledge and safety, the likelihood and potentiality of...

    ... 4 liquid bar. At the time of the accident, the ... countries,” unleashing what the authors call “isolationist strategy. “That is, transfers ... The State should not relinquish its duty to protect only the interests of the business ... La sociedad de la sociedade ... Tradução Ja-vier Torres Nafarrete. México: ...
  • Consulta pública, (Bio) ética e democracia

    A participação pública é um mecanismo democrático fundamental para avaliar a qualidade do processo decisório envolvendo o licenciamento ambiental. A operacionalização da participação pública no licenciamento ambiental pode ocorrer por meios diretos ou indiretos, indicando maior ou menor capacidade de responsabilidade social na relação entre comunidades e empreendimentos que produzirão impactos...

    ... action” and launching it based on what we call the Democratic Rule of Law, we can reach two ... Implicitly, the international legal duty of non- intervention and non-interference arises ... Salvador (on March 2, 2020), Aracaju (on March 4, 2020), Maceio (on March 6, 2020) and Recife (on ... Tradução de Pedro Jorgensen Jr. Rio de Janeiro, Difel, p ...
  • The violations of the Chiquitano Indigenous People rights: a case for protection by the Inter-American System of Human Rights

    This paper aims to investigate the agrarian conflict in the traditional lands inhabited by Chiquitano Indigenous Peoples on the Brazil-Bolivia border. It seeks to determine whether there are human rights violations and whether the Chiquitano case fulfils the necessary requirements to be analysed by the Inter-American System of Human Rights (IASHR). In the first section of the paper we present an...

    ... The Inter-American System of Human Rights. 4. Human rights violations against the Chiquitano ... on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and will call academic and political attention, in particular ... Convention imposes on State Parties the duty to guarantee the rights provided “to all ... Tradução: Maria da Glória Lacerda Rurack e Klaus-Peter ...
  • The working-time and the three spirits of capitalism/A duracao do trabalho e os tres espiritos do capitalismo.
    ... acts, for which exercise the monks were call up by the church bell at certain intervals, ... the place where the bells or "jacquemarts" (4) were installed. For the populations living away ... Work became considered as a right and a duty by the 1937 Constitution, where the legal ...
  • AlterAções Sociedades Limitadas
  • The socio-environmental function of brazilian rural property and disappropriation for social interest for purposes of agrarian reform / A função socioambiental da propriedade rural brasileira e a desapropriação por interesse social para fins de reforma..

    O presente artigo consubstancia estudo sobre a função socioambiental da propriedade rural. A partir de uma interpretação sistemática da Constituição Federal de 1988, da legislação ordinária, amparada pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, defende-se a ideia de que a propriedade rural no Brasil, embora possa figurar como “produtiva” sob o ponto da economicidade, nos...

    ... on the Government and the community the duty to defend and preserve it for the present and ... of the environment, for if millions today call for food production, perhaps billions tomorrow ... – vol. I; 2ª ed.; tradução: Flávio Beno Siebeneichler – Rio de Janeiro: ... NALINI, José Renato ... 4. ed. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, ...
  • AlterAções Sociedades Limitadas
  • Transitional Justice: An Overview Of Policy Options And Challenges

    Este ensaio aborda uma variedade de discursos teóricos sobre opções políticas de justiça transicional para países que estão se afastando de longos períodos de conflito e abusos de direitos humanos. Busca-se construir uma compreensão teórica e prática do papel da justiça transicional e as premissas que permeiam a relação entre as suas várias dimensões, incluindo questões sobre se se deve processar

    ... 4 The primary concern of an emerging democracy ... human rights and sustain the notion of a duty to investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators ... of transitional periods legitimately call for responses to past human rights abuses, ... Adaptação, tradução do abstract e normalização por: Prof. Dr ...
  • Food safety and pesticides: the situation of glyphosate before the precautionary principle

    This article uses the legal method and deductive reasoning, with application of the bibliographical and documentary research technique. It intends to verify if there’s any omission from Public Power regarding the application of the Precautionary Principle, at the from the perspective of food security, in relation to the substance glyphosate, which is the most used pesticide in Brazil, especially...

    ... 220, paragraph 3, section II and paragraph 4, which concerns the health of the population, ... It should be noted that this duty of care aims to protect not only the rural ... relects the more complete image of what we call it civilization. For this reason, the activity of ... a uma outra moderni-dade/ Ulrich Beck; tradução de Sebastião Nascimento; inclui uma entrevista ...

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