Avaliação arquivistica: uma ana´lise baseada em revisa~o sistema´tica de literatura

AutorMoises Rockembach
v. 23, n. esp., 2018
p. 90-98
ISSN 1518-2924
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, v. 23, n. esp., p. 90-98,
2018. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2018v23nespp90
Archival appraisal: an analysis based on systematic literature
Moises ROCKEMBACH (moises.rockembach@ufrgs.br) *
* Professor da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS.
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2016). Apresenta os resultados de pesquisa, identificando      
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 
Palavras-chave: ..
This paper results from a research developed on archival appraisal, which the problem of define
the background and inve stigating the approaches used in the national panorama. The obje ctive
was to identify and demonstrate the scientific production on document appraisal in Archival
Science and in its interdisciplinary relationships. As grounded in the literature of the area, the
appraisal process is fundamental for an effe ctive and efficient record and information
management, aiming at both the rationalization and the formation of an organizational memory,
and it is from this premise that the research proceeds. The methodological pr ocedures adopted
were do systematic review with the brazilian literature on archival appraisal and also when
related to document management, listing the scientific productions, under peer review, indexed in
the Base de Dados em Cîncia da Informã̧o (BRAPCI) of the last 10 years (2007-2016). It
presents the research results, identifying the articles that deal with the theme, categorizing the
methodologies and describing its char acteristics, parameters and adopted criteria. It concludes
that the methodology of Schellenberg's Theory of Values, despite anachronism in contemporary
studies of the area, is still pr edominant in the theoretical framework of research and is
represented in the national legislation that involves information evaluation. It also concludes that
in view o f the paradigmatic, technological and administrative structuring changes of the
contemporary Institutions, it is possible to identify which more recent methodologies have begun
to receive prominence, as is the case of Macroappraisal and Evaluation of Information Flow.
Keywords: Archival Appraisal. Appraisal Methodologies. Systematic Review.
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