Classification of Cybercrimes in GCC Countries
Autor | Alyona Dmitrievna Tsyplakova, Viktor Anatolyevich Shestak |
Cargo | Professor of the Department Criminal Procedure, Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation). / Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russian Federation). |
Páginas | 66-79 |
Classification of Cybercrimes in GCC Countries (p. 66-79)
Classification of Cybercrimes in GCC Countries.
The La w, State
and Telecomm unications Review
, v. 16, no. 1, p. 66-79, May 2024.
Classification of Cybercrimes in GCC Countries
: 2 June 20 23
Viktor Anatolyevich Shestak*
Alyona Dmitrievna Tsyplakova
: 24 June 2023
: 25 June 2023
: 2 Nove mber 2023
Article submitted to peer blind rev iew
Licensed under a Creative Common s Attribution 4.0 International
For the time being, one of the mo st cyber resilient countries not only in the
Middle Ea st, but worldwi de is Kingdom of Saudi Ara bia alongside w ith the United Arab
Emirates that pioneered th e criminalization of computer-rela ted offences. The question is
what country has ev olved enough thought years and ma y set an example in order to reform
other Arab leg islation.
[Methodology/A pproach/Design]
This study is a description investiga tion of cybercrimes
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Un ited Arab Emirate s, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the
Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar and the State of Kuwait m ainly based on genetic,
systematic-fu nctional and systematization meth ods. Data on features of translatio n, as well
as legal framework of GCC mem bers a nd comparison of provisions of the Budape st
convention on cy bercrime and the Arab conven tion on combatting informatio n technology
offences sum marized in Tables.
Not only does the terminol ogy in Arab states vary from conventional appr oach,
but the struc ture and categories ar e atypical in contrast to international docume nts such as
the Budapest convention o n cybercrime. Since there is no unity within even 6 members of
Gulf Cooper ation Council, it calls for harmonization and either update of t he Arab
Convention on combati ng inf ormation technology offences or implementi ng the G CC
Model Law ( Riyad Document).
: Cybercrime s. GCC. Arab Countries. Comp uter Crimes.
* Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor of the De partment Criminal Procedure, Mosc ow
Academy of the Inve stigative C ommittee of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian
Federation). Address: 12, Vrubel Street, Mo scow, Russia, 125 080. E-mail:
** Lecturer of the Department of Crimina l Law, Criminal Procedure and Crimino logy,
MGIMO University ( Moscow, Russian Federation) . Address: 76, Prospect Vernadskogo
Moscow, Rus sia, 119454. E-mail: tsyplakova.a.d@my.mgim
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