Criminalistic features and exemplary parameters of defense speech

AutorArastun Aliyar Gasimov
CargoBaku State University. Department of Criminal Procedure. L.f.d. associate professor
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Arastun Aliyar Gasimov1
Abstract: Criminalistic features and ex-
emplary parameters of defense speech
are investigated in the article. In this re-
search, in addition to large-scale scien-
tific research in modern times it also
speaks of the criminalization aspects of
defense activities in parallel with the
criminal-procedural aspects of defense
activity which has been highlighted in
separate scientific articles, as well as
strategy, tactics and methodology of de-
fense activity are explained and the vari-
ous classifications (for example, colliga-
tion, coalition, group defense, etc.) of de-
fense activity in the context of criminal-
istics situology (analysis of separate in-
vestigative conditions) are dealt on.We
think it is expedient to provide as much
information as possible in the context of
this article.The works of prominent
scholars who have studied the court of
speech culture of different countries
have been studied within the scope of
this research.It is advisable to apply the
1 Baku State University. Department of Criminal Procedure. L.f.d. associate professor,
experience of foreign countries to sys-
tematize issues related to tactics of de-
fense speeches, and to create exemplary
models. Among the countries that have
developed the highest level of court cul-
ture, the United States should first of all
be mentioned. The contemporary US le-
gal system has genesis of the Anglo-
Saxon law system, the role of the case
law in court cases, the existence of an in-
stitution of judges, and other conditions
contributed to the fact that judicial trials
in this country's judiciary and particu-
larly criminal prosecution have become
an extremely important issue.During the
speech defense mechanisms are the
methods of behavior that the judge finds
by following the behavior of the prisoner
before him. Certain definitions have
been created after such defense mecha-
nisms have been investigated. Examples
of the use of these mechanisms are based
on information obtained from those indi-
viduals. Individual uses a variety of de-
fense mechanisms, mainly one or two

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