O Direito Internacional sob governos de extrema direita: uma comparação entre as administrações de Donald Trump e Bolsonaro

AutorMelina Moreira Campos Lima
CargoGraduada em direito pela UFJF. Doutora e mestre em economia política internacional pela UFRJ. Professora de direito internacional público e privado no IBMEC do Rio de Janeiro
DOI https://doi.org/10.5007/2177-7055.2022.e66065
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International law under far-
right governments: a comparison
between the administrations of
Donald Trump and Bolsonaro
O Direito Internacional sob governos de extrema direita: uma
comparação entre as administrações de Donald Trump e Bolsonaro
Melina Moreira Campos Lima¹
¹Ibmec, Rio de Janeiro, Br azil.
Abstract: Far-ri ght part ies and cand idates have been gain ing ground all over the
world in the last d ecade. The election of Donald Tru mp as the president of the sti ll
most powerfu l country in the world wa s a milestone in thi s process. More recently
in Brazi l, the election of Bolsonaro con rmed this tendenc y. In this contex t, one
of the areas t hat is in const ant jeopardy i s the intern ational l aw. Therefore, this
paper anal yzes the impacts th at far-right g overnments have on this eld of l aw. By
studyi ng the related foreign polic y measures adopted by Trump’s and Bolson aro’s
government s, it is possible to lea rn the di mension of the th reat that int ernation al
law faces when th is type of regi me takes place. As one of the conclusion s, we learn
that far -right governments t end to be self-centered in ter ms of foreign policy and
not prone to cooperation i n the internationa l level and this frequent ly leads to the
violation of i nternation al law, which can have g rave consequences.
Keywor ds: Internat ional law. Far-r ight. Foreign policy.
Resumo: Na última décad a, candidatos e par tidos de extrema di reita têm ganhado
espaço em país es do mundo intei ro. Nesse context o, a eleição de Donald Tru mp
para presiden te do ainda mais pod eroso país do mundo foi um ma rco. Mais recen-
temente, no Brasi l, a eleição de Bolsonaro con rmou essa tendênci a. Nesse cenário,
uma das á reas que se encontra em const ante perigo é a do di reito internaciona l. Por
isso, esse a rtigo se pro põe a anal isar os im pactos que governo s de extrema d ireita
têm sobre esse ca mpo do direit o. Ao estudar a s política s externa s adotada s pelos
governos de Trump e d e Bolsonaro, é pos sível entender a di mensão da am eaça
que o direito i nternacion al sofre qua ndo um cand idato de ext rema dir eita chega
ao poder. Uma das conclu sões é a de que governo s de extrema d ireita tend em a
ser unil ateralistas em te rmos de polít ica externa e pouco engajado s em iniciat ivas
de cooperação no pla no internacional, o que leva , frequentemente , à violação do
direito int ernaciona l.
Palavras-chave Direito internacion al. Ext rema di reita. Política ex terna.
Over seven decades after the end of the Second World War,
which was a dramatic event that happened partly because of the pos-
sibly most famous far-right regime in History – Nazism –, we have
been witnessing again the r ise of far-right ideology in m any countries.
Everywhere in the globe, but most notoriously in Europe and in the
Americas, this ideology has been gaining ground through elected
parliament members or heads of state.
The consequences of extremist s administrations can be felt in
many areas of a societ y, such as economy, education, free expression
rights, m inority r ights among others. This essay aims at ana lyzing
this contemporar y surge in fa r-right movement and its impact s on
internationa l law, comparing, more specically, the actions and de-
cisions of the presidents of the United States and Brazil – Donald
Trump and Bolsonaro.
First of all, we will br iey explain the historical origins and
the purpose of international law. Based on consolidated denitions of
internationa l law terms and institutions, it will be presented its m ain
concepts and shown how this branch of jurisprudence is supposed to
work. After the technical part of international l aw is exposed, we wi ll
relate it to the world system.
The goal of the second topic is to explain the main characteristics
of far-rig ht ideology and li nk it to Trump´s and Bolsonaro´s statements
and actions during their electoral campaigns and admin istrations.

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