Dynamic stability in the changeable world and its legal provision

AutorVladimir K. Duyunov - Ruslan V. Zakomoldin - Tat'yana P. Butenko - Arpenik R. Galoyan
CargoTogliatti State University - Togliatti State University - Amur State University - Amur State University
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
Vladimir K. Duyunov
Ruslan V. Zakomoldin
Tat’yana P. Butenko
Arpenik R. Galoyan
Abstract: The work aims at analyzing
the issues of legal provision of social
stability as a prerequisite of global and
national safety under the changeable
conditions of the contemporary world
order. To this end, the authors analyze
the Strategy of National Safety of the
Russian Federation, approved by the
Russian President in 2015, the data of
sociological research of 20152018,
statistical data, and special literature. As
a result, the common notion of stability
is formulated, its varieties are
distinguished, features and meaning are
determined. The necessity for
harmonious combination of stability and
changeability is highlighted. The
importance of law in providing stability
is emphasized. The modern trend of
perpetual growth of the number of laws
is criticized, as it results in the decrease
Togliatti State University
Togliatti State University
Amur State University
Amur State University
of their quality, systemic character and
steadiness of legislation. The conclusion
is made that the key factor of providing
safety is dynamic stability a
harmonious combination of stability and
dynamism of all social processes.
Keywords: dynamic stability,
dynamism, changeability, safety,
1. Introduction
One of the features
characterizing the contemporary stage of
development of Russia and the whole
world is the growing instability of
political, economic, interracial and other
processes. This increases the topicality
of the global strategic stability as a factor
of providing peace and safety of
mankind and searching for the ways to
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 04 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
optimize the balance between stability
and dynamism in many spheres of public
life and state development.
Recently, the Russian
administration recognized that the
strategic task and the main vector of the
country development in the nearest
perspective is the necessity to modernize
the Russian society and state by
improving the overall system of social
relations and state structure. It was
correctly noted that there is no
alternative to the country modernization,
as the Russia’s lacing behind the leading
states threatens the very existence of the
country. Thus, it is actually the issue of
the country’s survival in the modern
changeable world and the changing
world order. The goal and tasks of the
modernization process were to
dramatically change all spheres of the
state and society way of living, thus
providing the new quality of the
country’s development and its joining
the leading world states
In parallel to that, another trend
was gaining strength and has recently
become prevailing in the official policy
Duyunov, V.K. 2012.
Reformirovaniye ugolovnogo zakonodatelstva
dolzhno byt obosnovannym [Reforming the
criminal legislation should be well-grounded].
Vestnik Samarskoy gumanitarn oy akademii. No.
1(11). pp. 12-18.
namely, utmost enhancement of
strategic stability, steady and seamless
development of the human society as the
crucial factor of providing the global and
national safety. In this context,
modernization was defined as a means to
provide such stability.
2. Materials and methods
The idea of strategic stability was
most fully expressed and officially
formalized in the Strategy of National
Safety of the Russian Federation,
approved by the Decree of the Russian
President of 31 December 2015 No. 683,
which became the basis for forming and
further implementing the state policy in
the sphere of providing the national
security of Russia (further the
. Thus, this document requires
detailed analysis of its nature and
The notions, terms and
definitions which we use in our research
require etymological analysis, revealing
their nature and content, thus we use
reference books and dictionaries as
Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation of 31 December 2015 No. 683
“Strategy of National Security of the Russian
Federation”. Collection of legislation of the
Russian Federation. 2016. No. 1 (part 1). Art.

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