Explaining the implementation model of green technology in iranian automobile industry

AutorMohammad Hossein Kharidar - Manochehr Manteghi - Mahmoud Shirazi
CargoDBA Student in Strategic Management, Department of Management, Iran University of Industries and Mines - Associate Prof., Department of Management and soft Technology, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology - Assistant Prof., Department of Management, Iran University of Industries and Mines
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
Mohammad Hossein Kharidar1
Manochehr Manteghi2
Mahmoud Shirazi3
Abstract: Today, the automobile
industry plays a critical role in enhancing
the transportation level in societies and
has become an integral part of human
life. Given its direct and indirect
interaction with environment in all
sectors of production cycle from
exploiting the natural resources to
manufacturing, production,
consumption, and from post-
consumption to disposing its wastes, this
industry is considered among the major
sources of environmental pollution. One
of the ways to protect the environment is
to institutionalize the use of green
technologies in automobile industry, an
industry which plays a significant role in
this pollution. On the other hand, using
green technologies involves the
necessary infrastructure in various
1 DBA Student in Strategic Management, Department of Management, Iran University of
Industries and Mines
2 Associate Prof., Department of Management and soft Technology, Malek-Ashtar University of
3 Assistant Prof., Department of Management, Iran University of Industries and
Mines. Corresponding Author: Mohammad Hossein Kharidar
dimensions which is always facing
multiple challenges. The necessary
condition to exploit the green
technologies is identifying its effective
and deterrent challenges which is the
focus of this discussion and has been
analyzed in two principle phases. In the
Phase I, the main framework of the
research is formed based on identifying
the challenge dimensions, factors and
effective indexes according to the
presented conceptual model. In the Phase
II, given the qualitative nature of
research, the Delphi consensus
technique is applied. Regarding the
consensus obtained by the experts in the
first and Phase IIs of Delphi technique,
the research process reached its final
consensus, thus making it unnecessary to
enter into the Phase III. Finally, ten
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
environmental and internal challenging
factors along with 25 indexes from their
subsets were confirmed by the experts,
which was used as the basis for the
inference and explanation of green
technology implementation in the
automobile industry.
Keywords: Green Technology, Green
automobile Industry, Challenges in
Exploiting the Green Industry
The development of technology
and innovations in the domain of
industry has led to formation of
competitiveness paradigm as a critical
and multidimensional index in various
industries, so that it is today necessary to
give special attention to competiveness
as an effective and critical factor, in a
way proportionate and aligned with
technology growth in international
arena, because in international
interactions- i.e., globalization- any
unsuitable programming can potentially
bring the new technologies into failure.
Also the development of green
technology in the one hand and the
challenges of applying it inside and
outside of an organization either in terms
of technology transfer or providing the
required infrastructures on the other
hand, are the relevant theoretical
foundations considered today by the
industrial societies in both developed
and developing countries.
The emphasis of Iranian
managers on environmental issues, the
necessity of interacting with the
international communities, making the
necessary infrastructures to join to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) and
raising the competitive edge relative to
imported products are among the issues
which lead the Iranian industries
including the automobile industry
towards applying the green technology.
In other words, a qualified and
sophisticated organization should be
able to adapt with the environmental
rules. Such an organization can
understand the environment, prepare the
necessary information and knowledge,
be agile in responding, be a suitable base
for innovation and creativity, learn from
lessons and revise its structurers.
Industrial development is one of
fundamental components for
development of countries. In the
competitive world of today, industries
possess a strategic status, as progress in

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