Exploring and explaining the economic political relations between Iran and The Soviet Union in the second pahlavi era emphasizing the system theory

AutorKimia Zare - Habibollah Saeeidinia
CargoPhD Student, Department of History, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran - Associate Professor, Faculty Member, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
Kimia Zare1
Habibollah Saeeidinia2
Abstract: Iran and Russia have common
interests, especially in political terms,
because of the common borders and
territorial neighborhood. This has led to
a specific sensitivity to how the two
countries are approaching each other.
Despite the importance of the two
countries' relations, it is observed that in
the history of the relations between Iran
and Russia, various issues and issues
have always been hindered by the close
relations between the two countries. The
beginning of Iran-Soviet relations during
the Second Pahlavi era was accompanied
by issues such as World War II and
subsequent events. The relations
between the two countries were
influenced by the factors and system
variables of the international system,
such as the Cold War, the US-Soviet
rivalry, the Second World War and the
entry of the Allies into Iran, the
deconstruction of the relations between
1 PhD Student, Department of History, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Faculty Member, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
the two post-Cold War superpowers, and
so on.The main question of the current
research is that the political relations
between Iran and Russia influenced by
the second Pahlavi period?To answer
this question, the hypothesis was that
Iran's political economic relations were
fluctuating in the second Pahlavi era and
influenced by the changing system
theory of the international system with
the Soviet Union. The findings suggest
that various variables such as the
structure of the international system and
international events, including World
War II, the arrival of controversial forces
in Iran, the Cold War, the post-Cold War,
the US and Soviet policies, and the
variables such as the issue of oil
Azerbaijan's autonomy, Tudeh's actions
in Iran, the issue of fisheries and borders.
Also, the policies adopted by Iranian
politicians, including negative balance
policy, positive nationalism and
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
independent national policy, have
affected Iran-Soviet relations. In a
general conclusion, from 1320 (1942) to
1357 (1979), the relationship between
Iran and Russia has been an upward
trend towards peaceful coexistence. But
expansion of further relations in the
economic, technical and cultural fields
has been political rather than political.
Keywords: Political Relations,
Economic Relations, Cultural Relations,
Iran, Russia, Pahlavi II.
Iran and Russia have common
interests, especially in political terms,
because of the common border and
territorial neighborhood. This has led to
a specific sensitivity to how the two
countries are approaching each other.
Despite the importance of the two
countries' relations, it is observed that in
the history of the relations between Iran
and Russia, various issues and matters
have always been hindered by the close
relations between the two countries. Iran
needs to cooperate with the great powers
of the world in order to raise its position
in the world. Russia is one of the
countries with a special status in the
history of political relations in Iran,
given its geopolitical commonality with
Iran. Considering Russia's importance in
Iranian foreign policy, studies on Iran's
relations with the country are also of
particular sensitivity. The beginning of
Iran-Soviet relations during the Second
Pahlavi era was accompanied by issues
such as World War II and subsequent
events. Therefore, it can be admitted that
the relations between the two countries
were related to the systemic variables of
the international system, such as the
Cold War, the US-Soviet rivalry, World
War II, and the entry of the Allies into
Iran, the deconstruction of the relations
between the two post-Cold War
superpowers. Has been affected. With
this in mind, it can be admitted that the
relationship between Iran and the Soviet
Union during the Second Pahlavi period
has been influenced by internal and
external factors, and, given this category,
the history of relations between the two
countries during the mentioned period
has been uplifted. Iran needs to
cooperate with the great powers of the
world in order to raise its position in the
world. Russia is one of the countries with
a special status in the history of political

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