A genealogy of the critical discourses on the authoritarianism of the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code

AutorClara Maria Roman Borges
CargoMaster and PhD by Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
DOI https://doi.org/10.5 007/2177-7055.2021.e63139
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A genealogy of the critical
discourses on the authoritarianism of
the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code
Uma genealogia dos discursos críticos sobre o autoritarismo
do Código de Processo Penal brasileiro
Clara Maria Roman Borge s
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Abstract: This paper presents an investigation on the critica l discour ses that
attribute the authorita rian ism of the Braz ilian criminal procedure to a legacy of
the fascist Italia n crim inal procedural leg islation of 1930. At r st, it reveals the
impossibi lity of th is comparison by the lack of sources for verifying if there was
indeed the in uence of Italian fa scist law in the Bra zilian Cri minal Procedu re Code
of 1941. Then, it is analyzed how th is critical discou rse di uses among Br azilian
crim inal procedura l law scholars from the 1990’s, due to thei r networks of academic
and professiona l contacts, establ ishing a rupture w ith previous critici sms. Finally,
the research a ims to demonstrate how thi s approach between the Brazilian Code
and the Rocco Code was articial and prevent s Brazilian cr iminal procedural
law scholars f rom realizing the inuences of other foreign laws in leg islation and
current jud icial practices and prevent s them from creating strategies to ensure
the implementat ion of constitutional guarantees in these new procedu ral form s.
Keywords: Genealog y – Critical di scourses - Brazi lian Crim inal Procedure Co de.
Resumo: Este artig o apresenta uma pesqu isa sobre os discur sos críticos que atr ibuem
o autoritar ismo do processo penal bra sileiro a um legado da legislação proce ssual
penal ita liana f ascista de 1930. Em primeiro lugar, revela a impossibilid ade desta
comparação, em razão da fa lta de fontes que possibilitem vericar se realmente
houve inuência da legislação fascista no Código de Processo Penal Brasilei ro de
1941. Então, analisa- se como esses discu rsos críticos d ifundidos entre o s estudiosos
do processo pena l brasileiro nos anos de 1990 e estabeleceram uma rupt ura com
o discur so crítico a nterior. Finalmente, a pesquisa objetiva demonstrar como a
aproximação entre o Código de Processo Penal Brasileiro e o Códig o Rocco foi
arti cial e pode ter contr ibuído para que os processu alistas pen ais não percebessem
as inuências de outras legislações estrangeiras no processo penal e nas práticas
judiciai s brasileiras , e, consequentemente, pode ter im pedido que criass em estraté-
gias pa ra implementar as ga rantias const itucionais nessa s novas formas proces suais.
Palavras-chave: Genealogia – Discur sos críticos – Código de Processo Penal
Brasi leiro.
By analyzing the critical discourses to the authoritarianism of
the Brazilian criminal procedure, it is possible to realize that most of
them apply the same arguments to explain the constant violation of
constitutional g uarantees and its use for the crimina lization of politics.
Usually, without any bibliographical references or the text of the law,
these discourses arm that the Brazilian criminal procedure is autho-
ritarian because the current Code of Criminal Procedure (B,
1941), promulgated in 1941, would be inspired by the Italian Code
of Criminal Procedure 1930, or because it is a poor copy of fascist
legislation (I, 1930).
Despite these strong criticisms made ma inly by lawyers, but also
by judges, prosecutors and academics, Brazilian society has recently
followed two important cr iminal cases, which had media repercussions
and served for the political persecution of certain groups, one related
with the “Mensalão” scand al and the other to “Operation Car-wash”,
in both of which various rights of the defendants were violated on
the grounds that the end would justify the means, in other words,
that the constitutional guarantees would not be so important, when
the goal is to place under arrest corrupt politicians.
Thus far, these cr itical d iscourses were not eective in containing
the reported authoritarianism and failed to prevent the consolidation
SEQÜÊNCI A (FLORIA NÓPOLIS) , VOL. 42, N. 87, 2021 3
of criminal bargaining away from constitutional guarantees such as
presumption of innocence, parity of arms and due process of law,
and to prevent the use of other foreign procedural institutes without
observing the rights assured to the defendants and the limits of the
Brazilian State sovereignty.
So, it is inevitable to question the possible purposes that have
made this critical discourse unable to suggest and promote changes
in the Brazilian crimina l procedure that could make it resistant to the
unconstitutional bargains, invasive procedures to produce evidence,
and other institutes not provided in the Criminal Procedure Code.
In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to follow the
recent history of Brazilian criminal procedural law, but not without
due methodological precautions. To understand the context of the
production of these failed cr itical discourses, it is necessary to inves-
tigate their subjects, the power relations that permeates them and the
true eects produced by them. In other words, how these discourses
spread through and were repeated i n academic circles and in legal prac-
tices. Therefore, Foucault’s genealogy was chosen as a methodological
tool to develop the research proposal and tr y to answer the questions
formulated, avoiding in this way the search for origins, staying away
from a monumental and metaphysical history, worrying about the
discontinuities, the ruptures of the critical discourses on the authori-
tarianism of the Brazilian cr iminal procedural. Comprehending thus
the subjection perpetrated by the protagonists and diusers of these
discourses and the subjectication suered by them.
It is pointed out that this article aims to present partial results
of the proposed research, because there is much to explore about the
theme subject and some reections need time to mature and generate
other questions that wi ll allow rened approximation to what i ntends
to understand and prove, more specically, how a misleading historical
approach was used by Brazil ian critical discourse s on authoritar ianism
of the criminal procedure, preventing law scholars from observe fo-
reign inuences in contemporary legislation and avoiding violations

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