História do direito constitucional brasileiro: a Constituição do Império do Brasil de 1824 e o sistema econômico escravocrata

AutorMatheus Felipe de Castro - Orides Mezzaroba
CargoUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
History of Brazilian Constitutional Law: 1824’s
Constitution of the Empire of Brasil and the
Private Slavery System
História do Direito Constitucional Brasileiro: a Constituição do Império do
Brasil de 1824 e o Sistema Econômico Escravocrata
Matheus Felipe de Castro
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil
Orides Mezzaroba
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil
Abstract: This article has as its subject the
history of 1824’s constitution of the Empire of
Brazil aiming to analyze its relations with the
prevailing Brazilian slavery system at the time.
The problem with the research concentrates
precisely in an apparent contradiction between
the text of a liberal economic constitution and
the functioning of an incompatible private
economic system, initially, according to those
statements. It’s assumed that the problem can´t
be analyzed by the separation between theory
and practice, but, instead, by an interpenetration
of this instances through the law and the
effective functioning of state institutions. The
theoretical framework adopted in the text for
analysis is the historical materialism, and the
authors used as a basis for research are inscribed
in this context. The deductive method chosen
was analytical chapter, final considerations and
bibliographic references.
Keywords: Fundamental Rights. Private
Relations. Constitutionalism. Freedom. Slavery.
Resumo: Este artigo tem como tema a história
da Constituição do Império do Brasil de 1824,
com o objetivo de analisar suas relações com o
sistema de escravidão vigente à época. O proble-
ma de pesquisa se concentra, mais precisamente,
na aparente contradição entre a convivência do
texto economicamente liberal da Constituição
com o funcionamento do sistema escravocrata.
A pesquisa supõe que o problema não pode ser
analisado por uma pretensa separação entre a
teoria e a prática, mas sim pela interpenetração
dessas instâncias através da lei e do funciona-
mento efetivo das instituições do Estado. O refe-
rencial teórico adotado no texto é o materialismo
histórico, e os teóricos utilizados como base de
pesquisa estão inseridos nesse contexto. O méto-
do escolhido foi o dedutivo e o artigo está dividi-
do em introdução, capítulo analítico, considera-
ções finais e referenciais bibliográficas.
Palavras-chave: Direitos Fundamentais. Rela-
ções Privadas. Constitucionalismo. Liberdade.
Recebido em: 30/06/2017
Revisado em: 05/02/2018
Aprovado em: 20/02/2018
Direito autoral e licença de uso: Este artigo está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons.Com essa licença você
pode compartilhar, adaptar, para qualquer fim, desde que atribua a autoria da obra, forneça um link para a licença, e
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12 Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 78, p. 11-36, abr. 2018
History of Brazilian Constitutional Law: 1824’s Constitution of the Empire of Brasil and the Private Slavery System
1 Introduction
The following article opens a series of writings using the Brazilian
Constitution history as theme. It may be asked if such a pretention
wouldn´t be exhausted in the historiography of law, whereas the issue
has already been discussed by many authors. However, we came to the
conclusion that the approach proposed in this word is perceptibly different
from the others already done in the past. Our purpose is to identify,
in their respective constitutions, aspects related to constitutionally
adopted ideologies and economic processes contained therein that were
underestimated by other authors.
This particular emphasis justifies the resumption of this task and
makes it important. In social, political and legal sciences, the themes are
repeated since classical antiquity, but always with new connotations, new
approaches, new needs and theoretical milestone imposed by the historical
moment, by people’s experiences, by technological advances or simply
by paradigms changes which provide some logic to the organization of
In Brazilian Constitutions, since 1824’s Constitution of the Empire,
it´s possible to identify clearly defined ideologies. Perhaps the charter
that offers more challenges may be exactly the one from 1824, since there
seems to be a dissonance between the constitutionally adopted ideology
and the logic of real social reproduction which was behind of it, and
we have a charter of liberal model coexisting with a model of slavery
economy. To identify how this connection between the constitutional text
and the reality operated – whether through a separation between theory
and practical or through veiled functionality, inverted, unreported – is the
main purpose of this research.
But researches don´t become effective only with themes and
problems. The survey taker must be equipped with a lens with which he
may be able to see a more interesting aspect of the reality to the detriment
of others, no less important, but which must remain temporarily in the
shadow, because it’s not human to conduct an approach about everything.
The theoretical reference condensed in State Type Theory, Marxist

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