Investigation and Seizure of Electronic Media in the Production of Investigative Actions

AutorVitaliy Vasyukov; Zarina Ilduzovna Khisamova
CargoVasyukov is a well-known Russian forensic scientist, is an associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science of the MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Doctor of Legal Sciences. In 2010 he defended his dissertation for the PhD. In 2018 he received the degree of Doctor of Legal ...
Investigation and Seizure of Electronic Media in the Production... (p. 78-88)
Investigation and S eizure of Electronic Media in the Production of
Investigative Action s
The Law, State and Telecommunications Review
, v. 13, no. 2, p. 78-88, October
Investigation and Seizure of Electronic Media in
the Production of Investigative Actions
8 July 2 019
Vitalii Fedorovich Vasyukov*
Zarina Ilduzovna Khisamova**
: 6 August 2019
: 25 January 2021
Article submitted to peer blind rev iew
Licensed under a Creative Common s Attribution 4.0 International
This article i s devoted to the study of the proble m of a uthorization of the
removal of electronic media according to Russian Criminal Procedure Code.
The methodological basis of this study is a set of methods of scientific
knowledge, a mong which the main place is taken by the m ethods of historicism ,
consistency, analysis and comparative law. The authors’ position is based on the legislation
and opinions of the competent scientific environment on the need to use special knowledge
in the investig ation and seizure (copy ing) of electronic information relevant to the criminal
Based on a legal analysis of the rules of crimina l procedure authors argue the
necessity to use specialists in the f ield of information and communication technologies in
inspection s, searches, and seizures. The systematization of rules-exceptions that must be
observed by investigators during inspections, searches, and seizures is carried out. The
questions of the evidentiary value of the results of electronic withdrawal are raised.
: Electronic Media. Seizure. Criminal Activit y. Electronic Devices.
Vasyukov is a well-known Russian for ensic scientist, is an associate professor of the
Department of Criminal La w, Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science of the MG IMO of
the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs of R ussia, Doctor o f Legal Scienc es. In 2010 he defended
his dissertation for the PhD. In 2018 he received the degree of Doctor of Legal Sc iences.
Present research interests include the problems of qualification, detection and investigation
of crimes in the f ield of information a nd communication te chnologies. He is the author of
more than 90 scientific, educational and methodical works. E-mail:
Khisamova is the head of scientific department of Krasnodar University of the Ministry
of Interior of Russia. In 2016, she successfully defended her PhD thesis. She is a participant
of international re search conferences and foru ms, constantly reports her scientific
developments and posts her articles in lead world publications. Her research interests
include stu dying the problems of criminal law countera ction to IT crimes com mitted in the
financial sector, criminal law protection of relations in the digital economy, and creating a
regulatory environment for the introduction of new digital innovative products. She is the
author of more than 50 scientific and educational works and is actively engaged in expert
activities. E-mail:

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