L'écologisation des politiques publiques : le discours et la pratique du Schéma Directeur de la ville de Araruama, Brésil / Public policies ecologization: the Master Plan discourse and the practical in Araruama, Brazil

AutorVanessa Moura de Lacerda Teixeira
CargoFaculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNESP (Campus de Presidente Prudente), Presidente Prudente, SP,Brasil. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3457980486066606 Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1537-1723 E-mail: vanessamlt2@gmail.com
Rev. Dir. Cid., Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 14, N.01., 2022, p. 226 -247.
Vanessa Moura de Lacerda Teixeira
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2022.56895| ISSN 2317-7721
 : LE DISCOURS ET LA PRATIQUE DU SCHEMA
Public Policies Ecologization: The Master Plan Discourse and the Practical in Araruama, Brazil
Vanessa Moura de Lacerda Teixeira
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNESP (Campus de Presidente Prudente), Presidente Prudente , SP,Brasil.
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3457980486066606 Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000 -0002-1537-1723
E-mail: vanessamlt2 @gmail.com
Trabalho enviado em 07 de janeiro de 2021 e aceito em 28 de agosto de 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Rev. Dir. Cid., Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 14, N.01., 2022, p. 226 -247.
Vanessa Moura de Lacerda Teixeira
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2022.56895| ISSN 2317-7721
  
   
institutionnel et, notamment, des institutions publiques qui délibèrent sur les textes législatifs, afin de
les rendre compatibles avec les orientations écologiques globales, sans pour autant avoir révisé les lois
     
 le Schéma Directeur relatif au développement urbain
des pratiques
contraires au texte de loi publié. Ainsi, le Schéma Directeur se révèle être une politique urbaine à
  
proposées par les autorités locales.
Mots-Cles : Urbanisation, Schema Directeur, Developpement Durable, Bresil, Politiques Publiques.
local strategies. Greening will thus be treated in this article as an institutional support and, in particular,
of public institutions which deliberate on legislative texts, in order to make them compatible with
global ecological guidelines, without, however, having revised the laws necessary to apply the law at
the local level. The objective will be to understand this logic of greening of legal texts at the local level
through a reading of some general guidelines on urban development and green areas, from the Master
Plan, an important local Brazilian law on land planning. The results show that, in some cases, the reality
verified in the field reveals a shift in political action towards practices contrary to the published law.
Thus, the Master Plan turns out to be an urban pol icy to be evaluated taking into account its
institutional weakness, in particular the application of the orientations proposed by local authorities.
Keywords: Urbanization, Master Plan, Sustainable Development, Brazil, Public Policies.

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