Legal principles of economic policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran

AutorAyoub Ahmadi Gandmani - Mohammad Sadeghi - Babak Baseri
CargoPh.D. Student, Department of Public Law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran. Email: - Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Rights, Hormozgan University, Hormoz Research Center, Hormozgan, Iran. Corresponding Author Email: - Assistant Professor, Department of ...
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 8 - Nº 03 - Ano 2019
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Ayoub Ahmadi Gandmani
Mohammad Sadeghi
Babak Baseri
Abstract: In this research, we first
describe and explain the terminology and
key words used in the title of the
research, namely "Legal Basics",
"Economic Policy" and "Islamic
Republic of Iran". After explaining the
terms and key words used in the research
title, this question has been raised, what
is the legal basis of economic policy in
the Islamic Republic of Iran? Given the
clarification of the concept of legal
principles and other words used in the
research title, the answer to this question
is in the highest and most valid legal
document in the country, the
constitution. Our assumption is that the
legal basis for economic policy in the
Islamic Republic of Iran is Islamic
economics, in other words, the main
constitutional basis for economic policy,
the Islamic economy, in other words,
Ph.D. Student, Department of Public Law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Bandar Abbas, Iran. Email:
Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Rights, Hormozgan University, Hormoz Research
Center, Hormozgan, Iran. Corresponding Author Email:
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz,
Iran. Email:
what is the right of the people and the
duty of the state is to make policy
according to constitutional criteria.
Finally, in view of the goals and ideals of
the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the
post-revolutionary atmosphere of the
Islamic Republic, and the Islamic
attitudes of the main legislators, which
have contributed to the introduction of
the constitution and the various
principles of the constitution, and
ultimately the principles of the
constitution in which the use of Islamic
economics has been used, has been
answered to the question in a descriptive-
analytical method.
Keywords: Legal Bases, Constitution,
Economic Policy, Islamic Republic of
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 8 - Nº 03 - Ano 2019
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
The purpose of this paper is to
examine the legal principles of economic
policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran. To
achieve this, we first describe and
explain the terms and key terms used in
the title of the article. Because the study
of the correct understanding of words
and words in any scientific discipline is
one of the preconditions for entering this
discipline. This issue becomes more
valuable in legal studies and, in some
respects, it is considered to be literary
science, it can be indicative of the
position of words and the key role of
terminology in the field of law science. It
is not undignified in many works of
scholars that they see in the beginning of
their work, they describe and explain the
terms used in that work.
Economics is a phenomenon
that the political system of countries,
according relying on it takes shape, and
it appears to be purely political and
governmental. In the process, to
determine and stabilize the economic
system governing the economies of
countries, normally in the constitutions,
Mansour Abadi, Abbas and Riahi, Javad
(2012), The Concepts of basic in Legal
these include principles that reflect the
attitude of the sovereign to the issue of
economy and the type of economy that
governs each country. By outlining key
views on key issues of community
economics and avoiding minor and
variable issues, they have a very
effective role in organizing the economy
of any country, commensurate with the
attitude adopted by society and its
political sovereignty. Chapter Four of the
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, in 13 principles, outlines the
general economic principles of society.
What in the first conditions of the
revolution, more than anything, the
atmosphere of the country, because of
the anti-colonial nature of the Islamic
Revolution of the Iranian people, had
been affected, the idea of combating
exploitation and colonization, it was the
right of the poor and the advantage of the
poor over the rich. In creating this
atmosphere and creating a negative
attitude towards capitalism, two major
political and economic factors survived:
the exploitation of the country by US and
British capitalist regimes and the poor
performance of the domestic capitalist.
Research, Journal of Legal Research, No.
22, Second Half Years, Page 10-11

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