A Não Incidência do Princípio da Insignificância Diante das Condições Pessoais Desfavoráveis do Acusado

AutorChristiane Cruvinel Queiroz
CargoMinistério Público Federal, PR, Brasil
UNOPAR Cient., Ciênc. Juríd. Empres., Londrina, v. 15, n. 2, p. 193-199, Set. 2014.
Christiane Cruvinel Queiroza*
         
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    
    
     
This article deals with the application of the principle of insignicance in the Brazilian criminal code. This principle is an instrument of narrow
interpretation of the criminal code. The prevailing analysis is that it is an excluding clause of material type. As this principle is implicitly
contained in the Brazilian constitution, it is a result of jurisprudential and doctrinarian construction and produces real effect in criminal
law. This principle nds its basis in the principles of the minimal state intervention, and principle of the fragmented and subsidiary character
of the criminal code. The principle of insignicance is applied to most crimes, except when crime type prohibits it. The Brazilian Supreme
Federal Tribunal established objectives and simultaneous guidelines to the application of the insignicance principle, including the reduced
amount of damage, lack of social dangerousness, reduced degree of public disapproval and inexpressiveness of the legal injury. Changes in
the jurisprudential interpretation, while not unanimous, have raised the debate about the applicability of the insignicance principle when the
individual has social disabilities. The agent’s habitual criminal conduct, in trie crimes, impedes the application of the insignicance principle
by affecting the disapproval of his conduct. Only a judgment can conclude about the necessity of the intervention by the criminal law as a
response by the State to the agent’s conduct.
Keywords: Principle of Insignicance. Vectors. Personal conditions. Offender.
A Não Incidência do Princípio da Insignicância Diante das Condições Pessoais Desfavoráveis
do Acusado
Non-Incidence of the Principle of Insignicance Facing the Personal Unfavorable Conditions of
the Individual Accused
1 Introdução
       
   
de interpretação restritiva do tipo penal, posto à disposição
         
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