Princípio da Universalidade da Cobertura na Previdência Social: uma Análise Legislativa dos Requisitos para Filiação como Segurado Facultativo de Baixa Renda ao Regime Geral de Previdência Social

AutorJônatas Andrade Pereira
CargoCentro de Educação Superior Reinaldo Ramos, Curso de Direito, PB, Brasil
UNOPAR Cient., Ciênc. Juríd. Empres., Londrina, v. 15, n. 2, p. 241-245, Set. 2014.
Jônatas Andrade Pereiraa*
    
           
     
 
This study shows through a simple and didactic language, the conditions for an individual to be afliated to Social Security as a facultative or
low-income facultative member. This innovation enlarges the social security coverage, providing the opportunity to access the list of benets.
Thus, exposing the normative provisions, this analysis demonstrates the basic requirements to be included in this category, as well as the
legal effects of this choice. The content of this study will help afliated people to know more about their rights, and permit the development of
professionals that work and study the social security law.
Keywords: Social Security. Universality of coverage. Facultative afliates. Low-income facultative afliates.
Princípio da Universalidade da Cobertura na Previdência Social: uma Análise Legislativa
dos Requisitos para Filiação como Segurado Facultativo de Baixa Renda ao Regime Geral de
Previdência Social
Principle of Universal Coverage of Social Security System: an Analysis of Legislative
Requirements for Membership as Insured Optional Low Income to the General Regime of
Social Security
1 Introdução
       
      
       
     
       
      
        
      
       
        
    
  
   
 
       
    
     
        
2 Desenvolvimento
2.1 Previsão constitucional
   
    
         
       
    
       
    
        
     
       
     
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         
       
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