Public administration in combating corruption in the russian federation

AutorLyudmila G. Konovalova - Irina V. Rekhtin - Nadezhda A. Kandrina - Irina L. Akimova - Irina I. Ignatovskaya - Irina I. Ignatovskaya
CargoAltai State University - Altai State University - Altai State University - Altai State University - Altai State University - Altai State University
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Lyudmila G. Konovalova1
Irina V. Rekhtin2
Nadezhda A. Kandrina3
Irina L. Akimova4
Irina I. Ignatovskaya5
Konstantin V. Cheprasov6
Abstract: The article reviews the legal
instruments used in Russia to combat
corruption in order to propose
recommendations for their
improvement. It is noted that the country
has extensive legislation to counter
corruption, which according to domestic
and international estimates is not very
effective. For writing the article, the
formal legal method and the method of
comparative jurisprudence were used.
The ineffectiveness of measures used to
counter corruption, in the opinion of the
authors, is due to the disunity and
insufficient reasonability of the legal
norms of these institutions. The authors
identify the blocks of legislative and
enforcement problems that require
1 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;
2 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;
3 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;
4 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;
5 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;;
6 Altai State University, +7(3852)296544;
resolution. The conclusion is to
harmonize the norms of various anti-
corruption institutions. In particular, it is
proposed to clearly define the list of
elements of administrative offenses and
criminal offenses with a corruption
focus; update legislation on enforcement
proceedings in order to improve the
efficiency of work to recover damage
caused to the state; at the civil service
institute, clarify the concept of conflict
of interest, adjust the legislation on the
control over the conformity of expenses
and incomes of public servants. In
general, the authors express concern
about the quality of legislative regulation
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
in connection with authoritarian trends in
the development of Russian statehood.
Keywords: anti-corruption, civil
service, responsibility for corruption
offenses, control over the compliance of
incomes and expenses of civil servants,
anti-corruption expertise.
1. Introduction.
Anti-corruption is the most
important area of public policy in many
countries of the world. It can be
recognized that individual states, such as
Denmark, New Zealand, Finland,
Sweden, Singapore and others, have
succeeded in it [1; 2; 3]. While in the
Russian Federation, according to
domestic and international assessments,
the problem of corruption, of course,
remains one of the central in the effective
state-building. It is estimated that about
40 percent of gross domestic product in
Russia is the shadow market [17, p. 15].
Russia ranked 138th (out of 180) in the
corruption perceptions index prepared by
the international human rights
organization Transparency International
28-ballov-iz-100-i-138 mesto.html).
The relevance of the research
issue is due to negative manifestations,
destructive processes associated with the
growth of corruption in modern Russia,
creating a real threat to national security
of the state, as well as the need to counter
this phenomenon, especially in the
system of main branches of law
(administrative, civil, criminal law).
Today, the need for inter-sectoral
coordination of anti-corruption
mechanisms comes to the fore, rather
than a sectoral impact on negative
corruption processes.
2. Materials and methods.
The formal legal method, method
of comparative law, hermeneutics,
synergetics and dialectical method were
used for writing the article. In particular,
the formal legal method was the basis of
the study, as the priority was given to the
analysis of legal norms on combating
corruption of various industries, the main
normative acts in the field of combating
corruption (in the context of recent
changes and practice of their
application). The method of comparative
law was used to compare various legal

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