Recrutamento e Seleção de uma Empresa Prestadora de Serviços Florestais

AutorMaria Rosa Selvati Martina
CargoFaculdade Vale do Cricaré, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Social, Educação e Desenvolvimento Regional, ES, Brasil
14 UNOPAR Cient., Ciênc. Juríd. Empres., Londrina, v. 16, n. 1, p. 14-16, Mar. 2015.
Maria Rosa Selvati Martinaa*
                  
município de São Mateus - Espírito Santo. As novas relações de mercado e trabalho da atualidade têm estimulado a melhoria contínua dos
  
   
    
           
Palavras-chave: Recrutamento. Seleção. Empresa Florestal.
This paper presents the model of recruitment and selection adopted by a company providing forestry services, located in the municipality of São
Mateus – Espírito Santo. The new market relations have stimulated the continuous improvement of procedures to recruit potential employees
who perform their duties with quality in this new business environment. For the realization of this research, a literature study on the subject
was conducted, as well as monitoring the human resources activities of the company for a week. The structured interview technique was
applied to the sector manager in order to collect the data. Finally, through the analysis of the data, a careful investigation was suggested so
that the company analyze the possible adaptations in the recruitment and selection process, reevaluating the number of employees carrying out
activities in the sector, as well as creating an independent module for recruitment and selection.
Keywords: Recruitment. Selection. Forestry company.
Recrutamento e Seleção de uma Empresa Prestadora de Serviços Florestais
Recruitment and Selection of a Provider of Forestry Services
1 Introdução
        
       
atores da administração a tomarem o procedimento de
      
   
seu desempenho.
 
       
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   
     
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       
sistema de recursos humanos - RH deve ter a capacidade
   
        
     
        
os processos de recrutamento e seleção de uma empresa
       
  
    
   
     
Prestadora de Serviços Florestais”.
2 Material e Métodos
2.1 Recrutamento e seleção
    
     
       
    
    
humanos das empresas.
     
      
importantes: contratação de assessorias de recursos

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