
Direito, Estado e Sociedade n. 58 jan/jun 2021
Portella, André e Souza, Bruno Calil Nascimento. A nova ofensiva ao
sistema previdenciário brasileiro: um paralelo com o modelo privatis-
ta chileno
Resumo: O presente estudo visa realizar uma análise crítica da proposta
de reforma previdenciária aprovada pelo congresso brasileiro. Inicia com
o estudo do modelo de financiamento da Previdência Social chilena, em
meio ao contexto histórico, político, social e econômico em que o mesmo
foi estruturado, com vistas a tomá-lo como referência às propostas exis-
tentes na atualidade brasileira. A abordagem tem enfoque no sistema de
financiamento pautado na capitalização individual adotada naquele país,
e nos resultados obtidos com a privatização, tanto no que se refere ao
aspecto da sustentabilidade econômico-financeira, como no tocante aos
impactos sobre garantias individuais e direitos sociais. Quanto ao sistema
de financiamento brasileiro, procede-se à análise do modelo de repartição
da previdência, dos princípios constitucionais estruturantes desse siste-
ma e das reformas ocorridas ao longo do período democrático, para após
comparar ambos os regimes a partir da realidade demográfica, sempre em
perspectiva crítica. Por fim, a proposta de reforma previdenciária aprovada
pelo governo brasileiro será analisada, em especial a sua premissa, qual
seja, a do suposto déficit.
Palavras-chave: Previdência social, reforma previdenciária, dignidade da
pessoa humana, direitos sociais
The judicialization of welfare public policies under a tridimensional
analysis – social, legal and management
Abstract: This study aims to carry out a critical analysis of the pension
reform proposal approved by the Brazilian congress. It begins with the
study of the Chilean Social Security financing model, in the midst of the
historical, political, social and economic context in which it was structu-
red, with a view to taking it as a reference to the existing proposals in Brazil
today. The approach focuses on the financing system based on individual
capitalization adopted in that country, and on the results obtained with
privatization, both with regard to the aspect of economic and financial
Direito, Estado e Sociedade n. 58 jan/jun 2021
sustainability, as well as with regard to the impacts on individual guaran-
tees and social rights. As for the Brazilian financing system, we proceed
with the analysis of the social security distribution model, of the structural
constitutional principles of that system and of the reforms that occurred
throughout the democratic period, after comparing both regimes based on
the demographic reality, always in perspective critical. Finally, the pension
reform proposal approved by the Brazilian congress will be analyzed, in
particular its premise, which is the supposed deficit.
Keywords: Social security, pension reform, dignity of human person, social
Tewari, Avantika. Corona Crisis: Life versus Freedom?
Abstract: Agamben says, “What becomes of human relations in a country
that grows accustomed to living in this way for who one knows how long?
What is a society that cleaves to no value other than that of survival?”
The following paper is an examination of the dominant responses to the
Corona Crisis, including a brief critical appraisal of Naomi Klein’s “Disas-
ter Capitalism.” The paper argues that Agamben’s biopolitical reading of
COVID relies on a latent bourgeois-humanist worldview. The paper seeks
to enumerate the ways in which Marxist postulates such as ‘class struggle’
and the ‘internal contradiction of capitalism’ can be a useful addition to
the existing debates that try to address the concerns of an emergent sur-
veillance society as social relations are inflected with, contestations and
contradictions between liberty and security under a capitalist system. As
we find ourselves in the middle of uncertain times, caught between infinite
possibilities, this paper is an attempt at exploring the ways in which state
of exception, biopolitics and class struggle can speak to each other to fill
the theoretical gaps to study the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Agamben, capitalism, class, freedom, struggle, surveillance

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