Right to disconnect: french and italian proposals for a global issue

AutorMatteo Avogaro
RIGHT TO DISCONNECT: french and italian proposals for a global issue
DIREITO À DESCONEXÃO: Propostas francesas e italianas para um
problema global
Matteo Avogaro1
ABSTRACT: In recent years, the increasing process of digitization has gradually blurred the boundaries between
work and private life. Therefore, new issues concerning workers’ protection arose. One of the main topics on this
matter is related to employees’ tendency to utilize technological devices, as smartphones and tablets, to remain
“connected” to their job outside ordinary business hours. In relation to this aspect, the paper addresses the debate
and juridical solutions proposed and developed in France, through the Loi El Khomri, and in Italy, with the law
No. 81/2017 recently approved by Parliament, to introduce a right (and/or an obligation) to disconnect in favour
of digitized employees, and in order to protect workers’ private life, preventing diseases related to risk of burnout
and the augmentation of stress. Furthermore, the analysis will be focused on the social debate related to the
abovementioned topic. In particular, it will concern the positions assumed on this matter by main workers’ and
employers’ organizations of the said countries, and their reactions to the initiatives undertaken by legislators, in
order to realize a first evaluation concerning the impact of the solutions proposed. Afterwards, the attention will
be cantered on praxis and tools introduced by collective agreements, in order to verify whether social partners
have been able to find more efficient methods to balance work and private life, than the ones suggested by
legislators. The outcome of the paper is referred to the actions that ILO could assume, on the base of the experience
developed in France and in Italy, to address the future global issue of protecting employees’ work-life balance.
KEYWORDS: Digitization, right to disconnect, work-life balance, smart working, collective bargaining.
SUMMARY: 1. Right to disconnect: a new form of protection for an evolving labour market? 2. The “droit de
déconnexion” in france, between the accord syntec and the loi el-khomri. 2.1. The legislative point of view: the
loi el-khomri. 2.2. The position of social partners and the “obligation to disconnect” in the accord syntec. 3.
“Lavoro agile” and the “italian way” to right to disconnect 3.1. A right for agile workers: the point of view of the
italian legislator. 3.2. Italian social partners: first collective agreements and the request of involvement of workers’
organizations. 4. Conclusions: an updated protection of work-life balance as a global issue. 5 References.
RESUMO: Nos últimos anos, o crescente processo de digitalização gradualmente enfraqueceu as fronteiras entre
o trabalho e a vida privada. Portanto, surgiram novas questões relativas à proteção dos trabalhadores. Um dos
principais tópicos sobre esse assunto está relacionado à tendência dos funcionários de utilizar dispositivos
tecnológicos, como smartphones e tablets, para permanecerem “conectados” ao seu trabalho fora do horário
comercial. Em relação a este aspecto, o artigo aborda o debate e as soluções jurídicas propostas e desenvolvidas
na França, através da Loi El Khomri, e na Itália, com a lei nº 81/2017, recentemente aprov ada pelo Parlamento,
para introduzir um direito (e / ou ou uma obrigação) de desconectar-se em favor dos empregados digitalizados e
de proteger a vida privada dos trabalhadores, prevenindo doenças relacionadas ao risco de esgotamento e ao
aumento do estresse. Além disso, a análise será focada no debate social relacionado ao tema supracitado. Em
particular, dirá respeito às posições assumidas sobre o assunto pelas principais organizações de trabalhadores e
empregadores dos referidos países e suas reações às iniciativas empreendidas pelos legisladores, a fim de realizar
uma primeira avaliação sobre o impacto das soluções propostas. Posteriormente, a atenção será canalizada na
práxis e nos instrumentos introduzidos pelos acordos coletivos, a fim de verificar se os parceiros sociais foram
capazes de encontrar métodos mais eficientes para equilibrar a vida profissional e privada do que os sugeridos
pelos legisladores. O resultado do documento é referido às ações que a OIT poderia assumir, com base na
experiência desenvolvida na França e na Itália, para abordar a futura questão global de proteção do equilíbrio entre
trabalho e vida pessoal dos funcionários.
Artigo recebido em: 06/04/2018.
Artigo aprovado em: __/__/__.
1 Graduated in Law at the University of Trento, Italy; Master in Labour Law at the University of Venice; Ph.D.
Candidate in Labour Law at University of Milan.
RDRST, Brasília, Volume IV, n. 03, 2018, p 110-129, Set-Dez/2018
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Digitalização, direito à desconexão, equilíbrio trabalho-vida, trabalho inteligente,
negociação coletiva.
SUMARIO: 1. Direito à desconexão: uma nova forma de proteção para um mercado de trabalho em evolução? 2.
O droit de déconnexion na França, entre o acordo syntec e o loi el-khomri. 2.1. O ponto de vista legislativo: o
loi el-khomri. 2.2. A posição dos parceiros sociais e a “obrigação de desconectar” no acordo syntec. 3. “Lavoro
ágil” e o “caminho italiano” ao direito de desconectar 3.1. Um direito para trabalhadores ágeis: o ponto de vista
do legislador italiano. 3.2. Parceiros sociais italianos: primeiros acordos coletivos e o pedido de envolvimento de
organizações de trabalhadores. 4. Conclusões: uma proteção atualizada do equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e
profissional como uma questão global. 5 Referências.
The labour market of the two first decades of XXIst century is highly influenced by the
evolution of the social context, towards the so called “information society”. Therefore, it is
characterized by a growing role of technology and informatics that, gradually, are modifying
its nature and structure, undermining principles that were, in the past, consolidated.
In this context, some highly skilled workers have already through the spreading
diffusion of smartphones, tablets and internet mobile connections the possibility to realize
part of their performance, irrespectively, from their office or remotely.
At the same time, the increasing role of new tools as integrated geo-localization
devices, bring your own device (BYOD) policies2, big data3, cloud technology4 and a new
generation of robots, able to adapt to the surrounding environment or to modify the behaviour
on the base of precedent experiences5 is going to deeply transform job rhythms and work
organization, even in fields, as manufacturing, previously not highly influenced by digitization.
The abovementioned transformation does not affect only traditional contexts, but is one
of the main premises of new rising forms of work organization, as Industry 4.06, crowdsourcing
or work-on-demand-via-app7, where the increased possibilities to work from remote and the
2 M. WEISS, Digitalizzazione: sfide e prospettive per il diritto del lavoro, DRI, 2016, 3, 651 ff.
3 T. LESTAVEL, Les promesses très commerciales du big da ta, Alternatives économiques, 2015, 350, 70-73.
4 G. VALENDUC, P. VENDRAMIN, Work in the digital economy: sor ting the old from the new, ETUI - European
Trade Union Institute, Brussels, 2016, 20.
5 M. TIRABOSCHI, F. SEGHEZZI, La fine del lavoro? No, un nuovo inizio, in E. DAGNINO, M. TIRABOSCHI (edited
by), Verso il futuro del lavoro. Appunti e spunti su lavoro agile e lavoro a utonomo, ADAPT University Press,
2016, 8 ff.
6 M. BENTIVOGLI, Sindacato futuro nell’era dei big data e Industry 4.0: la smart factory necessita della smart
union, in #SindacatoFuturo in Industry 4.0, ADAPT University Press, 2015, 3 ff.; K.G. DAU-SCHMIDT, Labor
Law 2.0: The impact of new information technology on the employment r elationship and the relevance of the
NLRA, Emory Law Journal, 2014, 64; J. PAI, Industry 4.0. The vision for a dvanced manufacturing, Central Tool
Room & Training, Centre Min of MSME, India, 2014.
7 T. KALANICK, The future of work: independence and flexicurity, 15 October 2015, link: https://psmag.com/the-
future-of-work-independence-and-flexibility-c2d711255dbd#.gpjjhddbg (last consultation: 26 October 2017); M.
WEISS, Digitalizzazione: sfide e prospettive, op. cit., 652-654.

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