Spectrum Sharing Approach
Autor | Esma Ergüner Özkoç, Gürkan Gebiç |
Cargo | Gürkan Gebiç works as a technical consultant in the Spectrum Management division of ICTA, where he has been actively involved in various aspects of spectrum-related matters for the past 6 years / Esma Ergüner Özkoç is an Assistant Professor in the field of management information systems at Ba?kent University. |
Páginas | 42-65 |
Spectrum Sharing Approach: Turkey Model Proposal (p. 42-65)
Spectrum Sharing Approach: Turkey Model Proposal.
The Law, State and
Telecommunic ations Review
, v. 16, no. 1, p. 42-65, May 2024.
Spectrum Sharing Approach: Turkey Model
: 14 March 2023
Gürkan Gebiç*
Esma Ergüner Özkoç**
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26512/lstr.v16i1.47566
: 30 May 202 3
: 14 June 2 023
: 17 June 2 023
Article submitted to peer blind rev iew
Licensed under a Creative Common s Attribution 4.0 International
Spec trum is a scarce and valuable national re source. With 5G, it is predicted
that the de mand for spectrum will increase gradually . In order to over come the increasing
data tra ffic problem and connection needs, the spectrum s hould be use d as efficie ntly as
possible. This paper aims to deve lop a ne w p erspective on spectrum management in
Turkey, and the applicability of spec trum sharing applications in Turkey has bee n
investigated. Sug gestions were made regarding the chan ges that can be made in the current
Within this study, inter views were held with the three
leading mob ile operators in Tu rkey through focus group discussion, and evaluations were
made about the approa ch of Turkey’s mobile communication sector to the subject. In
addition, innovative spectrum management practices in Europe and United States (US)
regarding the emerging sp ectrum sharing approach were ex amined. The cu rrent practices
of European countrie s were presented in the sem i-structured interview via e- mail.
This pap er provides opinion s of Turkish leadin g mobile operators about
spectrum sharing, current EU and US practice s, and necessar y changes in Turkish
legislation to enable spec trum sharin g. A new p erspective on spectrum managemen t in
Turkey has been developed , an d the applic ability of sp ectrum sharing applications in
Turkey has been in vestigated. Sugge stions were made regarding the change s that can be
made in the cu rrent legislation.
I mplications] What outco mes and implications for pra ctice, applica tions and
consequence s ar e identified? Ho w will the article impact on society , business, or
enterprise? What changes to practice should be made as a res ult of this researc h? What is
the legal or ec onomic impact?
Gürkan Gebiç works a s a technical consultant in the Spectrum Management division of
ICTA, where he has been actively involved in various aspe cts of spectrum -related matters
for the past 6 years. Addre ss: Mustafa Ke mal Mah. Dumlup ınar Bul. No :276
Çankaya/Anka ra/Turkey. E-mail:
Esma Er güner Özkoç is an Assistant Professor in the field of ma nagement infor mation
systems at Ba şkent University. E-m ail: eeozkoc@baskent.edu .tr.
Spectrum Sharing Approach: Turkey Model Proposal (p. 42-65) 43
Spectrum Sharing Approach: Turkey Model Proposal.
The Law, State and
Telecommunic ations Review
, v. 16, no. 1, p. 42-65, May 2024.
This paper fulfills t he need f or original ity and pr esents new
knowledge abo ut spectrum sharing in Tu rkey's telecommunicatio n sector.
Spectrum Sh aring. License Shared Access. Telecommunic ations. 5G.
Spectrum is a scarce and valuable national resource. With 5G, it is
predicted that the demand for spectrum will increase gradually. The spectrum
should be used as efficiently as possible to overcome the increasing data traffic
problem and connection needs. With current spectru m allocation methods,
accessing the spectrum under 6 GHz is challenging, which is vital for 5G. The
importance of supporting the increase in data traffic has been demonstrated in
various studies in the literature. For example, the British regulatory administration
The Office of Communications (OFCOM) has suggested that if the spectrum
planned to be alloca ted to mobile broadband services in the UK by 2030 is
allocated as planned, mobile data traffic will increase 71 times. If this allocation
is not realized, it can increase by a maximum of 30 times (Ofcom, 2016).
Depending on not providing enough spectrum to the mobile operators, this
situation can be interpreted as being deprived of the economy associated with the
To overcome these spectrum scarcity problems and meet the spectrum
demands of future applications, it is necessary to develop and use innovative
spectrum access technologies and adopt new regulations an d institutional
frameworks that can maximize the effectiveness of these technologies (Park et al.,
2014). The increasing use of radio-b ased technologies b y society and the
opportunities for social development provided by these technologies underline the
importance of radio frequency spectrum and national spectrum management. The
advancement of technology necessitates various modern spectrum applications
increasing the demand for limited resources. Increasing demand requires efficient
use of spectrum and implementation of effective spectrum management processes
(Peha, 2009).
The ‘co mmand and co ntrol’ approach, the traditional spectrum
management approach, has recently been adopted by spectrum regulators as the
only management style (Prasad and Sridhar, 2013). According to this approach,
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