Startups: uma revisão sistemática da literatura e direções para pesquisas futuras

AutorLuciana Santos Costa Vieira da Silva, Fabíola Kaczam, Anderson de Barros Dantas, Josenilde Mario Janguia
CargoCentro Universitário Municipal de São José (USJ) - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) - Universidade Mondlane-Moçambique
Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da Silva • Fabíola Kaczam • Anderson de Barros Dantas • Josenilde Mario Janguia
Esta obra está sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso.
The objective of the research is to map the literature based on
a Systematic Literature Review on the theme of startups and
to highlight some theoretical gaps based on publications of
high-reputation scientic journals. The period from 1990 to
2019 was dened for the elaboration of this study. We use the
excel spreadsheet, in addition to the HistCite ™, VOSviewer,
IRATUMEQ, and R Studio packages. The results show that the
typology of the star tups evaluated, after reading 68% of the
articles, organizations are characterized as a group of new
companies, that is, relatively young and inexperienced when
compared to the most stable and mature in organizational
development. They refer to those that are in the initial stage
and are susceptible to the inuence of various factors, such as
investors, supplier customers, partners, etc., and should think
strategically about how to act and, this concerns a group of
dynamic startups that deal with innovations.
Key-words: Startups; Systematic Literature Review; Innova-
tion; Entrepreneurship; Theoretical gaps.
O objetivo da pesquisa é mapear a literatura de uma Revisão
Sistemática da Literatura sobre startups e destacar algumas
lacunas teóricas baseadas em publicações de periódicos
cientícos internacionais.Usamos a planilha Excel, além dos
pacotes HistCite ™, VOSviewer, IRATUMEQ e R Studio.Os re -
sultados mostram que pelo tipo de startups avaliadas, após
a leitura de 68% dos artigos, as organizações se caracterizam
como um grupo de empresas novas, ou seja, relativamente
jovens e inexperientes quando comparadas às mais estáveis e
maduras em desenvolvimento organizacional e devem pensar
estrategicamente sobre como atuar e, que diz respeito a um
grupo de startups dinâmicas que operam com inovações.
Palavras-Chave: Startups; Revisão Sistemática da Literatura;
Inovação; Empreendedorismo.
Startups: a systematic review of literature
and future research directions
Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da Silva
Centro Universitário Municipal de São José (USJ)
Fabíola Kaczam
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Anderson de Barros Dantas
Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
Josenilde Mario Janguia
Universidade Mondlane-Moçambique
Submetido: 07/11/2019
Aceito: 10/05/2021
Marcador automático dos rodapés. Editar as informações aqui. Não apagar!
Revista de Ciências da Administração • v. 23, n. 60, p. 118-133, mai.-ago. 2021
Revista de Ciências da Administração • v. 23, n. 60, p. 118-133, mai.-ago. 2021 119
Startups: a systematic review of literature and future research directions
Startups can be s een as small organizatio ns,
which have bold and replicable business models, in
the launching process or even with a short time of
operation, where they have a high potential in terms
of scalability and with a focus turned to the activities of
research and development of innovative ideas (Crowne,
2002; Cohen; Feld, 2010; Cooper; Vlaskovits, 2010;
Ries, 2012; Nager; Nelsen; Nouyrigat, 2013; Kollmann,
Stöckmann, Hensel lek, Kensbock, 2016; Spender, Cor-
vello, Grimaldi, Rippa , 2017; Rompho, 2018).
e main contribution of the work is to investi-
gate through a systematic literature review potential
theoretical gaps, bas ed on publications in scientic
journals contained in the Web of Science (WoS) and
Scopus databases on the theme “startup, describing
some character istics (typology) from the textual
corpus evaluated.
e originality of this research lies in the fact
that empirical evidence containing typologies w as
not found in systematic literature review articles on
this topic, plus suggestions for future research in the
aforementioned journal bases. In this sense, the work
is justied, because when nding typologies in this
regard, it can help managers and researchers to better
direct their research and, consequently, nd better
answers to research questions.
When considering the importance of startups
in emerging economies, the general objective of this
research is to establish a systematic literature review
for startups, based on the following research problem:
“What is the state of the art of research on startups?
From the previous research question, it unfolds in the
following secondary question: What are the directions
of future res earch on the investigated Startups? e
Systematic Literature Review is important to point out
theoretical gaps and, thus, to be able to suggest future re-
search for the development of the theme about startups.
e article i s structure d in ve s ections th at
can b e summarized as follows: the rst deals with
the introductory part; the second concerns the the-
oretical framework talking about startups and their
characteristics; the third brings the methodological
procedures ; the fourth refers to the pre sentation
and analysis of results and the h concerns future
research considerations and directions.
Startups refer to organizations that arise with
high maneuverability in terms of adapting to changes
in the market, as well as exibility and dynamism
supported by technological tools that have revolution-
ized business forms, product concepts and, mainly in
the provision of these ser vices (Kim, 2005; Spender
et al., 2017).
Startups are not just technology companies; but
any companies in the process of being set up; (Her-
manson, 2011; Longhi, 2011; Blank and Dorf, 2012;
Perin 2016; Kohler, 2016). is type of entrepreneur-
ship happens more in the area of technology because
the costs are lower to create a soware company than
an industry.
It i s worth noting that t here is a d istinction
between a small joint venture and a Startup for the
authors Blank and Dorf (2012). ey are not smaller
versions of l arge companies . For these authors, a
start-up company, which is not focused on product
or service innovation and, therefore, dispensed with
the risks of uncertainties, is not a startup.
For Padrão and Andreassi (2013), startups aim
at the growth in sales to have the return on invest-
ment applied in the product development phase, as
it is the way these companies try to survive in their
initial stages.
e acceleration of technological change in a
dynamic organizational context emphasizes the need
to develop innovative capacities. From the rst to the
fourth Industrial Revolution what is observed is that
competitiveness depends less on the adoption of new
technologies and more on the development and eec-
tive use of technology to create value (Schwab, 2017).
Based on the concepts presented, it is possible to
understand this type of enterprise as those with a short
time in the market, present a business model of the
rapid application, economic growth in a short period,
development of products generated from the practice
of innovation and, nal ly, investment t argeting for
Research, Development, and Innovation (RD&I).
Finally, uncertainty and innovation are also
characteristics inherent to the development of the
smart industry, which draws attention to the prox-

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