Sustainability in east-nordic procedural law

AutorLaura Ervo
CargoDoutora em Direito Processual pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ e pesquisadora visitante na Università degli Studi di Torino (Itália). Professora Adjunta de Direito Processual Civil da Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado em Direito Processual da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. Oficial Titular do Cartório do ...
Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual REDP.
Rio de Janeiro. Ano 16. Volume 23. Número 1. Janeiro a Abril de 2022
Periódico Quadrimestral da Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito Processual da UERJ
Patrono: José Carlos Barbosa Moreira (in mem.). ISSN 1982-7636. pp. 713-732
Laura Ervo
Professor of law at University of Örebro, Sweden, PhD. E-mail:
ABSTRACT: -Nordic and discusses the
link to several aspects of sustainability. In this chapter, the concepts and dimensions of
sustainability are discussed first. This is followed by a description of the way in which
sustainability fits in with the East-Nordic theoretical context of Scandinavian realism. Before
the conclusions, the contemporary procedural paradigm is discussed from a sustainability
KEYWORDS: C-Nordic; sustainability; Scandinavian realism.
RESUMO: O presente artigo analisa os procedimentos dos Tribunais no Leste-Nórdico e
discute suas conexões com diversos aspectos da sustentabilidade. Primeiramente, serão
discutidos os conceitos e dimensões da sustentabilidade. Em seguida, realizar-se-á uma
descrição da maneira com a qual a sustentabilidade encaixa no contexto teórico do realismo
escandinavo no Leste-Nórdico. Antes das conclusões, o paradigma do processo
contemporâneo é discutido a partir de uma perspectiva da sustentabilidade.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Procedimentos nos Tribunais do Leste-Nórdico; sustentabilidade;
realismo escandinavo.
Artigo recebido em 30/11/2021, sob dispensa de revisão.
Article originally published at Law and Sustainable Development. Ed. by Eleonor Kristoffersson & Mais
Qandeel. ISBN: 9789177371809. Iustus Förlag, Sweden 2021.
Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual REDP.
Rio de Janeiro. Ano 16. Volume 23. Número 1. Janeiro a Abril de 2022
Periódico Quadrimestral da Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito Processual da UERJ
Patrono: José Carlos Barbosa Moreira (in mem.). ISSN 1982-7636. pp. 713-732
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, sustainability was the main global talking point. The
main news concerned discussions and decisions regarding sustainability. This was the case
also in the East-Nordic countries, that is Sweden and Finland. Still, the current pandemic has
changed the situation. Naturally, people, states and other actors in society at large will have
other problems to tackle if the pandemic is not kept under control. The same applies to the
media. There is no longer sufficient space or perhaps even the same need for news regarding
climate change and sustainability compared to the pandemic. However, despite this global
Covid- 
topics as soon as this global crisis gives way to other news
too. It is now clear that sustainability seems to have survived a global crisis. There seems to
be a need to promote sustainability even in the future when the pandemic hopefully will
just be a thing of the past and when life reverts to normal again.
Therefore, there are good grounds to claim that sustainability is currently one of the
most important goals also in the East-Nordic societies. If this trend and these developments
continue to evolve as strongly in the future, it is possible that sustainability will become the
phenomenon that shapes the East-Nordic legal culture in a rather radical way. It is the case
that it lies in the mentality and culture of the East-Nordic region to follow norms and standards
very carefully. There is a very strong sense of duty in the East-Nordic countries.
The current Covid-19 pandemic may even strengthen this development in practice.
Due to the pandemic many temporary changes have been made also to court proceedings. This
means that technology and different types of electronical solutions are now widely used to
organize court sessions and to otherwise contact courts and other authorities. This leads to
sustainability put into practice when those involved do not need to travel to the courts. It saves
resources, not only natural resources but also time and human energy. Some of these changes
will remain also after the pandemic because they have been found to be practical. That is why
it is held that court proceedings will become more sustainable in the future as far as these
practicalities are concerned.
Ervo (2015)
Ervo (2021)

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