The form of Transnational Law

AutorMárcio Ricardo Staffen - Luis Alberto Petit Guerra
CargoDoctor of Public Law, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy - Doctor en Justicia Constitucional y Derechos Fundamentales. Universidad de Pisa (Italia) (2016-2019)
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The form of Transnational Law1
A forma do Direito Transnacional
Márcio Ricardo Staen
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Itajaí, Brazil
Luis Alberto Petit Guerra
Universidad Monteávila, Caracas, Venezuela
Abstract: This ar ticle aims to advance on t he form of Transnational L aw, starti ng
from Aristotelian philosophical as sumptions until its conuence with the mani-
festations of Transnational Law. Thus, Ar istotle’s support stems from the premise
that, even in a space deeply marked by material aspect s, the form st ands out and
functions as a vicar for another substance, being, therefore, an important  nding
for the theoretica l development of Transnational Law and its norm ative sources.
The present rese arch is justied ma inly for two reason s: the scientic and prac tical
relevance that Tran snationa l Law assumes contemporaneously, and, on the other
hand, the ex isting gap regarding its for m, whose consequences focus on den ial
or skeptical positions, as wel l as, in the confusion bet ween analy sis of socia l facts
and Transnat ional Law, which impacts on the construction of standards on the
sources of Transn ational Law. For the development of this re search, the inductive
method was used , operationalized by the technique s of operationa l concept and
bibliogr aphic research.
Keywords: For m of Transnation al Law – Law’s Theory – Transnational Law –
Law’s Philosophy.
1 Work produced from the C enter for Studies on Law a nd Transnationa lity (UNI VALI/
CNPq) in d ialog ue with the Ma x Planck In stitut e of Comparat ive Public L aw and
Interna tional Law (Germa ny).
Resumo: O presente artigo objet iva avançar sobre a forma d o Direito Transnaciona l,
partindo de pressupostos losócos aristotélicos até a conuência com as ma ni-
festações do Direito Transnacional. Assim, o amparo em Ar istóteles decorre da
premiss a de que, mesmo em espaço profund amente marcado por a spectos materia is,
a forma se sobre ssai e funciona como vic ário para outra subs tância, sendo, porta nto,
constataç ão importante par a o desenvolvimento teórico do D ireito Transnacional
e suas fontes nor mativas. Justica-se a presente pesquisa pr incipalmente por dois
motivos: a relevânci a cientíca e prática que o D ireito Transnacional a ssume con-
temporanea mente e, por outro lado, a lacuna ex istente acerca da sua form a, cujos
desdobramentos incidem em posições negacion istas e/ou céticas, bem como, na
confusão entre aná lise dos fatos socia is e o Direito Transnaciona l, que impacta na
construç ão de padrões sobre as fontes do Di reito Transnacional. Uti lizou-se, para
o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, o método indutivo, oper acional izado
pelas técn icas de conceito operacional e da pesquisa bibliográ ca.
Palavras-chave: Forma da Le i Transnac ional – Teoria do Direito – Direito Tra ns-
nacional – Filosoa do Direito.
Italo Calvino, in the unnished text “Lezioni americane – sei
proposte per il prossimo millennio” expressed a strong dismay at the in-
consistency that is in the world itself, not only in language and ima-
ges. He claims that this “virus attacks people’s lives and the history
of nations, makes all stories shapeless, haphazard, confused, without
beginning or end. My discomfort comes from the loss of the form
I see in life (...)” (C, 2012, p. 73). It so happens that Calvino,
from the perspective of Literatu re, allows us to confront the Law, and
its manifestations, in the contemporaneity regarding the embarrass-
ment of its forms.
The present study aims to advance on the form of Transnational
Law, starting from Aristotelian philosophical assumptions until its
conuence with the mani festations of Transnational Law. Faced with
the classical philosophical notion of Aristotle, seeks to insert the legal
sources of Transnational Law in the epistemological bases of form a nd
matter and its relevance to the state of the art of this manifestation

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