The methodological analysis of the measurement of vulnerability in Mexico / Análise metodológica da medição da vulnerabilidade no México

AutorLuis Alberto Olín Fabela Luisi, José Juan Méndez Ramírez, Gustavo Álvarez Arteaga
CargoEstudiante del Doctorado en Urbanismo, Maestro en Planeación Territorial e Licenciado en Planeación Urbana y Regional. Univdersidad Autónoma del Estado de México ? México. ORCID id: 0003-0249-0202. E-mail: - Dr. en Sociología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Univdersidad Autónoma del ...
Revista de Direito da Cidade
vol. 12,4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2020.47639
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 12,4. ISSN 2317-7721. pp.2403-2420
Luis Alberto Olín Fabela Luisi1
José Juan Méndez Ramírez2
Gustavo Álvarez Arteaga3
This paper performs an analysis based on the comparison between different methodologies that
measure the vulnerability associated to hydrometeorological phenomena, i n which the variables,
indicators, and methods that use i nternational methodologies offer as a result, an index that
specifically measures vulnerability by integrating variables from social, economic and
environmental dimensions through the Main Component Analysis Method, and if it is applied in
Mexico according to methods us ed in the i nternational environment would provi de better results
in the calculation of the vulnerability associated to hydrometeorolo gical phenomena, with a
methodology suitable to the Mexican case.
Keywords: Vulnerability, Methodology, Hydrometeorological Phenomena, risk, disasters
Este trabalho realiza uma análise a partir da compar ação entre diferentes metodologias que
medem a vulnerabilidade associada a fenômenos hidrometeorológicos, em que as variáveis,
indicadores e métodos que utilizam metodologias internacionais oferecem como resultado, um
índice que mede especificamente a vulnerabilidade por meio da integração de variáveis sociais,
econômicas e ambientais através do Método de Análise de Componentes Principais. Se for aplicado
1 Estudiante del Doctorado en Urbanismo, Maestro en Planeación Territorial e Licenciado en Planeación
Urbana y Regional. Univdersidad Autónoma del Estado de México México. ORCID id:
0003-0249-0202. E-mail:
2 Dr. en S ociología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Univdersi dad Autónoma del Estado de
México México. ORCID id: E-mail:
3 Doctor en Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma del Es tado de México (UAEM) · Faculty of Urban and Regional
Planning. Univdersidad Autónoma del Estado de México México. ORCID id:
0260-3484 E-mail:
Revista de Direito da Cidade
vol. 12,4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2020.47639
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 12,4. ISSN 2317-7721. pp.2403-2420
no México segundo métodos utilizados no ambiente internacional, proporcionará melhores
resultados no cálculo da vulnerabilidade associada aos fenômenos hidrometeorológicos, com uma
metodologia adequada ao caso mexicano.
Palavras-chave: Vulnerabilidade; Metodologia, Fenômeno hidrometeorológico, risco, desastres.
Vulnerability is a state th at characterizes a certain territory in which the population and
property are exposed to harm in the face of the presence of a threat by natural or social
phenomena, and these factors, in turn, form a scenario of disaster risk; derived from this, there are
different types of vulnerability and i t is conditioned by various factors that make up it, including
environmental, social, economic, institutional aspects, among others.
Disasters are a complex mix between threats and human actions, for example, in many low-
income countries the result of a disaster does not only involve forces of nature, nor is it an isolated
event, by the number of vulnerable people, becomes a situation that is repeated season after
season, joined by economic conditions basically for slowing the recovery of previous events, that
is, it has become a vicious circle to have for an art the development of natural phenomena and by
other unfavorable s ocio-economic conditions that maintain a latent disaster risk s cenario,Wisner
and others,(2003:5).
The affectations or damage resulting from natural phenomena are considered disasters,
these occur when forces and energy of nature are triggered that by their destructive power become
threats in an environment that presents a certain weakness in th e face of the onslaught of these,
and the existence of some kind of human settlement generates the dangers to which goods and
human beings are exposed. In this sense, it can be said that vulnerabili ty determines the intensity
of disasters, s o it is essential to articulate the social, e conomic and environmental dimensions to
identify the conditions of weakness that keep people in a state CEPAL4, (2005).
Vulnerability is considered a state of helpl essness in the face of the effect of impacts from
hydrometeorological phenomena that have caused material loss and human lives throughout
history, and affect in some way the grow th and development of countries where Maqsood and
4 Comisión Económica Para América Latina y el Caribe

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