Using networks in patent exploration: application in patent analysis: the democratization of 3D printing

AutorDavid Reymond - Jessica Dematraz
CargoUniversité Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France et Université de Toulon, La Garde, France - Université de Toulon
v. 19, n. 40, 2014.
p. 117-144
ISSN 1518-2924
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciênc ia da informação, v. 19, n.40, p.
117-144, mai./ago., 2014. ISSN 1518-2924. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2014v19 n40p117
Using networks in patent exploration: application
in patent analysis: the democratization of 3D printing
Bibliometry coupling is used to process bibliographic d ata to assert existing latent information
on publication material. We apply here this technique on patent data gath ered from the OPS
web service to enhance the explo ration process of patents using network visualization. The
following will present briefly graph theory preliminaries, th e gathering and transforming
process on the ops base. The different networks produced will be discussed and placed i n a
generic eco nomic intelligence process. Finally we pres ent a case study using this approach to
discuss the democratization of 3D printing.
KEYWORDS: Social network analysis. Scientometrics. Collaboration.
Esta obra está licenciada sob uma Licença Creative Commons.
1 Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France et Universit é de Toulon, La Garde, France -
2 Université de Toulon -
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The Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a monitoring process that integrates
relevant and useful information to all decision making. This process is generally
operated with external organizations and the Internet has shown, since his
accession as an excellent informational source. Recently, open data and "Big
Data" flow to the exponential growth of network data which contributes to
further enrich this informational source of interest to the CI. The volume and
dynamics of the network then impose the implementation of the necessaries
tools [10] that becomes of fundamental interest to the IC. This is particular the
case of the European Patent Office EPO online database While patents are
used by countries as a tool for competitiveness Pascal Grivet the EPO web
interface (, [xiii]) now offers access to approximately 80
million patents. These patents, written in the language of the country of posting,
are described and classified by so-called bibliographic data This database is
part of the invisible web as only the web form or the API allows access to patent
data. The interface provides simple to complex query forms. It is however the
features in the API (Application Programming Interface) that releases the entire
basis for automated queries. Thus, the Open Patent Services Erro! Fonte de
referência não encontrada. provides access to a global patent database, built
by aggregation of different national bases (90 countries). We will show and
discuss the PatentToNet suite as a part of a dynamic movement of the IC [42]
coupling automated data collection, sorting and selection [53][33], visualization
[52] and navigation for exploration [43].
The first part of this article we will briefly present graph theory concept
and the necessary vocabulary to understand the following. We then outline the
basic principles of a gathering function sending a request (set of keywords and
connectors determined by the watchman to the OPS web service The
function will provide descriptive data (bibliographic data) of the patents it
identifies. The watchman should correctly choose their keywords for this set to
define and identify a particular concept, an input for its standby patent issue.
The tools developed will enable the watchman to get rid of the technical aspects
to focus on the interpretation and communication of data processed only to

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