Analysing the effectiveness of the provisions at European level for guaranteeing equal pay amongst genders

AutorCharles Alves de Castro
Revista de Ciências Jur ídicas., v.21, n.1, p. 17-20, 2020
DOI: -2129.2020v21n1p17-20
Analysing the Provisions Effectiveness at European level for Guaranteeing Equal Pay
Amongst Genders
Analisando a Eficácia das Disposições em Nível Europeu para Garantir a Igualdade de
Remuneração Entre Sexos
Charles Alves de Castro
Technological University Dublin, Ph.D. in Busine ss, Irlanda
This article aims to briefly understand and evaluate the main current European provisions fo r equal pay among st genders. Acco rding to the
European statistics compiled in 2012, the average differential in pay between the genders was 16% (in favour of men). In light of this statistic,
this article critically analyses the provisions effectiveness at European level for guaranteeing equal pay. This research was carried out through a
literature review. This is important to demonstrate, explain, and evaluate the current existent literature about this specific theme covered in this
article. Furthermore, the lite rature review gives accuracy and validation to this research. In conclusion, there is a discuss ion on the challenges
faced by European legislation to reduce un equal wages. The main finding r elies on the evidence that women still earn less than men, even
working at the same job. However, wome n had an efficient development over discrimination, offering them women ef fective legis lation,
although this factor explains only a little part of the pay gap.
Keywords: Equal Pay. Human Resources. Employees. Europe.
Este ar tigo tem como objetivo compreender e avaliar b revemente as principais di sposições europeias pa ra com a igua ldade de re muneraçã o
entre os sexos. Segundo as estatísticas eur opeias compiladas em 2012, o diferencial médio de remunera ção entre os sexos foi de 16% (a favor
dos homens). De acordo com este dado, este artigo ana lisa criticamente a eficácia das disposições em nível europeu par a garantir a igualdade
de remuner ação. Esta pesquisa foi rea lizada por meio de u ma re visão de literatura . Isso é importante para de monstrar , explicar e avaliar a
litera tura existente sobr e esse tema específico a bordado neste artigo. Além disso, a revisão de literatura fornece precisão e validação p ara
esta pesquisa . Em conclusão, há uma dis cussão sobre os desa fios enfrentados pela legisla ção europeia p ara r eduzir a desiguald ade sala rial.
O resulta do principal demonstr a que as mulheres a inda ganha m menos que os homens, mesmo tr abalhando no mesmo emprego. No enta nto,
tiveram um desenvolvimento eficiente para supera r a discriminação, oferecendo às mulheres uma legislação eficaz, embora esse fator explique
apena s uma pequena par te da desigualdad e salaria l.
Palavras-chave: Igualdade Sal arial. Recursos Humanos. Cola boradores. Eur opa.
1 Introduction
This essay aims to critically review and analyse the
provisions effectiveness at European level for guaranteeing
equal pay. The first point discussed relates to the gender pay
gap in Europe, such as definition, impact, importance and
implications; also, the positive and negative effects of the
strategies that Europe Commission has been doing to reduce
the gender pay gap was analyzed.
To evidence this research,surveys, articles, reports,
journals and books to gain a broad understanding of this area
were used. Furthermore, the study that examined the gender
pay gap were also used to back up information gathered by
the a uthor, such as Eurostat - Development of econometric
methods to evaluate the Gender pay gap using Structure of
Earnings Survey data, European Union Commission - Tackling
the gender pay gap in the European Union, Irish Congress of
Trade Unions and the EC Year of Equal Opportunities for All
2007 - Equal Pay Overview Analysis and others.
2 Development
2.1 Methodology
This research was carried out thorugh a literature review.
This is important to demonstrate, explain, and evaluate the
current existent literature about the article theme.
Furthermore, through this review, previous research in this
area was compared and contrasted. Further s tudy beyond the
literature was necessary to fulfill the goals of this research.
This was undertaken in the form of qualitative research.
Qualitative research is a broad term that covers a wide range
of techniques and philosophies. In simple terms, a qualitative
research method can be defined as an approach that allows
a researcher to examine people’s experiences in detail by
using specific research methods such as in-depth interviews,
focus groups, observation, content a nalysis, life histories, or
biographies (HENNINK et al. 2010).

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