Assédio Processual e o Projeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil

AutorAndré Padoin Miranda
CargoUniversidade Paranaense, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito Processual Civil, PR, Brasil
66 UNOPAR Cient., Ciênc. Juríd. Empres., Londrina, v. 16, n. 1, p. 66-72, Mar. 2015.
André Padoin Mirandaa*
              
jurisdicional é denominada de assédio processual. Evidencia a atuação desproporcional da parte que gera danos à contraparte e que a desestimula
 
  
            
 
Palavras-chave: Assédio Processual. Poder Judiciário. Novo CPC.
The repeated performance of acts by one or both parts of the process that leads to procedural delay in order to frustrate the judicial review
procedure is called bullying. It highlights the disproportionate role of the part that generates damage to the counterparty and which discouraged
to continue. The procedural bad faith harassment should be distinguished, once the latter is categorically laid down in CPC as well as nes and
compensation. However, there are omissions with respect to the parties to pay compensation for procedural harassment, citing lack of legal
support. To modify this scenario, one of the major goals of the new CPC project is to ensure quick procedural. For that, some articles of the
current CPC were modied and others were included, exploiting the principle of reasonable duration and speed of the process, with a view to
do away with the claim of lack of legal protection of procedural harassment. The theory of abuse of rights was positively valued in our planning
with the Civil Code of 2002, and has sparked intense debate on the doctrine, once it is salutary to identify the rules applied to the institute. This
article aims to analyze the concept of abuse of law, its requirements, and its modalities, identifying its legal consequences.
Keyword: Harassment Procedure. Judicial Branch. New CPC.
Assédio Processual e o Projeto do Novo Código de Processo Civil
Harassment Litigation and the Project of the New Code of Civil Procedure
1 Introdução
         
  
     
   
acesso à justiça.
      
       
     
    
    
Tendo por certo que o Judiciário brasileiro padece de
uma crise de credibilidade, tendo como um de seus principais
     
Neste sentido, o legislador e os julgadores devem atentar
para este tema, punindo as partes que agem processualmente
        
     
       
Civil abarca diversos dispositivos que determinam as partes
    
com o judiciário para que o processo seja célere. Ademais,
vale assinalar que o projeto do novo diploma processual ainda
processuais desleais.
2 Desenvolvimento
      

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