Atas, Certidões e Demonstrações - Associações, Sociedades e Firmas

Data de publicação02 Junho 2020
SectionParte V (Publicações a Pedido)
Associações, Sociedades e Firmas
Atas, Certidões e Demonstrações
Associações, Sociedades e Firmas............................................ 1
Avisos, Editais e Termos
Associações, Sociedades e Firmas............................................ 7
Companhia Aberta
CNPJ n.º 08.807.432/0001-10 - NIRE 33.300.282.050
Código CVM n.º 02101-6
24 DE ABRIL DE 2020. 1. DATA, HORÁRIO E LOCAL: Realizada no
dia 24 de abril de 2020, às 16 horas, na sede social da Estácio Par-
ticipações S.A. ("Companhia"), localizada na Cidade e Estado do Rio
de Janeiro, na Av. Venezuela, n° 43, 6° andar, Bairro Saúde, CEP
20081-311. 2. CONVOCAÇÃO: O edital de primeira convocação foi
publicado na forma do artigo 124 da Lei n.º 6.404, de 15 de dezem-
bro de 1976, conforme alterada ("Lei das S.A.") no (i) "Diário Oficial
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro", nas edições dos dias 24, 25 e 26 de
março de 2020, nas páginas 8, 45-46 e 49, respectivamente; e no (ii)
jornal "Valor Econômico", nas edições dos dias 24, 25 e 26 de março
de 2020, nas páginas C9, C9 e B6, respectivamente. 3. PRESENÇA:
Presentes acionistas titulares de 208.837.471 (duzentos e oito mi-
lhões, oitocentos e trinta e sete mil, quatrocentas e setenta e uma)
ações ordinárias, nominativas, escriturais e sem valor nominal de
emissão da Companhia, representando aproximadamente 69,57% do
capital social total e com direito a voto da Companhia, desconside-
radas as ações em tesouraria, conforme assinaturas constantes do Li-
vro de Presença de Acionistas da Companhia. Presente, também, o
Sr. Eduardo Parente Menezes, Diretor Presidente, o Sr. Eduardo Haia-
ma, Diretor Financeiro e de Relações com Investidores, e a Sra. Da-
nielle Borba, Diretora de Controladoria, na qualidade de representan-
tes da administração. 4. MESA: Os trabalhos foram presididos pelo
Sr. Eduardo Parente Menezes, indicado na forma do art. 8º, §3º, do
Estatuto Social, e secretariados pela Sra. Maria Goldberg. 5. ORDEM
DO DIA: Reuniram-se os acionistas da Companhia para examinar,
discutir e votar a respeito da seguinte ordem do dia: (i) alteração da
denominação social da Companhia para YDUQS Participações S.A.,
com a consequente alteração do art. 1.º, "caput", do Estatuto Social;
(ii) reforma do Estatuto Social, com a alteração dos atuais arts. 6º, 7º,
8º, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 e 38, com a inclusão do novo art.
35 e a consequente renumeração dos dispositivos; (iii) consolidação
do Estatuto Social; e (iv) autorização para os administradores prati-
carem todos os atos necessários e/ou pertinentes à efetivação das
deliberações anteriores. 6. DELIBERAÇÕES: Instalada a assembleia
e após o exame e a discussão das matérias constantes da ordem do
dia, os acionistas presentes deliberaram o quanto segue: 6.1. A p r o v a r,
por 207.118.621 (duzentos e sete milhões, cento e dezoito mil, seis-
centos e vinte e um) votos favoráveis, nenhum voto contrário e
1.718.850 (um milhão, setecentos e dezoito mil, oitocentas e cinquen-
ta)abstenções, a alteração da denominação social da Companhia para
YDUQS Participações S.A., com a consequente alteração do art. 1.º,
"caput", do Estatuto Social, que passará a vigorar com a seguinte re-
dação: "Artigo 1º. YDUQS Participações S.A.("Companhia") é uma so-
ciedade por ações, que se rege pelo presente Estatuto Social e pela
legislação aplicável."6.1.1. Consignar que a administração dará pros-
seguimento às providências necessárias e adequadas para efetivação
e formalização da nova denominação da Companhia perante os ór-
gãos pertinentes. 6.2. Rejeitar a proposta da administração para re-
forma do Estatuto Social, com a alteração dos atuais arts. 6º, 7º, 8º,
12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 e 38, com a inclusão do novo art. 35 e
a consequente renumeração dos dispositivos, considerando os
96.346.811 (noventa e seis milhões, trezentos e quarenta e seis mil,
oitocentos e onze) votos favoráveis, 110.674.124 (cento e dez mi-
lhões, seiscentos e setenta e quatro mil, cento e vinte e quatro) votos
contrários e 1.816.536 (um milhão, oitocentos e dezesseis mil, qui-
nhentas e treinta e seis) abstenções. 6.3. Aprovar, por 207.118.621
(duzentos e sete milhões, cento e dezoito mil, seiscentos e vinte e
um) votos favoráveis, nenhum voto contrário e 1.718.850 (um milhão,
setecentos e dezoito mil, oitocentas e cinquenta) abstenções, a con-
solidação do Estatuto Social da Companhia. 6.3.1. Consignar que,
tendo em vista a aprovação da alteração do art. 1º, "caput", do Es-
tatuto Social deliberada no item 6.1 acima, e a rejeição da proposta
de alteração estatutária deliberada na forma do item 6.2 acima, o Es-
tatuto Social passará a vigorar com a redação constante do Anexo I
à presente ata, refletindo apenas a alteração ao art. 1º, "caput". 6.4.
Aprovar, por 207.118.621 (duzentos e sete milhões, cento e dezoito
mil, seiscentos e vinte e um) votos favoráveis, nenhum voto contrário
e 1.718.850 (um milhão, setecentos e dezoito mil, oitocentas e cin-
quenta) abstenções, a autorização para os administradores praticarem
todos os atos necessários e/ou pertinentes à efetivação das delibe-
rações anteriores. 7. DOCUMENTOS: Os documentos e manifesta-
ções de voto apresentados por escrito pelos acionistas foram nume-
rados seguidamente, autenticados pela mesa e pelos acionistas que
solicitaram e ficam arquivados na sede da Companhia. 8. ENCERRA-
M E N TO : Não havendo nada mais a tratar, o presidente declarou a as-
sembleia encerrada às 16h10 e suspendeu os trabalhos até às
16h20h para a lavratura da presente ata, na forma de sumário dos
fatos ocorridos, contendo transcrição apenas das deliberações toma-
das e sua publicação com a omissão das assinaturas dos acionistas
presentes, conforme dispõe o artigo 130, §§ 1º e 2º da Lei das S.A.
Nesses termos, lida e achada conforme, a ata foi assinada por todos
os presentes. Rio de Janeiro, 24 de abril de 2020. Mesa: (aa) Eduar-
do Parente Menezes - Presidente; (aa) Maria Goldberg - Secretária;
Representantes da Administração: (aa) Eduardo Parente Menezes -
Diretor Presidente; (aa) Eduardo Haiama - Diretor Financeiro e de Re-
lações com Investidores; (aa) Danielle Borba - Diretora de Controla-
doria; Acionistas presentes: A. D Business Trust Alliancebernstein F. I.
Small Cap Series; A. D. Bus. Trust AB International Strategic Equities
Series; AB Canada Emerging Markets Strategic Core Equity F; AB Ca-
nada Inter Value Equity Cap-Weighted, Unhedged Fund; AB Fcp I; AB
Fcp II - Emerging Markets Value Portfolio; AB International Strategic
Equities Harvesting Ser; AB Sicav I - Emerging Markets Equity Port-
folio; Aberdeen Global Equity Impact Fund; Acadian Ememrging Mar-
kets Equity Fund; Acadian Emerging Markets Equity II Fund, LLC;
Acadian Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund LLC; Advanced
Series Trust - Ast Parametric Eme Portfolio; Advisors Inner Circle
Fund-Acadian E.M.Portf; AF Invest Minas FIA; Agf Emerging Markets
Equity Fund; Agf Emerging Markets Fund; Agf Emerging Markets Po-
oled Fund; Ajo Emerging Markets All-Cap Master Fund, Ltd; Ajo Emer-
ging Markets Small-Cap Fund, Ltd; Alberta Investment Management
Corporation; Aljazira Global Emerging Markets Fund; Alliancebernstein
Collective Investment Trust Series; Alliancebernstein Delaware Busi-
ness Trust - AB Emerging Mark; Allianz GL Investors Gmbh ON
Behalf of Allianzgi-Fonds Dspt; Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz
Thematica; American Century ETF Trust - Avantis Emerging Mark;
American Century ETF Trust - Avantis Emerging Mark; American Cen-
tury Investment Management Inc.; Annapurna Pse FIA; Aqr Emerging
Small Cap Equity Fund, L.P.; Aranda Investments Pte. Ltd.; Argucia
Endowment Fundo de Inv Multimercado; Argucia Income Fundo de In-
vestimento em Ações; Arrow. Cap. Ir. Ltd Faobo Arr. Gl. Eq. Ccf, As-
fota Ccf; Arrowstreet Acwi EX US Alpha Estension Trust Fund; Ar-
rowstreet Capital Ireland Limited for and ON Behalf of Arr; Arrowstreet
Collective Investment Trust; Arrowstreet Emerging Market Alpha Exten-
sion Trust; Arrowstreet International Equity Acwi EX US Trust Fund;
Arrowstreet US Group Trust; Australia P.Superannuation Scheme; Bell
Atlantic Master Trust; Bernstein Del Bus Trust,Emerg.Mkts Ser.; Berns-
tein Fund, Inc. - International Small Cap Portfolio; Bernstein Fund, Inc.
- International Strategic Equities Port; BK of Ber (Gue) Lmt as TR
Scho Int DV Mkt FD; BK of Bermuda (Gr) Ltd as TR of SH em Mkt
FD; Blackrock Financial Management, Inc.; Blackrock Funds I Icav;
Blackrock Global Funds - S. Global Smallcap Fund; Bny Mellon Funds
Trust - Bny Mellon Emerging Markets Fund; Bny Mellon Internacional
S Funds, Inc. - Bny Mellon e M S F; Bny Mellon Investment Funds I -
B M Diversified e M F; Bnym Mellon CF SL Acwi Ex-U.S.Imi Fund;
BP Pension Fund; Brasil Capital 30 Master FIA; Brasil Capital 70 XP
Seguros Advisory Previdência Fundo de I; Brasil Capital Master FIA;
Brasil Capital Prev I Master Fundo de Investimento em Ações; Brid-
gewater Pure Alpha Sterling Fund, Ltd.; Bridgewater Pure Alpha Tra-
ding Company Ii, Ltd.; Bridgewater Pure Alpha Trading Company Ltd.;
Brighthouse Funds Trust I-Ssga Emerging Markets EN; British Coal
Staff Superannuation Scheme; British Columbia Investment Manage-
ment Corporation; Brown Advisory Latin American Fund; Brown Advi-
sory Latin American Fund LP; Brunei Investment Agency; Bureau of
Labor Funds - Labor Insurance Fund; Bureau of Labor Funds - Labor
Pension Fund; Bureau of Labor Funds - Labor Retirement Fund; Cais-
se de Depot ET Placement DU Quebec; California Public Employees
Retirement System; California State Teachers Retirement System; Cal-
vert Emerging Markets Advancement Fund; Canada Pension Plan In-
vestment Board; Caterpillar Inc Master Retirement T; Caterpillar Invest-
ment Trust; Catholic Health Initiatives Master Trust; Catholic Investor
International Equity Fund; Causeway Emerging Markets Fund; Cau-
seway Emerging Markets Group Trust; Causeway Funds Plc; Centu-
rylink, Inc. Defined Benefit Master Trust; Centurylink, Inc. Defined Con-
tribution Plan Master Trust; Chevron UK Pension Plan; Chi Operating
Investment Program LP; CI Wisdomtree E. M. Dividend Index ETF; Ci-
ti Retirement Savings Plan; Cititrust Lim as TR of Black Premier Fds-
Ish Wor Equ Ind FD; City of Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension
Plan; City of New York Group Trust; City of Tallahassee; Clarivest
Emerging Markets Socially Responsible Fund LLC; Clube de Investi-
mento PX Investimentos; College Retirement Equities Fund; Colorado
Public Employees Ret. Association; Commingled P T F (Em M E) of
JP M Chase Bank; Commonfund em Quantitative Focus Fund, LLC;
Commonfund Strategic Direct Series LLC - CF TT IN; Commonwealth
Emerging Markets Fund 3; Compass Emp Emerging Market 500 Vo-
latility Weighted Index e; Consilium em Small Cap Fund, L.P.; Cons-
truction Building Unions Super Fund; Coronation GL Emg Mkts EQ
Fund (A Port of Coronation U F); Coronation Global Emerging Markets
Flexible Zar Fund; Coronation Global Opportunities Fund; Coronation
Optimum Growth Fund; Dela Depositary Asset Management B.V.; Des-
jardins Emerging Markets Multifactor - Controlled Volatil; Desjardins RI
Emerging Markets Multifactor - Low C; Desjardins RI Global Multifactor
- Fossil Fuel Res; Dupont Pension Trust; Eaton Vance Collective In-
vestment Tfe Ben Plans em MQ Equ FD; Eaton Vance Int (Ir) F Plc-
Eaton V Int (Ir) Par em Mkt Fund; Eaton Vance TR CO CO TR FD -
PA Str em Mkts EQ Com TR FD; Emer Mkts Core EQ Port Dfa Invest
Dimens Grou; Emerging Mark Small Capitalizat Equity Index Non-Len-
da FD B; Emerging Markets Equity Fund; Emerging Markets Equity
Fund S of M P F World Funds, LLC; Emerging Markets Small Capit
Equity Index Non-Lendable Fund; Emerging Markets Small Capitaliza-
tion Equity Index Fund; Ensign Peak Advisors,Inc; Evtc Cit Fof Ebp-
Evtc Parametric Sem Core Equity Fund TR; Fidelity Concord Street
Trust: Fidelity Zero Int. Index Fund; Fidelity Group Trust for Employee
B P: F Low-Priced S C P; Fidelity Investment Trust: Fidelity Interna-
tional Small Cap; Fidelity Investments Money Management Inc; Fidelity
Low Priced Stock Fund; Fidelity Northstar Fund; Fidelity Puritan Trust:
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund; Fidelity Puritan Trust: Fidelity Se-
ries Intrinsic Opportunit; Fidelity Rutland Square Trust Ii: Strategic A e
M Fund; Fidelity Salem Street T: Fidelity Total Inte Index Fund; First
Trust Brazil Alphadex Fund; Flexshares Morningstar Emerging Markets
Factor Tilt Index F; Florida Retirement System Trust Fund; Fmr Capital
Inc.; Ford Motor CO Defined Benef Master Trust; Ford Motor Com-
pany of Canada, L Pension Trust; Franklin Libertyshares Icav; Franklin
Templeton ETF Trust - Franklin Ftse Brazi; Franklin Templeton ETF
Trust - Franklin Ftse Latin; Gard Unit Trust; Givi Global Equity Fund;
Global Ex-Us Alpha Tilts Fund; Gmam Investment Funds Trust; Gmo
Global Equity Allocation Investment Fund; Gmo Implementation Fund,
A Series of Gmo Trust; Gmo Tax-M. B - F. Free, A S. of Gmo M. P.
(Onshore L.P.; Goldman Sachs Trust Ii- Goldman Sachs Multi-Manager
G e Fund; Government of Singapore; Guidestone Funds Emerging
Markets Equity Fund; Hartford Global Impact Fund; Healthcare Em-
ployees Pension Plan - Manitoba; Highland Collective Investment
Trust; Highland Equity Fund; Hostplus Pooled Superannuation Trust;
Ibm 401 (K) Plus Plan; Ibm Diversified Global Equity Fund; Ifml Vitality
Funds - Ifml Vitality Dynamic Multi-; Ifml Vitality Funds - Ifml Vitality
Multi-Asset BA; Ifml Vitality Funds - Ifml Vitality Multi-Asset GR; Ifml
Vitality Funds - Ifml Vitality Multi-Asset MO; Imasco Holdings Incorpo-
rated; IN BK for Rec and Dev,As TR FT ST Ret Plan and Tr/Rsbp AN
TR; International Equity Fund; International Monetary Fund; Invesco
Purebetasm Ftse Emerging Markets ETF; Investec Fund Series I -
Global Mult Asset Total Return Fund; Investec Funds Series IV - Di-
versified Growth Fund; Investec Funds Series IV - Multi-Asset Protec-
tor Fund; Investec Global Strategy Fund; Iowa Public Employees Re-
tirement System; Ishares Core Msci Emerging Markets ETF; Ishares
Core Msci Total International Stock ETF; Ishares Emerging Markets
Imi Equity Index Fund; Ishares III Public Limited Company; Ishares IV
Public Limited Company; Ishares Msci Brazil Small Cap ETF; Ishares
Msci Emerging Markets Small Cap ETF; Ishares Public Limited Com-
pany; Iwa-Forest Industry Pension Plan; J.P. Morgan Europe Limited
as Trustees of Schroder Diver G F; Jana Emerging Markets Share
Trust; Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. Re: Smtb Axa IM; Japan
Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. Re: Smtb Global Impact M F; Japan Trus-
tee Services Bank, Ltd. Re: Stb Daiwa Brazil Stock; Japan Trustee
Services Bank, Ltd. Stb Brazil Stock Mother FU; Japan Trustee Ser-
vices Bk, Ltd. Re: Rtb Nikko Bea Mother FD; Jpmorgan Diversified
Return Emerging Markets Equity ETF; Jpmorgan Sar Global Emerging
Markets Fund; Jtsb, Ltd Atrt F Resona BK Ltd Atrt F Gem Divers Mo-
ther Fund; Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Retiree Health; Kaiser
Foundation Hospitals; Kaiser Permanente Group Trust; KP Internatio-
nal Equity Fund; Laerernes Pension Forsikringsaktieselskab; Lazard
Asset Management LLC; Lazard Emerging Markets Equity Advantage
Portfolio; Lazard Global Investment Funds Public Limited Company;
Legal and General Assurance Pensions Mng Ltd; Legal and General
Assurance Society Limited; Legal General Collective Investment Trust;
Legal General Global Emerging Markets Index Fund; Legal General
Global Equity Index Fund; Legal General International Index Trust; Le-
gal General Scientific Beta Emerging Markets Fund, LLC; Legato Ca-
pital Management Investments, LLC; Leia Group Trust; Lgps Central
Emerging Markets Equity Active Multi; Lgt Select Funds - Lgt Select
Equity Emerging Markets; Lockheed Martin Corp Master Retirement
Trust; Los Angeles County Employees Ret Association; Mackenzie Ma-
ximum Diversification Emerging Markets Index ETF; Managed Pension
Funds Limited; Manaslu LLC; Mercer Emerging Markets Equity Fund;
Mercer Emerging Markets Fund; Mercer GE International Equity Fund;
Mercer Qif Fund Plc; Mercer Ucits Common Contractual Fund; Mgi
Funds Plc; Mineworkers Pension Scheme; Ministry of Economy and
Finance; Missouri Education Pension Trust; Missouri Local Govern-
ment Employees Retirement System; Momentum Investment Funds Si-
cav-Sif; Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund, Inc - Emerging M S C P;
Morgan Stanley Investments F. E. M. S. C. E. Fund; Msci Acwi Ex-
U.S. Imi Index Fund B2; Multi-Manager Investment Programmes Pcc
Limited Global Equit; Nat West BK Plc as TR of ST James PL GL
Small Comp Unit Fund; National Council for Social Security Fund; Na-
tional Westminster Bank Plc as Trustee of St. JA; Nebraska Public
Employees Retirement Systems; New Church Investment Fund; New
South Walles TR Corp as TR for the TC Emer Mkt Shar Fund; New
York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation; New York State Common
Retirement Fund; Nomura Funds Ireland Plc - American Century
Emergi; Norges Bank; Northern Trust Collective Eafe Small Cap Index
Fund-Non Lend; Northern Trust Lux Man Comp SA IN R of Sch Int S
R F Fcp-Sif; Northern Trust Luxembourg Mgmt CO SA ON Behalf of
Univest; Ntgi-Qm Common Dac World Ex-Us Investable Mif - Lending;
Nvit Emerging Markets Fund; Ontario Pension Board; Oregon Public
Employees Retirement System; Origin International Equity Fund LLC;
Pacer Emerging Markets Cash Cows 100 ETF; Paradice Global Emer-
ging Markets Fund; Parametric Emerging Markets Fund; Parametric
Tax-Managed Emerging Markets Fund; Parametric Tmemc Fund, LP;
Partner FI em Ações Investimento no Exterior; Pfm Multi-Manager Se-
ries Trust - Pfm Multi-Manager; Pgim Funds Public Limited Company;
Pictet - Emerging Markets; Pictet - Emerging Markets High Dividend;
Pictet Global Selection Fund G H Y e Equities Fund; Pramerica Sicav
- Emerging Markets Small Cap; Premier Global Alpha Growth Fund;
Premier Global Optimum Income Fund; Prime Series Schroders em
Equity Fund; Principal Funds Inc. - Origin Emerging Markets Fund;
Principal Funds, Inc - International Fund I; Principal Global Investors
Funds; Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mex; Public
Employees Retirement System of Ohio; Public Employes Ret System
of Mississippi; Public Sector Pension Investment Board; Putnam Multi-
Asset Absolute Return Fund, LP; Putnam Total Return Fund, LLC; Put-
nam Total Return Trust; Putnam World Trust (Ireland); Pyramis Emer-
ging Markets Equity Small Cap Commingled Pool; Pyramis GR TR F e
B Pl: Pyramis Sel Inter S C P C Pool; Raytheon Company Master
Trust; Rbs Pension Trustee Limited; Regime de Retraite D Hydro-Que-
bec; Retail Employees S Pty. Limited; Retirement Plan for Employees
of Aetna Inc; Robusta Emerging Markets Equity Fund; Roche U.S. Re-
tirement Plans Master Trust; Royce Global Value Trust, Inc.; Russel
Emerging Markets Equity Pool; Russell Institutional Funds, LLC - Rem
Equity Plus Fund; Russell Investment Company Emerging Markets
Fund; Russell Investment Company Public Limited Company; Russell
Investment Company Russell Tax-Managed International; Sanford
C.Bernstein Fund, Inc.; Schlumberger Group Trust Agreement; Schro-
der Emerging Market Equity Fund; Schroder Emerging Markets Fund
(Canada); Schroder Global Emerging Markets Fund; Schroder Global
Emerging Markets Fund (Australia); Schroder International Selection
Fund; Schroder Intl Selection F - Latin American; Schroder Intl Selec-
tion Fd-Emerging Mkts; Schroder Latin American Emerging Markets
Fund; Schroder Pension Management Limited; Schroder Sustainable
Multi-Factor Equity Fund; Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF;
Schwab International Core Equity Fund; Scottish Widows Limited; Se-
gall Bryant Hamill Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund, LP; Sei Global
Master Fund Plc, the Sei Emerging Mkt Equity Fund; Sei Inst Int Trust
em Mkts Equity Fund; Sei Inst Invest TR World EQ Ex-Us Fund; Sei
Institutional Investments Trust- Emerging Markets e Fund; Sparta Fun-
do de Investimento em Ações - BDR Nível I; Spdr SP Emerging Mar-
kets ETF; Ssga Spdr Etfs Europe I Plc; Ssgatc I. F. F. T. E. R. P. S.
S. M. E. M. S. C. I. S. L.F.; ST LT Dep Scottish Widows Trks Lat Amr
Fun; ST ST Msci Emerging Mkt Small CI Non Lending Common Trt
Fund; ST Str Msci Acwi EX Usa Imi Screened Non-Lending Comm TR
FD; Standard Life Assurance Limited; Standard Life Investment Com-
pany - G e M e Income Fund; Standard Life Investment Company -
GL Emer M EQ FD; Standard Life Investments Global Sicav; Standard
Life Investments Global Sicav II; State of Alaska Retirement and Be-
nefits Plans; State of Connecticut Acting T. Its Treasurer; State of Ind
Public Empl Ret Fund; State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund
D; State of Wisconsin Invt. Board Master Trust; State ST GL Adv
Trust Company Inv FF Tax EX Ret Plans; State Street C S Jersey L T
O T Intl I F; State Street e M S Cap A S L Qib C Trust Fund; State
Street Emerging Markets e N-L C Trust Fund; State Street Global Ad-
visors Luxembourg S- S S e M S C e F; State Street Global Advisors
Luxembourg Sicav - SS EE ME FD; State Street Global All Cap Equi-
ty Ex-Us Index Portfolio; State Street Ireland Unit Trust; Stichting De-
positary Apg Emerging Markets Equity Pool; Stichting Pensioenfonds
Medisch Specialisten; Stichting Pggm Depositary; Sun America Series
Trust-Emerging Markets Por; Sun Life Schroder Emerging Markets
Fund; Sunsuper Superannuation Fund; Superannuation Funds Mana-
gement Corporation of S Australia; Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.;
Teacher Retirement System of Texas; Teachers Retirement System of
the State of Illinois; Tesco Plc Pension Scheme; TFL Trustee Com-
pany Limited; the Bank of N. Y. M. (Int) Ltd as T. of I. E. M. E. I. F.
UK; the Bank of New York Mellon Emp Ben Collective Invest FD Pla;
the Boeing Company Employee Savings Plans Master Trust; the Chi-
cago Pub.School Teachers P. and Retirem F; the Dfa Inv T CO ON
Beh Its S the em Sll Caps; the Master T BK of Jpn, Ltd as T of Nikko
BR EQ Mother Fund; the Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as Tos
Latin Aemf; the Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. as Trustee FO; the
Monetary Authority of Singapore; the Regents of the University of Ca-
lifornia; the United Nations Joints Staff Pension Fund; Tj-Nonqualified,
LLC; Tj-Qualified, LLC; Tmtbj Trt of Schroder Global Emerging Equity
Mother Fund; Treasurer of the St.Of N.Car.Eqt.I.Fd.P.Tr.; TT em M EQ
F (The Fund A Sub-Fund of TT I FD Plc (The Co); TT em Uncons-
trained Opportunities Fund Limited; TT Emerging Markets Opportuni-

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