Bi-texts in the context of national-russian bilingual education

AutorLeila Salekhova - Andrew Danilov - Natalya Spiridonova - Nnamdi Anyameluhor
CargoKazan Federal University - Kazan Federal University, Tel. .: +7 (950) 316-01-08.Email: - Institute of National Schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). - Nottingham Trent University (Great Britain).
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 8 - Nº 07 - Ano 2019 – Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Leila Salekhova1
Andrew Danilov2
Natalya Spiridonova3
Nnamdi Anyameluhor4
Abstract: This study analyses the
problems associated with bilingual
teaching mathematics in national-
Russian schools of the Russian
Federation. In particular, problems
associated with the Russian and Yakut
language interference and the mixing of
language codes that negatively affect the
acquisition of subject knowledge are
indicated. Based on the analysis of the
speech corpus of bilingual students, the
paper revealed the need for the
purposeful development of mathematical
speech in a primary school. The role of
the principle of relying on the native
language of schoolchildren in the
conditions of bilingual teaching
mathematics is determined and the
inadmissibility of mixing language
codes is justified. The main
characteristics of the basic
1 Kazan Federal University
2 Kazan Federal University, Tel. .: +7 (950) 316-01-08.Email: .
3 Institute of National Schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
4 Nottingham Trent University (Great Britain).
communicative qualities of
mathematical speech and the criteria for
assessing their level of formation are
given. A system of mathematical
problems has been developed and
presented in the form of parallel textual
bodies in two languages (bi-texts) with
an indication of the basic communicative
qualities of mathematical speech, the
development of which they are aimed at.
This paper is useful for familiarizing
with the potential of bi-texts in a
bilingual learning environment. The
work shows the process of developing
special mathematical problems
presented in the form of bi-texts; the
presented experience can be applied in
the training of other subjects in the
conditions of national-Russian

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