Revista Gênero & Direito
- Editora:
- Universidade Federal da Paraíba
- Data de publicação:
- 2010-09-07
- 2177-0409
Número de revista
Documentos mais recentes
- Public administration in combating corruption in the russian federation
The article reviews the legal instruments used in Russia to combat corruption in order to propose recommendations for their improvement. It is noted that the country has extensive legislation to counter corruption, which according to domestic and international estimates is not very effective. For writing the article, the formal legal method and the method of comparative jurisprudence were used. The ineffectiveness of measures used to counter corruption, in the opinion of the authors, is due to the disunity and insufficient reasonability of the legal norms of these institutions. The authors identify the blocks of legislative and enforcement problems that require resolution. The conclusion is to harmonize the norms of various anti-corruption institutions. In particular, it is proposed to clearly define the list of elements of administrative offenses and criminal offenses with a corruption focus; update legislation on enforcement proceedings in order to improve the efficiency of work to recover damage caused to the state; at the civil service institute, clarify the concept of conflict of interest, adjust the legislation on the control over the conformity of expenses and incomes of public servants. In general, the authors express concern about the quality of legislative regulation in connection with authoritarian trends in the development of Russian statehood.
- A bald man' or kaloghlan
Tale onomastic has a longer life than other specimens of folklore. Sometimes we come across a name in a tale, in one language in another folklore specimen, or in the folklore specimens belonging to different peoples. Naturally this is the case, which we observe in the tales of relative peoples. In the formulation of the names of characters, the character of narrator of the tale, the ethnic peculiarities of the people to whom the tale belongs, is of great importance, and all this, though does not influence on the general objective law of formulation of the tale, it may have its impact on the contents of it. One of the specific features of folklore tales of the Turkic peoples lies in the fact that they are not separately-taken work of art, but they are the constituent parts, composing one complex of folk-lore. Just within the borders of this complex the names are in action and easily transform from one piece of art, to another one. Consequently, we happen to see the unique lexical panorama of folk-lore specimens in the Turkic languages. We witness this case in the tales on “Kaloghlan”, composing a greater complex. In the article, the position of anthroponymies entering the Turkic tales and proverbs "A Bald man" and "Kaloghlan", the stylistic possibilities, taking place within the text are explained.
- Organizational and tactical features of certain investigative measures in the initial stage of the investigation of credit fraud which includes illicit real estate turnover
The presented article is aimed to determine the organizational and tactical features of certain investigative measures in the initial stage of credit fraud investigation, including the crime involved illicit realty turnover. The Methods were represented by strategies and tactics of investigation of fraud in the field of lending and credit in real estate malpractice. Results: Investigative and judicial practice indicates that officials and other authorized entities violate the legal real estate turnover established by applicable law when registering illicit transactions. The circumstances of the commission of illegal actions directly depend on the labeling process, which may result in fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), abuse of power (Art. 285), forgery by an official (Art. 292), and other accusations. Conclusions: Additional methods of detecting and exposing false testimonies are also quite effective in their practical application. In particular, such techniques include the utmost detalization (forcing the interrogated person to ‘make up’ facts and circumstances that can later be verified); re-interrogation (provides an opportunity to ‘play on’ certain testimony discrepancies, which are inevitable as the evidence in the case accumulates); and listening to a deliberately false messages without expressing any doubt or mistrust (allows exposing the false testimony of the interrogated after proper examination).
- Criminalistic features and exemplary parameters of defense speech
- Illegal receipt of a credit: formal legal analysis, qualification and judical practice
The aim of this article was to identify legislative and law enforcement problems, to formulate scientifically sound legal positions regarding the doctrinal interpretation of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and to improve practical application through a comprehensive legal study of the corpus delicti associated with the illegally receipt of a credit or a credit fraud. The theoretical basis for this research was the works of scientists and practicing lawyers who thoroughly analyzed the issues of crimes in credit and finance. The methodological basis included systemic, comparative legal, formal legal and sociological research methods. The empirical basis of the study was the open data of Russian ethic and legal statistics on credit frauds, the results of criminological and criminal law studies, the directives of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on judicial practice, the results of the analysis of criminal cases on credit crimes. Based on the conducted research, generalization of the materials of judicial practice, the authors identified the specifics of the target, object, subject, objective and subjective sides of the illegal receipt of a credit, qualification and delineation from related corpora delicti. The formulated provisions and conclusions can be used for developing proposals on improving legislation on the constructive elements of the illegal receipt of a credit and a credit fraud. The research results can be used for accurate qualification of committed socially dangerous acts within criminal law to ensure the uniform application of legal norms concerning the liability for the illegal receipt of a credit by the pre-trial investigation bodies and courts.
- Kangars in ancient sources and their traces in Nakhchivan
- Reorientation of personal characteristics of convicts using phycho-correctional methods
Due to the growing level of aggressiveness and conflicts among juvenile convicts, it is necessary to use new methods. The article is aimed at reorienting the personal characteristics of convicts, raising such features with the help of a set of techniques that would allow them to actively engage in working life after their release. A typological approach was the leading approach in the educational work with juvenile convicts. The article reveals effective measures of psycho-correctional influence.
- The situation of the right to association in post-soviet countries: experience in the republic of azerbaijan and the russian federation methodology analyse realization forms of the right to association in the azerbaijan republic and russian federation
- Editorial
- Criminal privilege of an attorney and defence lawyer
The boundaries of the attorney-client privilege are the main issue of theory and practice that directly touches upon the content of the criminal privilege of an attorney and defense lawyer. In procedural law branches the prohibition of their examination is acknowledged axiomatic. The paper calls attention to the existing moral and legal problem associated with preserving the attorney-client privilege in all the circumstances without exception, including the cases when the disclosure thereof can be justified from the point of view of protecting the interests of a person, society and state. The authors admit the possibility of restriction thereof provided that the law reflects an exhaustive list of crimes, the information on preparation or commission of which will not fall under the content of the attorney-client privilege. As a result it is proposed to eliminate the existing gap in the criminal legislation of RF that can be used in the foreign law. The conclusions made by the authors are based on analyzing the judicial practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for a period of 1980-2017; decisions and ruling of the Constitutional Court of RF made in 2001-2017; published judicial practice of the RF Supreme Court for 2003-2017; and results of the survey of 78 respondents (judges, prosecution office staff, attorneys and teachers of criminal law and proceedings).
Documentos em destaque
- Feminicídios e possíveis respostas penais: dialogando com o feminismo e o direito penal
O vocábulo feminicídio remete diretamente o pensamento ao tema do homicídio de uma mulher ou, minimamente, que o debate em questão se trata da reivindicação para que este homicídio seja penalmente tratado de uma maneira especial. O caminho aqui percorrido aborda o feminicídio como um fenômeno...
- Ampliar a licença-paternidade para despatriarcalizar o estado e a sociedade
Tomado como ponto de partida o patriarcado como matriz profunda e estruturante de relações desiguais de poder nos âmbitos doméstico e público e levado a sério o desafio de desconstruir o complexo e contraditório sistema patriarcal, a hipótese defendida no artigo sugere que a ampliação do direito...
- Entraves da Lei Maria da Penha no combate à violência contra mulher
- Limites entre a liberdade de expressão e o discurso do ódio: Controvérsias em torno das perspectivas Norte-Americana, Alemã e Brasileira
O escopo do artigo foi analisar as restrições de conteúdo à liberdade de expressão, no caso do discurso do ódio. Em um primeiro momento, abordou-se a liberdade de expressão, delimitando seu significado, conteúdo e propósito. Em seguida, apontou-se o discurso do ódio como elemento inibidor da...
- Violência obstétrica: a relação entre a violação do direito à assistência obstétrica humanizada e o patriarcado
A presente pesquisa tem como tema a violência obstétrica e trata da relação entre a violação do direito à assistência obstétrica humanizada e o patriarcado. Este tema é extremamente relevante, uma vez que apesar de atingir grande parte das mulheres brasileiras, essa violência é invisível. Essa...
- Reflexos das representações sociais de gênero no funcionamento da guarda compartilhada
Este artigo objetivou analisar os reflexos das representações sociais de gênero no funcionamento da guarda compartilhada, considerando a visão dos operadores de direito e das famílias de Viçosa/MG, em que essa modalidade de guarda foi aplicada. Para tanto, utilizouse de uma abordagem qualitativa,...
- A proteção dos refugiados no Brasil, questões de gênero e tratamento da dignidade da pessoa humana: uma análise na Cidade de São Paulo
O artigo científico tem como escopo a análise do tema sobre a proteção dos refugiados no Brasil combinada com a análise da dignidade da pessoa humana e gênero na cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa de acordo com uma revisão bibliográfica que verificou doutrinas em...
- Ecology of russian political discourse: problem statement
The article offers a comparative description of typological mechanisms for political communicative practice and methods of verbal explication of its axiological and symbolic constituents, determining mental universals of individual/collective consciousness. The research position is based on the...
- Identidad étnica como un derecho cultural
La identidad es indisociable de la cultura y sostiene que los humanos pertenecemos de ciertos repertorios culturales; la identidad es el lado subjetivo de la cultura y se constituye en virtud de un juego dialéctico entre la autoafirmación y la diferencia (Pérez Castro, (2012). Por lo cual, tiene...
- Análisis de la maternidad subrogada en Tabasco desde la perspectiva de género
El proceso habitual de la maternidad a través de la cual una mujer se embarazaba con los gametos de su pareja y que en un término lindante a los nueve meses daba a luz, ya no es la única forma de concebir un hijo. En la sociedad actual, se han desarrollado nuevas tecnologías en el campo de la...