Conclusions: vulnerability and strength: a timeworn pairing in need of reconsideration

AutorOrsetta Giolo
CargoProf. University of Ferrara, Italy
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 5 - Nº 03 - Ano 2016 International Journal
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
DOI: 10.18351/2179-7137/ged.v5n3p221-230
Orsetta Giolo2
Abstract: The notion of vulnerability is
extremely broad and has been interpreted in a
variety of ways by different disciplinary
spheres. This multiplicity of meanings and
usages certainly represents a resource and
attests to the indisputable theoretical and
practical relevance of this term and of the
vocabulary that has developed around it.
Reflections on vulnerability would acquire
greater utility if they were aimed at
reconfiguring the proposal-generating
capacity of this notion, not so much with a
view to replacing significant principles such
as equality but rather by drawing attention to
the fact that some existing political
institutions and legal institutions are already
implicitly based on vulnerability. In this case,
the reflection would be directed at proposing
a sort of overturning of the paradigm. Thanks
to this alternative perspective, in fact, we
would be able to recover the “classic”
positioning of the notion of vulnerability:
1 Translated from Italian by Angelina Zontine and Chiara Masini. Email: orsetta.giolo
2 Prof. University of Ferrara, Italy.
namely, a key element of political and legal
thought by virtue of its being an intrinsic
feature of all human beings and, as such,
highly relevant for the establishment of
political institutions and the production of
legislation, which in turn makes it an implicit
“assumption” in contractarian and utilitarian
philosophies. This change in outlook would
inescapably lead to a new re-consideration of
the issue of violence/force from a
contemporary perspective, and therein lies
what I see as the true significance of
Keywords: vulnerability, force, equality,
political and legal institutions foundation
As the essays collected in this
special issue of Gênero & Direito clearly
show, the notion of vulnerability is extremely
broad and has been interpreted in a variety of
ways by different disciplinary spheres. This

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