
AutorErni José Seibel
CargoDoctor in Political Science by the Free University of Berlin
The issue of globalization is unquestionably an
inexhaustible object of reflection and research. To tackle
it on a permanent basis is not only an academic pursuit but
also a political commitment.
The collection of articles presented in this volume
contribute decisively to the furthering of these two
dimensions both as a research need and as a political and
utopian concern. The contributions reflect the meanders
and labyrinths of the globalization process, be it at a
structural level or at a more specific dimension. A common
denominator among the contributors to this volume is the
endeavor to perceive the movement of deconstruction of
something already established and the introduction of a
new, unfamiliar, enigmatic, obscure instance which needs
to be deciphered. This endeavor is recurrent with the
concern for the civilatory processes of this new order.
The negativization of the State, of the rights, of citizenship,
of labor. The affirmation of a public individual both
desocialized and deinstitutionalized, of ephemeral projects,
unstable perspectives, financialization of life,
autobiographization, immediate utopias.
The reader is presented with a collection of articles,
some showing a strong political Economy orientation and
some being informed by the premises of Political Science
and Sociology, all of them focusing on the social dimension
of globalization.
Alves discusses what he calls the socio-metabolism
of barbarism with its profound psycho-social implications
in societal reproduction, in the context of the globalization
crisis. His analysis then focuses on phenomena of global
capitalism, such as desocialization and labor precarization
and the crisis of social policies. The author defines socio-
metabolism of barbarism as a critical-analytical matrix able
to identify the expanded societal complex of the most
diverse pycho-social irrationalities, among which the
multiple forms of objective (and subjective) labor
precarization and of live work can be cited. The material
basis of the socio-metabolism of barbarism is the new re-
gime of accumulation and societal reproduction of global
capitalism, characterized by predominance of financial
capital and of financerization of capitalist richness. The
structural crisis of capitalism aggravates some systemic
qualities of late capitalism, which the author calls
manipulatory capitalism expressed in toyotism. By
placing the financerization of the capitalist richness as the
structuring element of the systemic logic of capital, the
great industrial enterprise tends to incorporate the spirit of
financial capital, incorporates the logic of flexible
accummulation in its multiple instances. The Social
Assistance crisis is pointed out as the expression of the
social reproduction system, incapable of constituting a
future temporality and of guaranteeing the human-genetic
civilizatory process, expressed in increase in life
expectancy, by virtue of the conquering of natural barriers
by society.
Alvim starts with a discussion of the strategies of
expansion and legitimization of USA interests, through the
World Bank / IBD and the International Monetary Fund /
IMF. Such strategies were created as multilateral financial
institutions of the post-war period aiming at the provision
of structuring support to the practices of international trade
and being governed by the principle that each country could
trade with the others on equal conditions. The author shows
how these multilateral institutions are instrumentalized as
financial organisms to act politically, as “action mobile
fronts” in the strategies of dissemination of the
Americanism culture. A premise was the American dollar
having become the world currency, making the expansion
and mundializatin of corporative interests of capitals and
of the North American State possible. Such agencies –
acting as intellectuals – thus represent the political,
ideological and power affinities with regard to the
subjacent interests of financing centers, corporate
economical groups as well as internal national interests,
in acting strategically in the definitions of economic-
financial policies of the assisted countries.
Tura’s article explores the relations between the
process of capital mundialization and its implications to
national sovereignty during FHC’s presidency. The author
draws on the notions of mundialization and sovereignty to
account for the participation of the Brazilian state agents
as true local managers of the interests of transnational
capital and as formulators and implementers of actions
aiming at the submission of political organs of political
sovereignty to the technical organs of economic burocracy.
Mattei analyses the main economical transformations
which marked the end of the 20th century, characterizing
this process as a stage deepening of the globalization
process. In addition, the links between such a phenomenon
and the expansion of inequalitites and social exclusion are
highlighted. Economic globalization is an important vector
of social exclusion for the periphery countries of the
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