Os Estudos Críticos da Branquitude e as Relações Internacionais: disputando narrativas e desafiando estruturas epidérmicas de poder em ensino, pesquisa e extensão

AutorKarine de Souza Silva
CargoProfessora dos Programas de Pós-graduação stricto sensu em Relações Internacionais e em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
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Critical Whiteness Studies and International
Relations: disputing narratives and
challenging epidermalized structures of
power in teaching, research and extension1
Os Estudos Críticos da Branquitude e as Relações
Internacionais: disputando narrativas e desafiando estruturas
epidérmicas de poder em ensino, pesquisa e extensão
Karine de Souza Silva¹
¹Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Abstract: This paper ai ms to demonstrate tha t Critical Whitene ss Studies (CWS)
may provide usef ul tools for interpreti ng epidermalized relations of power in the
international system and for challenging the racia l dynamics that cut across the
teaching , research and extens ion dimensions in the eld of Int ernational Relat ions.
This stud y shows that CWS have potentia l to support the implementa tion of Laws
10.639/03 and 11.645/2008, which requ ire the inclusion, in a cross -curricula r
manner, of educa tion regarding et hnic-racia l relations in higher e ducation curric ula
in Brazi l. In this paper, I provide an introduction to t he eld of CWS, drawing
prima rily from the Bra zilian af ro-feminist c ontribution in pretuguês of Cida Be nto,
with her concept of narcissist ic pacts of whiteness. Methodologically, this art icle
makes use of a de colonial approach, based on bibl iographic and document al rese-
arch techniques. This paper stresses the import ance of nam ing and historicizing
the power of whiteness, to understand how it hegemonizes itself in space and
time, and through which means it does so. It is a novel and original study, which
1 This res earch was cond ucted with r esources f rom CNPq and FAPESC. I than k the
members of the ‘ Ensino Pesqu isa e Extensão em RI’ ne twork, who rea d the text an d
commented on it , as well as my frie nds Miguel Borb a de Sá and Paulo Roberto F erreira
for suggestion s.
innovates by introducing Black epistemolog ies and stat ing their applicabil ity as
regards t eaching, research a nd extension, opening p aths to destabil ize the colonial
support beam s of the IR eld.
Keywords: Critical W hiteness Studies. I nternational Rela tions. Racism. Teaching,
research and extension.
Resumo: O objetivo do artigo é mostrar que os Estudos Cr íticos da Branquitude
(ECB) podem apor tar ferramenta s úteis para interpr etar as relações epider mizadas
de poder no sistem a internacional, e pa ra desa ar as dinâmica s raciais que atra-
vessam as d imensões do ensino, da pesquisa e extensão do campo de Relações
Internac ionais (RI). Este est udo mostra que os ECB têm o potencia l de apoiar na
implementação d as Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/2008, que prescrevem a inclusão, de
forma tr ansversali zada, da educação pa ra as relações étn ico-raciais nos com ponentes
curr iculares do ensi no superior no Brasil. No pre sente texto, mobiliz o primordial-
mente a contribu ição afro-feminista brasileira em pretuguês de Cida Bento, com
seu conceito de pactos narcísicos d a branquitude. A problemática deste artigo se
refere ao poder da branquitude, e a sua hegemoniz ação no tempo e no espaço, e
nos meios do seu exercício na academia e na política internacional. Metodolog i-
camente, a pesqu isa se utiliza de abordagem decolon ial, apoiando-se na s técnicas
de pesquis a bibliográca e document al. Trata-se de um estudo inédito e or iginal,
que inova ao introduzir epistemologias neg ras e atestar a sua aplicabilidade em
termos de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, abrindo caminhos para a desest abilização
das vig as de sustent ação colonia is no campo das Relações Internacionais.
Palavras-chave: Estudos Críticos da Branquitude. Rel ações Internacionais. Ra-
cismo. Ensino, pesquisa e ex tensão.
Racial hierarchies are part of the ontology of International
Relations (IR) and, as a consequence, forcefully project themselves
on an epistemological level, that is, onto the processes of production
and reproduction of knowledge in the area. Therefore, in this eld
of knowledge, occupied as it is with the dynamics of power in the
2 I ded icate this text to Jé ser Abílio de Souza, a nd to the Black and Indige nous students
of Law and Inter national Rel ations, so that it may s erve as an episte mic tool in the ght
for the rig ht to anti-racist educ ation.
SEQÜÊNCI A (FLORIANÓ POLIS), VOL. 4 4, N. 93, 2023 3
international system, it is imperative that racism and whiteness be
recognized as categories of analysis, as racism is a relation of power.
Analyses and knowledge regarding the international sphere
have been produced for centuries. Academia, however, would orga-
nize content into disciplines only in the rst half of the 20th ce nt ury,
coinciding with the height of colonialism and the dissemination of
racist ideology. It is not surprising to mention that the agenda of IR
was directed toward catering for United States3 interests, controlled
by the white capitalist patriarchy, and thus aimed toward construc-
ting narcissistic, civilizi ng narratives that staged glorious str uggles for
power and its phallic victories. Under the guise of universality and
neutrality, mainstream d iscursivities excluded over half of the world’s
population, in addition to naturalizing a series of crimes, including
invasion of territories and violent subjugation of peoples classied as
indigenous, Black or Asian, operating based on intricate processes of
racialization and genderization. In this logic, disciplinary components
constituted a device for maintaining the power and privileges of
whiteness in the international arena, given that whiteness is the main
agent in the formulat ion and circulation of its own theses, as well a s in
the application of its norms and power strategies in the international
stage of operations.
This paper aim s to demonstrate that Critical Wh iteness Studies
(CWS) may provide useful tools for interpreting epidermalized4 re-
lations of power in the international system and for challenging the
racial dynamics that cut across the teaching, research and extension
dimensions in the eld of International Relations. This study shows
that CWS have potential to support the implementation of Laws
3 Even conse rvative s have recogn ized that. In that d irection , see: HOFFMA NN, 1977;
WALT , 2011 .
4 I use the ter m epidermal ization based on F anonian pri nciples about the epider maliza tion
of social po sitions and spaces, a s these are marked by t he racial divi sion of labor, which
indicate s the space someone occupies ba sed on phenotypical and c ultural dimensions.

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