Future Intention to disclose personal information via mobile apps

AutorSady Darcy da Silva Junior - Edimara Mezzomo Luciano - Rafael Mendes Lübeck
CargoInstituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Campus Restinga - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
Sady Darcy da Silva Júnior • Edimara Mezzomo Luciano • R afael Mendes Lübeck
Esta obra está sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso.
This study analyses the future intention to disclose personal
information in order to use apps and the framing eect in
relation to privacy concerns. To test the eects, an experiment
was conducted involving 405 participants, using a single-factor
design with independent groups and covariates. The results
indicate concern about privacy is negatively related to the
future intention, conrming the eects of framing on future
intention, with the eect being negative in relation to the
negative framing of trust beliefs and positive in relation to the
positive framing of risk beliefs, while the moderating eect was
not conrmed. This paper contributes to two areas: 1) privacy,
because it conrms the relationship between information pri-
vacy concerns and future intention (new proposed scale); and
2) decision-making, as it demonstrates the eects of framing
on risk and trust beliefs in future intentions, which, as far as is
known, has not previously been shown.
Key-words: Information privacy, Apps, Risk beliefs, Trust beliefs.
Este estudo analisa a intenção futura de divulgar informações
pessoais para usar apps e o efeito de enquadramento em rela-
ção a privacidade. Foi realizado um experimento envolvendo
405 participantes, utilizando um desenho de fator único com
grupos independentes e covariáveis. Os resultados indicam
que a preocupação com a privacidade está negativamente
relacionada à intenção futura, conrmando os efeitos do en-
quadramento na intenção futura, sendo o efeito negativo em
relação ao enquadramento negativo das crenças de conança
e positivo em relação ao enquadramento positivo das crenças
de risco, enquanto o efeito moderador não foi conrmado.
Esse artigo contribui para duas áreas: 1) privacidade, porque
conrma a relação entre preocupações com a privacidade da
informação e a intenção futura (nova escala proposta); e 2)
tomada de decisão, pois demonstra os efeitos do enquadra-
mento nas crenças de risco e conança em intenções futuras,
que não foram demonstradas anteriormente.
Palavras-Chave: Privacidade da informação, Aplicativos,
Crenças de risco, Crenças de conança.
Future Intention to disclose personal
information via mobile apps
Intenção futura de divulgar informações
pessoais por meio de aplicativos móveis
Sady Darcy da Silva Júnior
Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Campus Restinga.
email: sady.junior@restinga.ifrs.edu.br
Edimara Mezzomo Luciano
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
email: eluciano@pucrs.br
Rafael Mendes Lübeck
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
email: rafael.lubeck@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8077.2021.e67839
Submetido: 30/09/2019
Aceito: 29/04/2021
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Revista de Ciências da Administração • v. 23, n. 59, p. 78-93 , jan.-abr. 2021
Revista de Ciências da Administração • v. 23, n. 59, p. 78-93, jan.-abr. 2021 79
Future Intention to disclose personal information via mobile apps
Individuals, groups and institutions demand
information privacy so that they can determine for
themselves when, how and to what extent informa-
tion about them is communicated to others (Westin,
1967; Westin, 2003). Information privacy can also
be dened as the ability of individuals to control
information about themselves (Stone, et al., 1983).
Based on an understanding of information
privacy as the ability to control information about
oneself (Smith, et al., 2011), this paper addresses
the concerns associated with maintaining personal
information privacy, especially on mobile devices,
since mobile applications (apps) may pose a threat
to user privacy, to the point of discouraging users
from installing apps (Mitchell, 2019; Degirmenci, et
al., 2013). e framing eect argues that variations
in the formulation of options (for example, gains
or losses) can systematically produce dierent pref-
erences between options of choice (Tversky And
Kahneman, 1986).
is is an important matter for study because
there is growing concern among the users of mobile
devices regarding information privacy (Gu et al.,
2017). e fact they usually download and install apps
from centralized ocial repositories (Choi and Land,
2016) makes such platforms true vectors for attacks
on security and privacy. In such situations, the user
is delegated the decision regarding the authorization
of third party access to resources that should be pro-
tected, which makes the installation of apps a risky
procedure. Another concern is the complacency of
users who trust the application repository, and con-
sequently fail to enable security controls and may
even disregard the issue of security when selecting
and installing apps (Mylonas, et al., 2013).
e concerns of app users regarding informa-
tion privacy is justied as various normative and
descriptive theoretical developments have not been
addressed in the empirical research on privacy (Wot-
trich, Van Reijmersdal and Smit, 2018). To date most
of the research that has attempted to explain and
predict this phenomenon, besides being conducted in
the United States, which limits the ability to generalize
the results, has been theoretical in nature.
Hence, the authors recommend future research
should consider dierent levels of analysis, as well as
the eects these dierent levels have on information
privacy (Bélanger and Crossler, 2011). In addition,
addressing the issue of information privacy in the
context of using apps is complicated, since the values
proposed to users - such as the ability to customize,
for example - oen explicitly involve the use of their
information. And it is precisely this aspect that is at
the root of user concerns with information privacy
(Sutanto, et al., 2013).
Moreover, a gap exists in terms of scientic
publications since, while several types of beliefs about
personal information privacy have been studied in the
literature (Xu, Gupta, et al., 2012; Stewart and Segars,
2002; Malhotra, Kim and Agarwal, 2004), their dis-
tinctions, relationships and behavioral impacts have
not yet been systematically analyzed (Li, 2014).
Another relevant point of the present study is the
introduction of a new variable called ‘future intention
to disclose personal information’ and its relation
with concern regarding the disclosure of personal
information, trust and risk. From a methodological
point of view, this study involved an experiment in
the area of Information Technology Management,
demonstrating its pioneering nature, which may open
new perspectives for future studies in the area.
In experimental procedures the direct appli-
cability of results needs a certain care, because the
method in applied in controlled conditions. e
uncontrolable conditions of the outside can make a
bias in experiments, evew in eld experiments. e
applicability of results depends of a absortion of the
knowledge by decision makers and, the addaptability
to specic contexts. is papers provide insights to
decision makers and academics to be used in others
context and the insights is applicable to construct
more knowledge.
Considering the explicit context, the present
study aims to analyze future intentions to disclose
personal information and the framing eect and on
user decisions regarding the disclosure of personal
information on mobile applications (apps) in relation
to their privacy concerns.

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