General Law versus Specific Law

AutorRodrigo Augusto Suzuki Dias Cintra - Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes
Ocupação do AutorGraduated in Law from the University of São Paulo (USP Largo-San Francisco) - Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Campinas (2002)
Rodrigo Augusto Suzuki Dias Cintra1
Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes2
CommonLaw and CivilLaw are inamoment of reectionon their limitsto
globalization. The text will take you to a background thread that is the space of
liberalism in the current law.
1. Introduction
The Introduction Law Books in Latin America and their own leg-
islative bodies of this region of the world teach that good law is a gen-
Graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo (USP Largo-San Francisco), Degree
in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University
of São Paulo (USP-FFLCH), MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy and General eory of Law
the Faculty of Law at USP. Was received with praise for the originality of theme and
approach in defense of doctoral thesis at USP. He teaches at the Mackenzie Presbyterian
University and the University Sao Judas Tadeu. Is founder and coordinator of LADIFI-
LA (Laboratory of Law, Philosophy and Art). Operates on the following subjects and
authors: the relationship between law, philosophy and Arts Legal Sociology, Philosophy
of Law, Political Philosophy, John Locke, Machiavelli and Shakespeare. Currently, makes
postdoctoral studies on Human Rights and Ideology in the Law Faculty of the University
of Coimbra (Portugal).
Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Campinas (2002), specialization
in Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure Law both from PUC-Campinas, Specializa-
tion in Curriculum and Teaching Practice in Higher Education at the University Cen-
ter Padre Anchieta, Master in Political and Economic Law by Mackenzie University. Is
currently a doctoral candidate in Political and Economic Law at Mackenzie. University
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Campinas
campus and Colleges of Campinas - FACAMP.

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