International implications in the anglophone crisis in cameroon

AutorKouma Jean Cottin
CargoPhD student, Political Science, Rudn, Russia
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
Kouma Jean Cottin, 1
Abstract: This article sheds particular
light on the Anglophone crisis in
Cameroon, focusing in particular on its
internationalization. It exposes the
highlights of the manifestation of
insecurity in the English-speaking
regions of Cameroon. This article finally
proposes to explain the roles and
intentions of international actors as they
attempt to lay the foundations for/or
increase their influence in Cameroon.
Keywords: Internationalization-
The crisis that Cameroon has
been experiencing in recent years in its
Anglophone part and which has been at
its worst since 2018, has provided an
intense vision of some essential
mechanisms of the international
community and thus a better
understanding of its in-depth nature. The
political tension provoked by the
1 PhD student, Political Science, Rudn, Russia.
American position, in the name of the
responsibility to protect, on the said
crisis had as its main stake to rally a
maximum of members of the Security
Council. However, the debates did not
solve the fundamental challenge of
Russia and Chinathat are traditionally
hostile to interventionism. This shows
UN, states are now seeking consensus.
As a result, the Government of
Cameroon itself will have to take
appropriate measures to maintain peace
in the Anglophone areas. These
international implications do not seem
  
position and the hegemonic ambitions
that characterize foreign powers.This
raises the question of why the
Anglophone crisis arouses so much
interest on the part of the international
community. Is there not a hidden agenda
   
solidarity with it in managing the crisis?
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 02 - Ano 2020
ISSN | 2179-7137 |
We will try to shed light on these
Literature Review
One of the steps of the literature
     gra sping
the state of knowledge about a subject in
a given cognitive space (political
science, history, psychology, sociology,
social work, etc.). Of course, we must
know the theoretical foundations of the
problems that have alrea dy been
researched and those that remain to be
solved     
involvement of the international
community in the Anglophone crisis in
Cameroon is justified by the weakness of
military capabilities, but also by the
procrastination of foreign powers as to
the undeniable economic benefits
offered by this country.
There is no proper scientific
work on the question of international
involvement in the Anglophone crisis.
However, many scientific researches of a
general nature on foreign interventions
in conflicts in Africa exist as well as
those devoted to the Anglophone crisis
itself. We will present them briefly. With
these implications in the conflicts in
Africa, Porteous Jacques Christophe
considered that the former colonial
powers sought, by indirect means, to
preserve their political and economic
interests being able to intervene
themselves or to interfere, on many
occasions, when they considered them
endangered (Porteous, 2003). And for
Philippe Hugon, oil seems to be the first
stake of the war for this continent which
represents 8% of the oil reserves and
constitutes a major stake of
diversification of the supplies and
control over the reserves on the part of
the foreign oil companies (Hugon,
Never has the Cameroonian
state seen its status in the international
system so threatened by the international
community and mainly by the United
States. This is evidenced by the fact that
even concepts of territory, frontier and
sovereignty, which may be considered as
fundamental to define the notion of State
(Beja, 2013:82), are called into question.
It is in this perspective that Vincent
Ntuda Ebodé states that “in the new
global post-bloc strategic context,
endless conflicts a re perceived conflicts
from their mafia, coercive, predatory
angle in a wars system dominated by
rarely conventional wars. wars with a

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