Political institute of the state in the context of the historical and typological analysis

AutorValentin Ya. Lyubashits - Nikolay V. Razuvaev - Irina E. Abramova - Natalya V. Fedorova - Benedyk Y. S.
CargoDoctor of jurisprudence - Doctor of jurisprudence - Doctor of political sciences - Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor - PhD, Assistant of the Department of International Law
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
Valentin Ya. Lyubashits1
Nikolay V. Razuvaev2
Irina E. Abramova3
Natalya V. Fedorova4
Benedyk Y. S.5
Abstract: Article is devoted to problems
of structuring state created history taking
into account variety social, political,
forms, various speed of a political
genesis. Problems of allocation of
development stages of the political
organizations (statehood) taking into
account uncertainty of the general units
of the analysis, terms and concepts of
rather various paradigms of structuring
and a periodization of history are
considered. It is shown that the decisive
force causing transformation of all other
public sectors is growth, distribution and
deduction of a dominant position of the
1Doctor of jurisprudence, professor, Head of the department of the theory and history of state and
law, Southern Federal University; e-mail: kafedra_tgp@mail.ru
2Doctor of jurisprudence, associate professor, head of the department of the civil and labor law,
Northwest institute of management of the Russian academy of national economy and public
service; e-mail: niko.m_2002@mail.ru
3 Doctor of political sciences, professor, Manager of department of History, Rostov state medical
university; e-mail: abramova-achii@mail.ru
4 andidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Don State Technical University; e-mail:
5 PhD, Assistant of the Department of International Law, Yaroslav Mudry National Law
University, Kharkiv, Ukraine; e-mail: ss.shestopal@yandex.ru
most effective in the conditions of this
period of a political regime.
Keywords: typological analysis,
potestarny structures, historicism,
Kondratiyev’s paradigm, political
1. Introduction
Today many ways of the
description of evolutionary typology of
the state organization are offered, there
are alternative versions. And business
even not in forming of the tough
evolutionary scheme and in the
Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito
Centro de Ciências Jurídicas - Universidade Federal da Paraíba
V. 9 - Nº 03 - Ano 2020 Special Edition
ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index
admission of some variability which
after all is set by certain logic of
education and development of political
The problem of historical
typology of the state certainly deserves
the detailed analysis and our further
researches will be devoted to it. Let's
consider some ideas and the approaches
which are put forward by modern
scientists here, having concentrated on
the main eras and stages of historical
process, in relation to its so important
aspect as history of the state and other
potestarny structures.
2. Historical Analysis of
Techniques and Models
Consideration of the historical
past in terms of chronology and stadial
development has more than centuries-
old tradition. Still Plato in "Laws" began
discussion of a variety of political
institutes with the lowest steps of the
social organization.
2.1 "Process", "phases" or "stages"
The theory of stages or phases
does not remain unnoticed by critics, the
brightest of whom are K. Popper and R.
Nisbet [1, 2].
Johan Gudsblom in work about
which the speech will go below, noted
that the tradition of creation of phase
models (from Plato and Aristotle to Marx
and Spencer) sparks criticism for the
following reasons: first, they lack
historical concreteness, so, and
checkability; secondly, they mix fact and
standard statements; thirdly, they
proceed from a concept of inevitability
and teleology. The last decades were
added to them two more points: fourthly,
they are not able to explain transition
from one stage to another and, fifthly,
they actively open experience of
Western Europe and North America, i.e.
are "Europe-centered" [3].
It is possible to agree with
Y.Gudsblom's opinion on what stadial
models have along with advantages and
certain shortcomings. At the exit, owing
to small empirical representation, they
can be not verified. Creation of the
general schemes of social evolution was
carried out quite often at the expense of
chronological accuracy.
Lack of initial spatial limitation
is among advantages. One of the
essential metamorphoses which
happened in recent years to stadial
models is a pre-stress from "phases" and

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