The State in crisis: biopolitics and the state of exception

AutorElsa Cristine Bevian
Ocupação do AutorAlumni of the Interdisciplinary Doctorate Program in 'Ciências Humanas' at UFSC
1320 • XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
The State in crisis
Biopolitics and the state of exception
Elsa Cristine Bevian1
Abstract: The state as democratic sovereignty is in crisis. The economization
of power relations, globally, is eroding the principles and purpose for which
the state was idealized. As Bauman says, “power is global, but politics remains
local.” Sovereign is the capital, that rules the market, as if there were no states.
supporter of education competitive, revealing the failure of the state through in-
stitutional violence, permissive. There’s excessive preoccupation with biological
lifewiththe bodyfeaturing biopoliticsand resultingin theabsenceofreec-
tion and critical thinking, and therefore, a society apolitical.
For Agamben, biopolitics the river runs underground form throughout
history, and biopolitics, in this sense, at least as old as the sovereign exception.
Foucault claims to be a phenomenon that started in the eighteenth century,
when the state puts the biological life in the center of your calculations.
The power produces truths and subjection. You need to de-
fend society from itself. How I made with analysis of reality, to be
able to think again? A person’s body is able, make a positive force.
It is possible the body another reality being and doing dierent
Thetruthis aconstituentis presentinreligious discoursescientic institu-
tional. The truth is a problem and where there is no limit, there is no freedom.
The practice of freedom is I always put me on edge. I’ll move to new horizons,
to new possibilities. The truth is tension between the limit and possibility. In-
stances transform limits on new possibilities. The fewer the instances of author-
itarian power, the greater the possibility of freedom. Truth and freedom act as
puzzles, always at opposite poles, but constitute mutually, is a game, a tension.
I am the fruit of social tensions. What is truth and what grounds should I take
to be legitimate or true?
We need to strengthen the rule of democratic sovereignty and this is
possible only through education and training policy. Relationship of resistance
Alumni of the Interdisciplinary Doctorate Program in “Ciências Humanas” at UFSC.
Member of the faculty sta in the Department of Law at Universidade Regional de Blu-
menau/SC (FURB) teaching General and Professional Ethics, Labor Law and Collective
Law. She’s been performing research and extension work on the world of work.

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