Disaggregating dismemberment: nullity, natality, and the hollowing of constitutional renewal in designed written constitutionalism

AutorMing-Sung Kuo
CargoAssociate Professor at the University of Warwick (Coventry, United Kingdom). Holds a Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) and an LLM from Yale University (New Haven, United States)
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Licensed under Creative Commons
Rev. Investig. Const., Curitiba, vol. 7, n. 3, p. 773-794, set./dez. 2020.
Disaggregating dismemberment: nullity, natality,
and the hollowing of constitutional renewal
in designed written constitutionalism
Desagregando desmembramento: nulidade,
natalidade e o esvaziamento da renovação
constitucional no constitucionalismo escrito
I University of Warwick (Coventry, United Kingdom)
Recebido/Received: 12.04.2020 / April 12th, 2020
Aprovado/Approved: 17.10.2020 / October 17th, 2020
Revista de Investigações Constitucionais
ISSN 2359-5639
DOI: 10.5380/rinc.v7i3.72831
Como citar esse artigo/How to cite this article: KUO, Ming-Sung. Disaggregating dismemberment: nullity, natality, and the
hollowing of constitutional renewal in designed written constitutionalism. Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, Curitiba,
vol. 7, n. 3, p. 773-794, set./dez. 2020. DOI: 10.5380/rinc.v7i3.72831.
* Associate Professor at the University of Warwick (Coventry, United Kingdom). Holds a Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) and
an LLM from Yale University (New Haven, United States). E-mail: M-S.Kuo@warwick.ac.uk.
This paper aims to rethink the idea of constitution-
al renewal through a dissection of Richard Albert’s
ground-breaking concept of constitutional dismember-
ment. It is contended that under the rubric of constitu-
tional dismemberment are two exceptional constitu-
tional phenomena: the ought-to-be declared nullity of
unconstitutional constitutional amendments and the
legal unity-defying, extraconstitutional expression of
what Hannah Arendt called “natality” in political action.
The thesis is that attempts to tame revolutionary con-
stitutional alteration with designed rules as to formal
constitutional change as Albert’s illustrates are missing
the meaning of constitution-making for a natality-driven
constitutional renewal characteristically dees designed
constitutional form. The concept of constitutional dis-
memberment is rst dissected in light of Arendt’s idea of
natality. With constitutional dismemberment unpacked,
O objetivo deste trabalho é repensar a ideia de renovação
constitucional através de uma análise do inovador concei-
to de desmembramento constitucional de Richard Albert.
Alega-se que, sob a rubrica do desmembramento constitu-
cional, há dois fenômenos constitucionais excepcionais: a
necessária declaração de nulidade de emendas constitucio-
nais inconstitucionais e a extraconstitucional expressão do
que Hannah Arendt chamou de “natalidade” em ação po-
lítica. A tese é que tentativas de domar as alterações cons-
titucionais revolucionárias através de regras desenhadas
como mudanças formais à Constituição, como mostrado
por Albert, carecem do signicado de constitution-making
para uma renovação constitucional guiada pela natalida-
de, desaando a forma do constitucionalismo desenhado.
O conceito de desmembramento constitucional é primeiro
analisado sob a luz da ideia de natalidade de Arendt. Após
isso, na sequência observa-se que o constitution-making
Rev. Investig. Const., Curitiba, vol. 7, n. 3, p. 773-794, set./dez. 2020.
1. Introduction; 2. Dismemberment disaggregated: constitutional amendment on trial; 3. When consti-
tution-making becomes constitution-writing: constitutional natality dismembered; 4. In lieu of conclu-
sion: constitution-making is more than constitutional design; 5. References.
Richard Albert takes studies of constitutional change to another level with his
erudite work “Constitutional Amendments.” 1 As he sets out in the beginning, the objec-
tive of Constitutional Amendments is “to bring formal amendment back to the center of
the eld of constitutional change.”2 This reveals Albert’s ambitious project “to guide tho-
se seeking to understand how constitutions change” with the hopes for “inspir[ing]
interest in constitutional amendment.3 Notably, Albert’s target audience is not li-
1 ALBERT, Richard. Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions. Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. In line with Albert’s usage, I use constitutional change and con-
stitutional alteration interchangeably, which include what Albert calls constitutional amendment (proper) and
constitutional dismemberment unless otherwise specied. Notably, as suggested throughout Constitutional
Amendments, constitutional change may take place formally and informally. Formal constitutional change re-
fers to the direct alteration of the text of the codied constitution or other constitutional laws sitting on the
top order of the hierarchical legal system; informal constitutional change refers to such alterations taking place
through judicial interpretation, legislative enactment, or political practice. Both formal and informal constitu-
tional change/ alteration include amendment and dismemberment. Unless otherwise specied, my discussion
centers on formal constitutional change. As regards another form of constitutional change – the making of a
new constitution, it is referred to as constitutional replacement. All forms of constitutional change are consid-
ered the means of constitutional renewal.
2 ALBERT, Richard. Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions. Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 2.
3 ALBERT, Richard. Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions. Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 36.
it is further observed that the constitution-making trans-
mutes into the formal pronouncement of a new codied
constitution in Albert’s rigid tripartite classication of
constitutional changes into amendment, dismember-
ment, and enactment. Albert therefore inadvertently
reduces constitution-making to the formal enactment
of a new codied constitution with constitutional natal-
ity dismembered and constitutional renewal hollowed
out. It is concluded that Albert’s formalistic conceptual
framework of constitutional change reects the central-
ity of comparative written constitutions in the place of
comparative constitutional phenomena in current com-
parative constitutional studies.
Keywords: constitutional renewal; constitutional dis-
memberment; constitutional amendment; Richard Albert;
se transmuta em pronunciamentos formais de uma nova
Constituição codicada na rígida classicação tripartida de
Albert em emenda, desmembramento e promulgação. Al-
bert, assim, inadvertidamente reduz o constitution-making
à promulgação formal de uma nova Constituição codica-
da com natalidade constitucional desmembrada e reno-
vação constitucional esvaziada. Conclui-se que o conceito
formalista de Albert sobre mudança constitucional reete
a centralidade da comparação de constituições escritas no
lugar da comparação de fenômenos constitucionais nos
atuais estudos de direito comparado.
Palavras-chave: renovação constitucional; desmembra-
mento constitucional; emenda constitucional; Richard Al-
bert; natalidade.

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